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Date of Birth
Contact No
Job Target
Target Industry The hope responds to a call for recruits profession scope
Target job The hope responds to a call for recruits post
Target address Hope work area, urban scope
Target salary Anticipation wage level welfare demand,Discussing in person
To hillock time The new post can in the long time assume the post
Working Experience
20_/05—Present XXX
Industry: Finance/Investments/Securities
Group HR Department Group HR Manager
1. Being responsible for planning and coordinating all the HR building and management for the headquarter of Asia-Pacific Region as well as the HR work for 6 industrial center and more than 40 branches of the group.
2. Integrating HR of more than 40 branches and planning strategy, goals and then supporting group to achieve them.
3. Guiding the HR construction and supervising to carry out all the policies of branches so than can ensure the integration of HR work.
4. Controlling the labor cost, total staff and overall development of HR.
5. Optimizing and integrating the organization structure of the branches and dealing with big events in HR. 5.Giving suggestions for the senior staff in group and offering HR service as well as advice for the managers in branches. Supervising and supporting to achieve goals, launch business effectively.
6. Building and completing the system of recruitment, training and examining of the group effectively. Determining the payroll system and incentive system which can meet the differences in the developing group.
7. Improving all the employing policies to be lawful and logical instantly according to the improving laws of the government.
1. Implementing E-HR system successfully and realizing the computerizing and information zing of HR in group.
2. Being responsible for organizing branched companies in group, guiding and regulating the HR of them.
3. Completing and pushing the establishment of HR effectively in an all round way according to the running strategy of group.
4. Understanding the different management mode between group and branches.
5. Revising policies and procedures according to the .
20_/03—20_/04 Hexal Pharmaceuticals (china) Co., Ltd
Industry: Pharmaceuticals/Biotechnology
East Regional Admin/HR manager
20_/01—20_/04: Admin/HR Manager
1. Being responsible for the construction, management and improvement of HR and administration in East China Area according to the strategic demand and target of the headquarter.
2. Planning strategic HR target in East China Area and making HR annual plan and task.
3. Constructing HR management system to realize all the management functions in East China Area.
4. Being responsible for the coordination in all the branches. Establishing HR training plan and being responsible for organizing all the departments to analysis the work and make clear the functions according to demand of the company.
5. Having job performance management, establishing salary and welfare system. Proposing the standard of annual salary, procedure of employment and salary structure.
6. Supervising labor discipline, making and amending employee manual and regulation.
7. Guiding subordinates to carry out relative work.
8. Being responsible for some disputes in HR, investigating and punishing activities violating the law and discipline.
9. Being responsible for coordinating with local employment department, social security organization, and accumulation fund center and arbitration commission.
10. Leading teams to organizing several activities such as large scale meetings and year-end parties.
20_/03—20_/12: Admin/HR supervisor
1. Planning and carrying out of human resource system.
2. Managing recruitment, assisting manager to plan the human resource and budget.
3. Job performance examination and probation period evaluation including examining and evaluating system designing and running.
4. Management of salary and welfare including reviewing salary, rewarding system, double salary and other encouragement.
5. Employees training and development including analysis of training demand, inside training schedule, training organizations and effect evaluation.
6. Supervising daily human resource.
7. Coordinating with governmental department and keep in good touch with them.
8. Being responsible for administration supervising and managing including permanent asset management, office suppliers purchasing and division, cars management and control.
9. Estimating of cost in department and supervise actual cost, serious controlling overhead charge, lowering the actual cost.
10. Organizing and coordinating net management, being responsible for the annual check or change of the certificates.
11. Organizing activities and meeting for employees in company.
1. Being responsible for building 5 offices in East China Area.
2. Establishing and improving human resource management and administration.
3. Definition and improving organizing structures in both East Asia Area and its offices including structure charter of all the departments in company. Definition position in area and size of personnel force. Finishing drawing up responsibilities of the entire department.
4. Organizing several year-end parties and social gathering with customers.
20_/01—20_/02 Jamo Denmark Shanghai REP.Office
Industry: Furniture/Home Appliances/Arts & Craft/Toys
Admin and HR Department Secretary/HR Specialist
1. Doing good jobs as executive secretary in agency.
2. Carrying out recruiting including publishing advertisements, screening resumes and arranging interview.
3. Managing employee demission procedures and new staff training affairs. Calculating and granting salary and premium.
4. Checking on working attendance.
5. Managing formalities of changing salary of employees.
6. Keep good touch with Foreign Service Company.
20_/06—20_/12 Shanghai Viva Eco Eletronics& Technology Co., Ltd
Industry: Electronics/Semiconductor/IC
General Manager Office GM assistant
Be responsible for complete GM Office's routine. Receive dealers and do administration job. Organize all important meeting.
1997/08—20_/04 Chengshu Lianyou Computer Engineering CO., Ltd
Industry: Computer Services
Manager Office Manager Assistant
Be responsible for receive dealers, Administration job. Assistant manager do the office routine. Contacting the customers with sales collection.
20_/08—Present Stratford University MBA Master
1995/09—1997/06 Nanjing Normal University
Computer Information Management Bachelor
With 10 years working experience in foreign invested enterprises, which related to electronics, consumer goods, pharmaceutical, financial and other industries. Having a wealth experience of HR management. Good at making strategic plans and establishing effective HR management systems.








热门标签: 大全 英文简历 表格






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  美国留学申请文书中最重要的材料之一就是个人简历了,那么如果你要申请美国留学,应该怎么写个人简历呢,和本站小编一起来看看美国留学个人简历写作要求及内容。  具体的美国大学简历的写作要求包括以下内容:  1. Heading标题  在你的美国大学简历的最上面,包括您的姓名,地址,电话号码和电子邮件地址。如果美国大学要求你在申请的所有表格上填上文件的申请编号,也把这申请编号包括在的简历的标题区。美国



  面试中,都会对自己有个自我评价,幼师面试,该如何自我评价呢,下面是本站小编为大家整理的:幼师面试自我评价范文,欢迎阅读,仅供参考,更多内容请关注本站(。  幼师面试自我评价范文(一)  我在工作上,责任心强、适应能力强、态度热忱、做事细心,能脚踏实地地把自己的工作做好的同时协助同事把部门的工作完成!  从事学校校长行政文员工作的一段时间以及在学校亲身作为言传身教的老师



   合格的留学德国简历基本固定的项目包括个人信息,教育背景,工作或科研经历,课外活动,所获奖励,出版物,个人技能和语言能力及兴趣爱好这几部分。和本站小编一起来看看德国留学怎么写留学简历。  一,个人信息:  即Personal Information。包括姓名,出生日期,性别,地址,联系电话和电子邮箱等。  1)西方人经常混淆姓与名,导致录取后发的I20表格上姓名颠倒。然后还得联系学校修改后再邮
