
更新时间:2022-11-26 14:10:58 发布时间:24小时内 作者:文/会员上传 下载doxc


Dear friends,

A friend coming from afar afar, Welcome to the Fuling visited. Fuling is Nuerhachi Yehenalas and the Queens bedroom mound because the Yangcheng in the eastern outskirts of Shenyang, it is also called Dongling, with the new object appears. Shenyang Zhao Ling, were jointly called the early Qing Dynasty Tomb outside the customs 3.

Fuling, built in Tianzhu Mountain, the Tianzhu Mountain is adjacent to the Changbai Mountain, formerly head Shizuitang Hill, Dongmou Hill, Fuling history of the construction of roughly into three stages : during the days of clever grassroots, discovering this period, the repairs Kangxi period conversion.

Dear friends, now show us, is situated in the green mountains, There the majestic ancient architecture group is Fuling. Fuling covers 194,800 square meters, a national nature reserve, the entire cemetery from low to high mountain cleverlybuilt-City, Ideas Jus built on hills subversion.

Fuling according to the natural pattern can be divided into three parts, namely Three People in Her Life outside,Shinto, Fangcheng Po District 3, from the north of the monument is the first part of 1800-1834. Fuling halt the erection of a six, four of the mound, two in the east, near Modernization, Hung on both sides are in front of the abandoned-lasting with the Han, Mongolian three reads officials who then abandoned.Abandoned after the monument before the mausoleum both sides of the square stands a pair of stone lions, the ChineseTable 1 right, a stone arched. Stone House is also called the abandoned arched color of Victor Modeled Wood Stone built, the third floor of 4, Wang Square on the hipErlonghuzhu and other decorations.Is the center engraved with the text and pictorial various Ruixiang, North Korea Foreign language, Han Meng with three words the words between people now halted. If breach of the law will Treatment of the whole Church,with its simple,elegant and exquisite.

From 1800-1834 to Beilou is for the second part of the mausoleum, which is Shinto, the mausoleum is the tomb of the main entrance, Distinguished both sides are colorful sleeve wall, surrounded rectangular red packets center of the whole mausoleum wall circles as one. Sanying is noteworthy for the single-mast curled imitative wood frame structure, paved with glazed tiles on the roof, ridge,re-ridge, kiss,heavy hint of golden good.Three arches, painted oil pendants, played up on Kinmen nails and Face, the first shop, three arches, a center called the Door of the Gods is the section for the so-called gods access to the gateway, do not come here on weekdays only in the big festival for lifting wish version, silk and other system officials access offerings, others are not permitted to operate on. East : Monarch door access to the emperor Jiling, West Robinson Gate is the worship minister go door before. Royal is a reunion with God doors of the 300-meter-long chosen until the Stone Arch Bridge. Shinto and the same God doors very strict use, in addition to carrying offerings officials passable, others are strictly prohibited firms go offenders punishable by law. Shinto right settings, and the Qing Dynasty tomb with a special, Lang Shinto gate between the imperial favor with the construction of a building must be cut off so that his name look up to a constant, Great Qing Dynasty implies a line everything. To this end. Some money on the mound in Shinto repair Longfengshan door, Zhao Ling Shenyang Sandelin monument built immortals, Fuling not only built immortals Sandelin milestone, but according to geographic conditions have also revised 108 check. play a double role will be lost, This is different from other Fuling-ling it

Shinto into both sides of axial symmetry, Arrange with a stone-look four pairs of stone and poetry. Stone Pillar column Hou one of the sitting, according to legend, Hou is the dragons nine sons, because of Good Hope, it allowed Shou-ling. Stone poetry were lions, tigers, horses and camels. It is said that Shima was Nurhachu imitation is the limousine excellent health -- a typical Mongolian Horse carvings.Shinto is to end with two god Bridge connecting the mountain ingeniously built Fuling days tread commonly known as the 108-tread, For Fuling excellent, Dole God sent the stairs to board. Fuling days of the Ming REMAINED tread uniquearchitectural styles, so why should repair the stairs 108? With a view of the constellation, according to legend, the sky Tiangangxing 36, 72 to expelling sha.Star, The Water Margin revolt 108 hopefuls will theseconstellation is descending 108 check to symbolize FMA will Tian-gang hit in the foot to ensure Fuling peaceful.Also demonstrate the supremacy of the imperial power.


Shenyang Zhaoling Mausoleum of the Qing Dynasty:

Hi, good morning everyone, welcome to Shenyang Zhaol-ing Mausoleum of the Qing Dynasty. I’m your tour guide, Vickey. I wish you guys can have a wonderful time with us and make a lot of friends during this trip.

Zhaoling mausoleum is located in the northern suburb of Shenyang, also known as North mausoleum. It is the mauso-leum of the second emperor of the Qing dynasty, HuangTaiJi and his empress. It is the largest and most magnificent one of three Imperial Mausoleums in Qing dynasty, and is also one of the most completed existing ancient imperial Mauso-leum building groups in stock. In 2004, the UNESCO (Unit-ed Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organiza-tion) officially listed Shen Yang Zhaoling mausoleum as the World Heritage.

HuangTaiJi is the eighth son of the first emperor Nurhachi of Qing dynasty. He, who was born in Liaoning, was famous in politics and strategy. He unified the Northeast China. Zhaoling mausoleum was build from 1643 to 1651. The ex-isting building was the result of reconstructions and en-largements. In terms of architectural style, Mausoleum Zhaoling not only absorbed the advantages of the Ming Dy-nasty (which is the times before Qing Dynasty), but also as-similated to Manchu people. So it’s a typical Mausoleum blend of Han and Manchu culture.

Here we come to the long-en Palace. Long-en Palace is the main palace of this mausoleum. It is also known as the Xiang Palace. It enshrines the shrines of HuangTaiJi and his empress and the emperor held grand ceremonies here. It was built in 1643, and was rebuilt in 1691. It was named “long-en in 1650 and the plaque was hung at the same time. Alright, you guys can go use the restroom. We are gathering here after 15 minutes.



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