
更新时间:2023-02-13 10:11:59 发布时间:24小时内 作者:文/会员上传 下载docx



  Name: Han()

  Sex: Male

  Folk: Han

  Height: 160cm

  Weight: 50kg

  Marital Status: Married

  Health: Excellent

  Clan: the Communist Youth League

  Birthday: Sep. 14, 1976

  Language Skills: CET-4

  Computer Skills: Perfect

  Education School: Dalian Railway University

  Major: Electronic Automatic

  Max. Degree: Undergraduate Course、Bachelor's Degree

  Graduate Time: July 1998

  Home Phone: 022-

  Cell Phone:


  Resident: Hedong, Tianjin, China

  Technical skills: Electronic、MCU、Computer、Network、English

  Education Experience: Aug. 1994-Aug. 1998 Dalian Ranlway University

  Work Experience:

  Oct. 1998-Jan. 20xx Tianjin Sent Hi-Tech Company Electronic Engineer

  Jan. 20xx-Feb. 20xx Electricity Company of Ghana Technic in Public

  Feb. 20xx-Feb. 20xx Tianjin Sent Hi-Tech Company Project Director

  Member in Family: Wife Jinghua Zhang

  Rewards Events:

  1 Dalian Bangchuidao High-Math Competition First Class 1995

  2 China College Math-Modeling Competition Second Class 1996

  3 China College Electronic-Design Competition Third Class 1997

  4 Dalian Railway University Excellent Student 1995

  5 Dalian Railway University First Class Bursary 1994-1998

  6 Dalian Railway University Excellent Communist Youth League 1995

  Work Projects:(Sent Hi-Tech Company)

  7 Three phase meter for expose Ghana 1999

  8 Three phase meter for Tianjin 1999

  9 3 in 1 Read/Write machine 1999

  10 Single phase electronic meter 20xx

  11 Simple multi charge meter 20xx

  12 Technic service and train for Ghana 20xx

  13 Three phase electronic meter for Tianjin 20xx

  14 Limited energy meter for Ghana 20xx

  15 Distribute energy and inspect machine (GSM/GPRS) 20xx

  16 All type of three phase electronic multi charge meter 20xx

  17 GPRS street lamp inspect communication module 20xx

  18 Single phase multi charge meter 20xx

  19 Single phase electronic meter carrier wave in power line 20xx

  20 High class three phase electronic pre-payment meter 20xx

  21 RS485 collect control system 20xx

  Participant Projects:(Sent Hi-Tech Company)

  22 Infrared multi charge meter 20xx

  23 Three phase Actor-Reactor time meter 20xx

  24 Single phase time meter 20xx

  25 Logic encrypt smart card project 20xx


  Name: gender: Female

  The people of Han Nationality: date of birth: February 22nd

  Phone number: marital status: single

  Height: 158CM weight: 54kg

  Education experience

  Graduate School: Fuzhou Career Technical College degree: College of software

  The professional name: civil engineering cost graduation year: 20xx

  Job search intention

  Position type: Full-time

  Job title: budget officer,;

  Salary: (interview) yuan / month does not need to provide housing

  Availability: can at any time to post

  Technical expertise

  Language ability: English B level;

  Computer level: General

  Work experience

  Company: Fujian Zhuo know Project Investment Consulting Co., Ltd. Fuzhou branch

  Time: January - 20xx

  Company type: private / Private Companies

  Industry: construction, real estate, property management, decoration

  Position: Civil budget officer

  Job description: Intern

  Reason for leaving:

  Self assessment:

  I am cheerful, serious and responsible attitude towards work, sincere, good at communication, coordination with strong organizational ability and team spirit; lively and cheerful, optimistic, caring and good at teaching parallel; self-motivated, diligent in learning to continuously improve their ability and comprehensive quality. In future work, I will be full of energy, assiduously to the spirit of hard work, steady progress in their ability to work, with the company development.


  Basic information

  Gender: male name

  Date of birth: October electronic mailbox:

  Graduation date: 20xx July: Master degree

  Graduate School: Ocean University of China major: Medicinal Chemistry

  Job overview / job intention

  Job type: Full-time

  Desired salary: Negotiable

  Expected location: Shandong Province, Guangdong Province

  Desired position: human resources development of quality management, drug

  Social practice experience

  Time job duties

  20xx June Qinghai Sanpu medicine; Qinghai People's Hospital Intern

  The School Awards

  Time for obtaining awards school

  In 20xx September two scholarship of Ocean University of China

  The school duty

  As the time position name school

  Vice Minister of Qinghai University in 20xx July - 20xx September students will

  20xx September - 20xx September Secretary of Qinghai University students

  Self assessment

  As a graduate student, in the long-term scientific research activities, develop a strong sense of responsibility, work rigorous scientific attitude, can work independently, have strong team cooperation consciousness, confident but not arrogant. I hope you can give me a trial, I will go to prove with facts.








热门标签: 个人简历 英文版






  工作计划写出来,目的就是要执行。执行不是人们通常所认为的“我的方案已经拿出来了,执行是执行人员的事情。出了问题也是执行人员自身的水平问题”,计划能不能真正得到贯彻执行,不仅仅是执行人员的问题,也是写计划的人的问题。大家创业网为大家整理的相关的幼儿园党支部2023年工作计划,供大家参考选择。  幼儿园党支部2023年工作计划  一、指导思想  全面贯彻党的十九大精神



政治理论是关于政治的思想、观点或学说体系。政治理论具有阶级性,如资产阶级政治理论、无产阶级政治理论。以下是本站为大家整理的关于2023年政治学习计划11篇范文,供大家参考选择。2023年政治学习计划篇1  一、指导思想  以***新时代中国特色社会主义思想和党的十九大精神为指导,全面学习领会党的十九大精神和十九届二中、三中、四中、五中全会精神,增强“四个意识”、坚定“四个自信”、做到“两个维护”,



党支部:是党组织开展工作的基本单元,是党的全部工作和战斗力的基础,是团结群众的核心、教育党员的学校、攻坚克难的堡垒,在社会基层单位中发挥核心作用。本站今天为大家精心准备了党支部2023年度工作计划,希望对大家有所帮助!  党支部2023年度工作计划最新一篇  按照总公司党委2023年党建工作会议部署,根据《2023年党建工作要点》具体安排和《支部党建工作目标责任书》有关要求,结合实际,制定xx党支



       工作计划是,对一定时期的工作预先作出安排和打算时,工作中都制定工作计划,工作计划实际上有许多不同种类,它们不仅有时间长短之分,而且有范围大小之别。以下是本站为大家整理的关于学校工会年度工作计划9篇范文,希望对大家有所帮助!学校工会年度工作计划篇1  根据区教育党工委、教委提出的“队伍建设年”的要求,施行“提升素质、依法治会、活动强会”的工作方针,工会工作要服务学校发展、服务教职工、服



工作计划是,对一定时期的工作预先作出安排和打算时,工作中都制定工作计划,工作计划实际上有许多不同种类,它们不仅有时间长短之分,而且有范围大小之别。本站今天为大家精心准备了2023年党建工作计划,希望对大家有所帮助!  2023年党建工作计划1  20__年安监局党建工作总体思路是:认真贯彻落实党的和区十一届三次会议精神,紧紧围绕区委确定的工作部署,以加强党的先进性、纯洁性建设为目标,充分发挥基层党



工作计划是,对一定时期的工作预先作出安排和打算时,工作中都制定工作计划,工作计划实际上有许多不同种类,它们不仅有时间长短之分,而且有范围大小之别。本站精心为大家整理了2023年市场监督管理局上半年工作总结及下半年工作计划三篇,希望对你有帮助。   2023年市场监督管理局上半年工作总结及下半年工作计划一篇  2023年以来,XX市场监管局紧紧围绕区委、区政府各项决策部署及上级局工作要求,把规范与提
