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Name : telephone : 150***
Degree : Bachelor Professional: Information Management and Information System
Experience : 10years national : Han
School: ***University
address : ***
E-mail : jianli.yjbys.com
Self Assessment :

1. Skilled in developing with HTML/JavaScript/ASP.NET/C#, experienced in 3-layer system architecture.
2. Have a good knowledge of J2EE platform, experienced in Java platform such as struts/spring/hibernate/.
3. Expert in programming on SQL Server 20_/SQL Server 20_/Oracle 10g; includes Transact-SQL and PL/SQL, experienced in database design, optimize, database partition and solutions for mess data.
4. Expert in project management with good communication skills and soft skills. Good knowledge in software development mode such as scrum, waterfall, RUP and CMMI, and good at putting to use different way to deal with different situation.
5. Well-experienced in presales and marketing, and the whole process of tendering and bidding. With good capability on business analysis, requirement understanding and solution design. Good at face-to-face contact with customers.
6. Fluent in English, be capable of working in English working environment.
Target Job :

Desired Job Category: Project Director | Project Manager/Supervisor | Product Manager | ERP Technical/Application Consultant | IT Manager/Supervisor
Desired Job Industry: Software | IT Service/System Integration | Banking | Internet/e-Commerce | Telecommunications (Equipment/Operation/Value-Added Service)
Desired Salary: Negotiable
Desired City: ***
I can start from: within 1 month
Work Experience :

20_.4-20_.11 *** Development Co.Ltd.
Project Manager
Responsibilities and Achievements:
1. Responsible for implementing information system according to the business process and management mode of different departments, responsible for requirements collecttion, business analysis, system modeling, architecture design and system implementation with developers;
2. Responsible for recruit, interview applicants and group project team;
3. As the project manager of the first party, responsible for writing project bidding documents, software requirements specification document; assessing and analyzing candidates bid for projects;
4. Responsible for the company’s internal IT process formulation and improvement.

As a project manager of the first party, implemented property management system and enterprise information portal system, optimized the database of the distribution system, and fulfilled the project associating with the developers of the software outsourcing company.
20_.2-20_.3 ***Technologies Inc.
Senior Project Manager
Responsibilities and Achievements:
Job description:
As project manager:
1. Establish project team based on the estimated workload of projects;
2. Communicate with customer face to face, lead project team to investigate, gather, and analyze requirements from users.
3. Active participation in system architecture design, database design base on requirements.
4. Lead project team into implementing projects.
5. Take control with all aspects of projects such as scope, cost, progress and so on, to ensure that the projects are delivered and meet quality standard.
As presales consultant:
1. Compile project proposal based on RFP, RFI or URS from customers.
2. Estimate workload based on requirement from customer, and make quotations according to workload estimates.
3. Compile PPT slide for presentations to bid for projects.
4. Active participation in competitive bidding process, make presentations before customers to show proposals for projects.
As a project manager, accomplished several projects for ***and ***i, and met with customer’s approval.
As a presales consultant, participated in the bidding process of 14 projects, associated with sales negotiate with customer, gained many project opportunities for the company.
20_.2-20_.2 ***Container Terminals
Project Manager
Responsibilities and Achievements:
Job description:
1. Develop peripheral information system surrounding production system based on operating process and Management Mode of container terminal.
2. Assist internal users to analyze requirement and develop information systems.
3. As the project manager of the first party, compile RFI or RFP, user requirement of presales phase, assess and analyze candidates bid for projects.
During working for this company, I accomplished 4 peripheral information systems as a software developer in 2 years, responsible for requirement analysis, architecture design, coding, and test.
As a project manager of the first party, participated in 3 open tendering processes and project implementations, including business statistics system, HR system, work flow system, CRM system, and access control system. Associated with the counterpart of software providers, and had projects accomplished.
20_.3-20_.2 *** Software System Co. Ltd
Senior Software Engineer
Responsibilities and Achievements:
Job description:
1. Communicate with customer, investigate and analyze requirement, compile solutions based on user’s expectation.
2. Design system architectures and database model.
3. Lead project team to develop functions.
During the course of working for this company, accomplished two sets of complete ERP system for a garment factory and an IC manufactory, and developed a sales online platform for a German clothing company. And my English ability improved a lot as a result of working with foreign engineers.
Education :

20_.2-20_.1 *** University
Major Category:
Information Management and Information System
Major Description and Courses:
Main course: The programming language, Database management system, Information management, Information management of Managing Strategy, Management information system, Modern Management Science, Intellectual Property Law.














招商引资源于中国因开放政策所成立的开发区,早期主要集中在吸收制造业的外国直接投资(FDI,ForeignDirectInvestment)。下面是本站为大家整理的外出招商引资考察情况报告,供大家参考选择。  外出招商引资考察情况报告      主任、各位副主任、各位委员:      根据会议安排,我受市人民政府委托将今年以来全市招商引资工作情况汇报如下,请予审议。今年以来,在市委的正确领导下,在市



报告使用范围很广。按照上级部署或工作计划,每完成一项任务,一般都要向上级写报告,反映工作中的基本情况、工作中取得的经验教训、存在的问题以及今后工作设想等,以取得上级领导部门的指导。本站今天为大家精心准备了述职述廉述责三述报告,希望对大家有所帮助!  述职述廉述责三述报告  在xx物流公司工作一年多了,工作顺利,潜力也得到了提高,在此我很感激公司领导对我的栽培和同事们对我的信任。  转眼间一年快要过



报告使用范围很广。按照上级部署或工作计划,每完成一项任务,一般都要向上级写报告,反映工作中的基本情况、工作中取得的经验教训、存在的问题以及今后工作设想。下面是本站为大家带来的领导班子述职述廉报告2023最新,希望能帮助到大家!  领导班子述职述廉报告2023最新  XX年年度,在市委、市政府和省质监局的正确领导下,全市质监系统全面贯彻落实科学发展观,大力实施“科技提升年”活动,紧紧围绕服务地方经济



车间主任作为公司仪表行业的领军人物不仅对下属要求严格,自己更是以身作则。一个儒雅干练、务实进取的仪表领头人,我们要以他为标杆、为榜样,找差距、定计划,践行和传承作风。下面是本站为大家整理的生产车间主任工作述职报告,供大家参考选择。  生产车间主任工作述职报告    尊敬的公司领导:  您好!  我是生产车间主任xxx,自20xx年xx月份进入公司以来,在公司领导的帮助、培养下,围绕以生产为中心、抓



述职报告是干部工作业绩考核、评价、晋升的重要依据,述职者一定要实事求是、真实客观地陈述,力求全面、真实、准确地反映述职者在所在岗位职责的情况。对成绩和不足,既不要夸大,也不要缩小。本站为大家整理的相关的2023年中学党支部书记个人述职报告,供大家参考选择。  2023年中学党支部书记个人述职报告  各位领导,老师们大家上午好:  按照中心校党总支乡的统一安排,下面我作为一小党支部书记就2023-2



述职报告的目的是为了以后更好地工作,扬长避短,因此经验与教训是一篇总结的关键。本站今天为大家精心准备了2023年学校党支部书记述职报告,希望对大家有所帮助!  2023年学校党支部书记述职报告各位党员同志:大家好!光阴似箭,日月如梭。不知不觉中XX年即将结束。一年来,我支部在XX党委的正确领导下,各项工作有序开展。无论是学校的党建工作还是学校的全面工作都在有条不紊运行。很多方面的工作都在上一年的基
