求职技巧 如何写求职信

更新时间:2023-02-12 16:51:19 发布时间:24小时内 作者:文/会员上传 下载docx

又到了求职的高峰时期。想在万千求职者中脱颖而出?那就要费些心思打造一份个性化的求职信和简历了。作客mr. rudy的聊天室,掌握求职技巧!

lisa: good evening, mr. rudy. sorry to disturb you.

steven: not at all. have a seat, lisa.

lisa: thank you, mr. rudy. may i ask you some questions tonight?

steven: why not? what questions do you have in your mind?

lisa: you know that i'm going to graduate in three months. can you tell me how i can get a job in a foreign company?

steven: do you mean that you're going to work in a foreign company?

lisa: i'd like to work in a foreign company or any other foreign-invested enterprises after my graduation.

steven: please allow me to ask you a question first. what do you want to do in a foreign company?

lisa: i'd like to be a secretary first.

steven: very good. i think there're four steps you should take before you're employed in a foreign company.

lisa: could you explain what these four steps are?

steven: first, you should write an application letter. second, you must write a resume. third, have the interview. finally, take the job.

lisa: i see. can you just tell me how to take the first step tonight?

steven: yes, of course. i'll tell you how to write an application letter tonight. have you ever had any experience in marketing, lisa?

lisa: i think i have, mr. ruby. i sold books in a bookstore last summer.

steven: that's very good. please remember that job-seeking is something like self-marketing.

lisa: self-marketing? mr. ruby...

steven: i mean to look for a job is to put yourself to the market.

lisa: the personnel market?

steven: yes, you're got it. and the first step to put yourself to the personnel market is to write an application letter.

lisa: what make up an application letter?

steven: it includes three parts: an opener, the body, and the close.

lisa: could you explain them respectively?

steven: an opener is to whom your application letter may concern. the body should tell your education background, skills and abilities, and the post you wish to have. the close usually expresses your readiness to be interviewed.

lisa: it sounds very complicated. i'll write an application letter tomorrow. would you have a look at it for me?

steven: that's what i wish you to do.

lisa: thank you very much, mr. ruby.

steven: you're welcome. shall we talk about the second step tomorrow evening?

lisa: certainly. then, see you tomorrow evening.

steven: see you tomorrow evening.


lisa: good evening, mr. ruby. nice to see you again.

steven: good evening, lisa. nice to see you, too.

lisa: i wrote an application letter today. could you have a look at it?

steven: let me have a look, please.

application letter

april 2, 1990

dear sir,

in answer to your advertisement in today's china daily for the position of secretary to the general manager, i would like to apply for the job.
as you will note from the enclosed resume, i'll graduate from the english department of beijing languages institute, and have just completed a training class in secretarial english. during the last summer vocation, i have had experience as a secretary with the goodluck foodstuff co. as listed in the resume. 共2页,当前第1页12
if these meet your requirement, please grant me an interview. i am free any time from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. except sunday.

yours faithfully,

lisa wang

lisa: what do you think about it, mr. ruby?

steven: almost perfect, lisa. you absolutely got it.

lisa: any mistakes?

steven: small one, unimportant. i suggest you use "the post" instead of "the job" at the end of the first paragraph.

lisa: yes. i agree with you.









热门标签: 如何写 技巧 求职信
求职技巧 如何写求职信.docx






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