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  Nick Vujicic (Nick Vujicic), December 4, 1982 was born in Melbourne, Australia, Australia speaker.

  In 20xx, Huzhe graduated from university. 20xx published DVD "life bigger goal". In the same year was nominated as "Australian Youth of the Year". 20xx - 20xx Hu Zhe twice came to the Chinese universities held a speech. Published in 20xx autobiographical books "life is not limited". 20xx guest Hong Kong Phoenix TV TV talk show "Luyu about". May 14, 20xx to open a tour of Southeast Asia. Published in the book "strong standing: you can beat bullying". Published in 20xx "Love is not limited".


  December 4, 1982, Hu Zhe was born in Melbourne, Australia. He was born with no limbs, only the left hips below the location of a small two toes with a small "foot". Despite the physical disability, the parents did not give up on his education. Hu Zhe's father is an engineer, the mother is a nurse. When he was six years old, his father taught him how to use the body only "chicken feet" typing. While the mother for his special made a plastic device, so that he learned to "hold the pen" to write. At the age of eight, Hu Zhe's parents sent him to primary school. Due to physical disability, Hu Zhe students suffering from ridicule and bullying. At the age of ten, he tried to drown himself in the bathtub at home, but failed.

  At the age of 19, he called the school to sell his speech. After being rejected 52 times, he received a 5-minute lecture opportunity and a $ 50 salary to start a lecture career.

  In 20xx, Huzhe graduated from the University, and received a bachelor's degree in accounting and financial planning. 20xx, published DVD "life bigger goal". In the same year Hu Zhe was nominated as "Australian Youth of the Year". In 20xx, Hu Zhe served as president and chief executive officer of the International Nonprofit Life Life Without Limbs. The same year published DVD "I and the world is not the same." In 20xx, published DVD "spirits". Between 20xx and 20xx, Hu Zhe came to China to give lectures at Tsinghua University, Capital Normal University and Fudan University. In 20xx, autobiographical books "Life is not limited".

  May 13, 20xx, Hu Zhe guest Hong Kong Phoenix TV TV talk show "Luyu about". In the same year Hu Zhe in Wuhan Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, Xi'an Northwestern Polytechnic University published the theme of "Thanksgiving heart feedback society" large-scale public speech activities.

  In 20xx, Hu Zhe published books "never stop".

  May 14, 20xx, Hu Zhe opened a tour tour in Southeast Asia, he arrived in Beijing on May 14, followed by the Philippines, Malaysia, Vietnam, Cambodia, Macau, Hong Kong and South Korea held a speech. In 20xx, the publication of the book "strong standing: you can beat bullying." In June the same year, published books "no one bully you".

  Published in the book "Love is not limited". In the new work, Nick Hu Zhe for the first time revealed his love experience.

  August 2, 20xx, was invited to Shanghai Mercedes-Benz Center in the theme of "hero return" of the large public speech activities. Followed by the August 4 issue of the theme of "I and you, the western line" large public speech activities.


  Nick Hu Zhe in February 12, 20xx and the Japanese girlfriend Palace of the original good seedlings married. February 14, 20xx, Hu Zhe's son Qingzhi James Hu Zhe was born.


  Nick Hu Zhe's humorous speech, sought after by many people, but also inspired a generation to actively face the courage of life. Since Hu's 19-year-old speech, his footprint began to spread all over the world, and tens of millions of people to share his stories and experiences. His audience has students, teachers, business people, experts, citizens, and so on. He tells his story on the world's major television shows.

  Hu Zhe and his listeners share the importance of vision and lofty dreams, take his experience around the world as an example, encourage people to think about future prospects and to jump out of the existing environment to look to the future. He teaches people to stop hindering them from being troublesome and difficult, and on the contrary, they should be seen as opportunities for their own growth and learning.








热门标签: 简介 英文版






  本人作为纪委书记,深感农村党风廉政建设工作任务繁重、责任重大,以下是由本站小编为你整理的“乡镇纪委书记个人述职述廉报告”,更多内容请访问本站。  乡镇纪委书记个人述职述廉报告(一)尊敬的上级领导:  开展乡镇领导干部述职述廉是加强干部执政能力、促进党风廉政建设的有效载体,对于基层民主政治建设,提高基层干部工作规范化水平有着十分重要意义,根据市委组织部的要求,就本人一年来在德、能、勤、绩、廉等方



工作报告,范文中的一种形式。它是指党的机关、行政机关、企事业单位和社会团体,按照有关规定,定期或不定期地向上级机关或法定对象汇报工作。汇报的内容,包括近一段的工作情况和下一段工作部署。比如,党代会、人代会、政协全会上的工作报告,各机关、单位的。下面是小编为大家整理的党支部换届选举工作报告【二十篇】,欢迎大家借鉴与参考,希望对大家有所帮助。【篇一】党支部换届选举工作报告  同志们:  我们这届支部委



“一岗”就是一个领导干部的职务所对应的岗位;“双责”就是一个领导干部既要对所在岗位应当承担的具体业务工作负责,一岗双责制度是一个岗位承担两方面的职责。 以下是为大家整理的关于2023年履行“一岗双责”情况汇报参考的文章3篇 , 欢迎大家前来参考查阅!第1篇: 2023年履行“一岗双责”情况汇报参考  半年来,我能认真贯彻执行党风廉政建设的有关文件精神,严格执行党风廉政建设责任制的规定,严格按照党的



  铁路乘务警察的首要任务,就是做好铁路旅客运输的治安保卫工作,这是一个特定集体的全局性任务。下面是由本站小编为你整理的“铁路领导干部述职报告范文”,更多内容请访问本站。  铁路领导干部述职报告范文各位领导、各位同志:  一年来,在上级部门的正确领导下,在各方面的大力协助和支持下,我以乘务旅客安全为中心,扎实工作,较好地完成了本年度的各项工作任务。为了更好的接受党组织的考察和同志的监督,我将实事求



干部政治素质自查自评报告自查报告是一个单位或部门在一定的时间段内对执行某项工作中存在的问题的一种自我检查方式的报告文体。以下是小编收集整理的个人政治素质自查自评报告集合11篇,仅供参考,希望能够帮助到大家。第一篇: 个人政治素质自查自评报告  我就这一年度自己的学习、工作以及生活情况,谈谈自己的感受,剖析自身的不足之处,请各位领导、同事给予批评,以备本人在今后的学习、工作和日常生活中不断锻炼自己,



  一年来,我在镇领导的关怀下,不断加强业务知识学习,认真配合有关部门做好我镇新农保工作,得到了领导及群众的好评,下面是由本站小编收集整理的“乡镇领导干部个人述职报告”,欢迎大家阅读!  乡镇领导干部个人述职报告(一)  本人自20xx年从大学选拔到我镇工作以来,能严格要求自己,认认真真学习、勤勤恳恳工作、堂堂正正做人。两年多来,我遵规守纪,爱岗敬业,自觉主动深入基层,积极投身到农村改革与建设的滚
