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  Name: diyifanwen

  Sex: Female

  National: Han

  Date of birth: July 1986

  Marital status: unmarried

  Height: 153cm

  Weight: 53kg

  Residence: Fujian Longyan

  Is the location: Tongan District Xiamen, Fujian

  Graduated from the school: Vocational and Technical Institute of the East China Sea, Xiamen

  Education: specialist

  Professional Name: E-commerce

  Year of Graduation: 20xx

  Work experience: more than one year

  Contact Tel:

  Job intentions

  The nature of jobs: full-time

  Post Category: E-commerce / sales / B2C/C2C / Logistics

  Job Title: clerks, procurement, customer service, warehouse, etc.;

  Work areas: Xiamen Jimei District; Xiamen Tongan District;

  Treatment requirements: 1000-20xx Yuan / month do not need to provide housing

  Reported for duty time:may at any time

  Skills expertise

  Language skills: English; Putonghua standard

  Computer level: computer proficiency, OFFICE office automation software

  Educational Background:

  Time school qualifications

  September 20xx - July 20xx Xiamen, East China Sea Vocational and Technical College

  Work experience

  Company: Xiamen Shun-Qing Automation Technology Co., Ltd.

  Time frame: December 20xx - January 20xx

  Company nature: private / private companies

  Their respective industries: trade, commerce, import and export

  To hold office: sales staff

  Company nature: private / private companies

  Industry: transportation, logistics, express delivery

  Post as: logistics / warehousing

  Job Description: 07-03 to 07-08 is responsible for customer service and express shipping operations 07-08 to 07-11 is responsible for freight service and billing


  I have a strong team spirit among colleagues, have good interpersonal relationships; good at coordination.


  Basic information:


  Sex: Male

  Date of Birth :1982-09-20

  National: Han

  Height: 1.68cm

  Account where: City, Guangdong Province

  Current: Guangzhou

  Graduate institutions: Guangzhou Panyu Vocational & Technical College

  Political landscape: the Chinese Communist party members

  Highest level of education: college

  Repair by a professional: Advertising Art and Design

  Talent type: fresh graduates

  Job search intention:

  Job type: Full-time or part-time

  Position: Advertising / Design / Planning

  Hope Location: Guangzhou

  Wish to pay: Negotiable

  Education and training experience:

  September 20xx -20xx in Panyu in June to study post-secondary vocational and technical college

  Experience to participate in social practice:

  In July 20xx in Guangzhou market research company to do part-time interviewers.

  In July 20xx Real designers and advertising companies as a salesman.

  Second-year university to participate in "mu orchard" business logo design project.

  Language Proficiency:

  Good level of English: A national-level English level

  Good Putonghua

  Proficient in Cantonese

  Computer capability:

  Proficiency in the use of office software office

  Proficiency in the use of photoshop, corelDRAW, freehand design and operation of Apple software.

  Familiar with and proficient in the operation of access to the Internet


  I am a fresh graduate, character, cheerful, optimistic, lively, good communication, enthusiasm for work, and sense of responsibility, have team spirit, able to bear hardships and stand hard. Although I lack experience, but I am confident of their own, full of hope. I am convinced that what we learned in my professional knowledge, and my enthusiasm for the work, diligence, perseverance will certainly be able to do your job for me. If I can become a member of your company, I will work hard in their positions, work diligently, in order to contribute to your company all my strength, I urge your company to give me an opportunity to create value! Let me in your company together, join hands in creating a better tomorrow for your company!



  Sex: Female

  Date of Birth :1990-07-01 Nationality: Chinese

  Account is located: current Xi'an: Xi'an

  Graduate institutions: the political landscape of Xi'an Institute of Foreign Affairs: member

  Highest level of education: post-secondary repair by a professional: e-commerce

  Personnel types: ordinary job graduation date :20xx-07-01

  Job intentions

  Job type: Full-time or part-time

  Position: promising

  Hope Location: Xi'an

  Wish to pay: Negotiable


  I accept the strong, active thinking, with good communication skills, hot to get along with others, full of team spirit and like to participate in the activities of the Organization. In the learning initiative, the courage to accept the opinions from all sides, not afraid of failure, can quickly sum up the lessons learned. The sale of a certain theoretical basis, there is a keen observation, clear thinking, able to do a cool look at and analyze problems, has a strong ambition. I personality: a mild, calm, self-confidence, self-discipline, do not boast. To do anything or not, or on efforts to complete the

  Practice experience

  Zhengzhou, China Unicom in 20xx with the company over two months, that of the marketing and some of the elements of teamwork.

  Summer 20xx Guy supermarket in Zhengzhou done 40 days of goods legislation, and that day-to-day operations and the situation of supply of goods.

  While studying at the school in 20xx, made in China Resources Supermarket and other food promotions for some time

  Computer capacity

  Proficiency to PPT, EXCEL, WORDD and other office software and images produced PHOTO SHOP. Page three musketeers software








热门标签: 完整 模版 英语






计划书是党政机关、企事业单位、社会团体对今后一段时间的工作、活动作出预想和安排的一种事务性文书。为避免工作的盲目性,必须前有计划、后有总结。i乐德范文网今天为大家精心准备了雨伞商业计划书,希望对大家有所帮助!  雨伞商业计划书  此前,南昌惊现3万把共享雨伞的消息,也算是在南昌人的朋友圈里刷了屏。如今时隔半个多月,记者却发现南昌已“一伞难觅”,而共享雨伞负责人却表示:这是他们想要的,藏伞于民是初衷



为进一步做好办公室工作,充分发挥办公室的综合作用,结合我局实际。以下是本站为大家整理的关于办公室年度工作计划15篇范文,希望能够帮助大家~办公室年度工作计划篇1  2023年,办公室支部将以理论学习为重要抓手,围绕单位和办公室中心工作,凝心聚力,持续推进“两学一做”学习教育,进一步深化思想政治建设,不断提高党员素质,整体提升支部标准化建设水平,为全面完成科室业务工作打好基础。  1、加强政治理论学



工作计划的本身就是一个框架,只有把工作放在框架里,才能从各个方面进行全盘考虑和分析评估,对有可能出现的情况或问题设置应对预案。下面是本站为大家整理的七年级第一学期班主任班级工作计划,供大家参考选择。  七年级第一学期班主任班级工作计划  一、全面配合学校工作,加快自身发展。  将遵照学校德育工作要求,着重加强确立健康的自我意识,自觉抵制不良行为思想的诱惑,形成良好的行为习惯和思想品德的引导,开展多



拆解开“计划”的两个汉字来看,“计”是的表意是计算,“划”的表意是分割,“计划”从属于目标达成而存在,“计划”的表意定义:计划是分析计算如何达成目标、并将目标分解成子目标的过程及结论。本站精心为大家整理乡村2023年村级集体经济发展计划,希望对你有帮助。  乡村2023年村级集体经济发展计划  为进一步壮大村级产业,提高村级集体经济收入,增强基层实力活力,提升我村为民办实事的能力,现结合我村实际,



工作计划是,对一定时期的工作预先作出安排和打算时,工作中都制定工作计划,工作计划实际上有许多不同种类,它们不仅有时间长短之分,而且有范围大小之别。以下是i乐德范文网为大家整理的关于2023年国企党建工作计划20篇范文,希望对大家有所帮助!2023年国企党建工作计划篇1  2023年是公司“十四五”工作规划的开局之年,也是企业创新发展、深化内部管理的攻坚年,做好党的建设工作意义重大。2023年党建工



教学计划(课程计划)是课程设置的整体规划,它规定不同课程类型相互结构的方式,也规定了不同课程在管理学习方式的要求及其所占比例,同时,对学校的教学、生产劳动、课外活动等作出全面安排,具体规定了学校应设置的学科、课程开设的顺序及课时分配,并对学期、学年、假期进行划分。下面是本站为大家整理的部编五年级语文下册教学计划,供大家参考。  部编五年级语文下册教学计划  一、学情分析  本班学生50人,其中男生
