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父母出国介绍信模板篇一 March 12, 2017

To whom it may concern,

My name is XXX.

I am currently a second year graduate student in school of XXXX at Columbia University, in F-1 status. I would like to invite my father Mr. XXX and my mother Mrs. XXX to come to visit me in the United States. They will arrive at the U.S. in May and stay for three weeks.

The purpose of their visit is to attend my graduation commencement on May 16th, 2012 at Columbia University in the New York City. After the commencement, we plan to take a short trip to Boston, Philadelphia, and the Grand Canyon. They will support their travel fees as well as any other expenses in this trip.

Host (Student)Information:

Name: XXX

Current Address: XXX

Passport Number: XXX

Valid until: XXX

Current Immigration Status: F-1 Date of Initial Entry to the U.S.: XXX

Relationship to guest: ChildVisitor Information:

Name: XXX

Date of Birth: XXXXXXPlace of Birth: XXX

Passport Number: XXXXXXXXX Valid Until: XXXX

Source of Funding During Stay in U.S.: Self

Current Address: XXXXX

Your help in issuing them entry cards would be greatly appreciated. Please do not hesitate to contact me via telephone XXXXXX or email to XXXXXX if you have any further questions.

Thank you for your consideration.

Sincerely yours,


父母出国介绍信模板篇二 (My Name)

(My Address)


Dear U.S. Customs Officer,

I am writing this letter for my parents (fathers name) and (mothers name) since they do not speak English. I work as (job title) in (company name) and my wife is a homemaker. My parents are invited by us for a visit.

They arrive in Los Angeles by Flight xxxx from Shanghai on October 10th. Their connecting flight from LA to (city name) is No. xxxx at 3:30pm on the same day. They will return to China on (date, year). Attached please find the copies of their air tickets. They will stay with me in (my address) during their visit.

If you have any questions, please contact me at (phone number).

Thank you so much for your help.

Best regards,

(my name)

父母出国介绍信模板篇三 March 10, 20010

Port Of Entry-Detroit Metropolitan Airport

U.S. Custom and Border Protection

2596 Worldgateway Place

Detroit, MI 48242

To Whom It May Concern:

This letter is prepared to support my parents, XXX (farther) and XXX (mother), for the visiting visas to the United States. They are coming from China and will travel to XXX, North Carolina, to visit me for 6 months. Their scheduled departure date is on XXX, 2010. The return tickets and other documents to support their visas are enclosed.I work for the XXX as an XXX. While I am enjoying my work and personal life here in North Carolina, I miss my parents very much and would like to spend some time with them this summer. We plan to visit San Francisco and Las Vegas in July, New York City, Washington D.C. and Philadelphia in August. In addition, I also would like to have an opportunity to show them some local attractions of which I am proud of, such as the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, the Wright Brothers National Memorial and so on. My parents would have a busy schedule during this summer, but I am sure they will enjoy their stay here in the United States.My parents have a successful and enjoyable life in China. My farther is are tired high school teacher. He is currently participating in several local interest groups (i.e., fishing etc.) to celebrate his life after retirement.My mother is a retired physician who is also enjoying a life with perse interests. My parents live in their own house that has been paid off and receive monthly pension and health care benefit from the Chinese Social Warfare system, which ensures them a decent life in China. While they truly enjoy their life in XXX, China, together with my siblings and grand children, they also enjoy traveling and have been many places in China, including Beijing, Shanghai and Hong Kong.I am willing to assume all the cost associated with my parents visit in the United States and would like to personally thank you for your kind consideration in providing an opportunity for our family reunion. My parents and I sincerely appreciate your help and look forward to this wonderful opportunity. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.










热门标签: 介绍信 父母









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