更新时间:2022-12-11 13:11:05 发布时间:24小时内 作者:文/会员上传 下载doxc
at the beginning of this summer holiday i wanted to find a part-time job. at first, i thought that maybe i could work as a waiter, or sell something for a company. but i failed. several days later, mother told me that she was writing a book and need a typist.
she asked me if i could do it for her. and she promised to pay me for that. i agreed with great pleasure. when i started to do it, i found it more difficult than i had expected. but i did it carefully. i spent all my spare time in typing her book. at last i finished and mother was very satisfied. then i ffot my first pay.
i used to idle away my sundays. but now i have more meaningful thing to do. one day our teacher took us to visit the welfare house. there lived the orphans.
some of them are of school age already. but they don't have the chance to go to school yet. so why couldn't i teach them what i had learnt in the classes on sundays? my home is close to the weffare house. wasn't it a good idea?
when i told my teacher this, she looked at me with a yes on her face. from then on, i act as a little voluntary teacher there on sundays.
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