
更新时间:2023-04-27 11:10:08 发布时间:24小时内 作者:文/会员上传 下载doxc

name: ms. gender: female

  wedlock: single nation: han

  residence: hubei-huanggang age: 27

  location: guangdong-zhongshan height: 162cm

  target locations: guangdong-dongguan、 guangdong-shenzhen

  target positions: industry/factories-mechanical engineer

  industry/factories-materials and equipment assistant

  industry/factories-services engineer

  target jobs: pmc、 assistant engineer

  desired salary: negotiable apartment needed


  XX-09 ~ XX-07 changjiang vocational college applied english junior college

  XX-09 ~ XX-07 yin shan high shcool integrated curriculum high school

  company name (XX-02 ~ XX-02)

  company type: foreign enterprise company category: machine-building,machine,heavy industry

  job title: me assistant engineer positions:

  job description: 1. collate customer ministry to the bom, download system placed bom, then finishing our bom and compare the customer to verify client systems in the bom is correct,we are on the correct bom sap system to establish their own internal version of then assigned to send to hong kong, then we want to create routing, check ensure that no wrong.

  2. according to the right we have to make the product bom wi to accurate, they often patrol lines, unusual or improper operation staff,we want to give them time operational guidance, we want to point anomaly.analysis, determine the most effective way to correct.

  3. regularly updated npi stage of the product, we need to do on the new product introduction time, people staff, materials, use of projections, in the shortest time reduce the human, material cost of the product consumption.

  4. the use of cad mapping, cad drawing drawing the most accurate tool for suppliers to buy cartons, labels, most of us use the cad produced, including its size, material would have to precise, cad and there were precise scale.

  5. to do some single-purchase price, of course, there are many single-purchase price, i took a for instance, we just need to do a good job within the company's monthly consumer accounts, the customer we will according to their nre form po to fill the financial reconciliation to the charge related to the customer costs.

  reason for leaving: poor environment

  company name (XX-03 ~ XX-11)

  company type: foreign enterprise company category: machine-building,machine,heavy industry

  job title: logistics merchandiser positions:

  job description: tracking of goods production, before shipping of all products and services of the production and communication, development of delivery plans, booked travel, shipping good customs, quarantine information, the first time after the product shipped. well after shipment invoices, packing lists, bills of lading and other credit documents to ensure data integrity and accuracy.

  reason for leaving: lower wages, end of the internship for school.

  project experience

  microgen engine corporation (XX-04 ~ present)

  job title: assistant industry engineer

  project description: new test for the tracking, production scheduling pull, abnormal production line analysis and processing, production manufacturing work instructions.

  responsibility: .

  special skills

  professional title:

  computer level: senior

  computer skills: good at analyzing problems.will lead the group, like delving into the heart of the skills and methods of doing things.can be skilled with office software, basic cad drawing plans

  strengths: good at analyzing problems.will lead the group, like delving into the heart of the skills and methods of doing things.can be skilled with office software, basic cad drawing plans

  language skills

  chinese: cantonese:

  english level: majored in english cet-4

  english: good

  career objective

  career direction: find the environment, good corporate salary, to do their own work, i believe there must be paid by return.

  requirements: free room and board, buy endowment insurance and housing fund.

  self info.

  self assessment: lively and cheerful, good length and communication skills, self









热门标签: 简历模板 英文





党建工作述职报告2023 党建述职报告2023最新

述职报告是任职者陈述自己任职情况,评议自己任职能力,接受上级领导考核和群众监督的一种应用文,具有汇报性、总结性和理论性的特点。本站今天为大家精心准备了党建工作述职报告2023 党建述职报告2023最新,希望对大家有所帮助!  党建工作述职报告2023 党建述职报告2023最新  按照会议安排,我就2023年度党建工作述职报告如下。  一、履行职责情况  (一)狠抓政治思想建设,强化党建工作意识。我



汇报,汉语词语,[释义] (动)综合材料向上级报告,也指综合材料向群众汇报。本站为大家整理的相关的村支部巡察组问题汇报,供大家参考选择。  村支部巡察组问题汇报  楼马村位于龚店镇东北6公里处,北邻沙河,南邻化工园区,本村是一个自然村,10个村民自傲组,670户,3057人,村党员78人,两委干部10人,村主导产业以种植小麦、玉米,经济作物以花生。蔬菜、蘑菇为主,无其他支柱产业,集体经济薄弱,存的



  自查报告是一个单位或部门在一定的时间段内对执行某项工作中存在的问题的一种自我检查方式的报告文体。以下是本站分享的加强党的政治建设情况自查报告,希望能帮助到大家!   加强党的政治建设情况自查报告  根据省委组织部和厅党组开展政治建设考察的统一部署,xx党委高度重视,对照“七项政治”内容、“xx个是否”评价要点,认真自查自评。现将自评情况报告如下。  一、政治建设开展情况  始终坚持以xxx新时



述职报告是指各级各类的机关工作人员,一般为业务部门陈述以主要业绩业务为主,少有职能和管理部门陈述。本站今天为大家精心准备了2023年公务员年终考核述职报告,希望对大家有所帮助!  2023年公务员年终考核述职报告  尊敬的领导、同志们:  根据市委要求和上级纪检部门的具体安排,要求各单位、各部门的正职领导干部在中层以上干部会议上进行述廉,内容包括本人一年来执行领导干部廉洁自律规定、个人生活重大事项



以集中学习的方式,学习党的知识,交流谈心,以照镜子,照思想、照工作、照纪律、照作风结合工作中存在的问题,对照上级要求,查找自身在执行群众路线、开展群众工作。以下是本站分享的,希望能帮助到大家!  社区党支部抓基层党建工作总结  一、践行党的群众路线,深入群众开展活动    党的群众路线活动开展以来,中意社区党委召开了群众路线教育实践活动动员大会,群众路线教育实践活动学习会;同时,邀请原党校副校长李



党费 指党员依照党的章程、向党组织交纳的费用。i乐德范文网今天为大精心准备了司法局2023年度党费收支情况报告,希望对大家有所帮助!  司法局2023年度党费收支情况报告  近日,市委组织部下发了《关于公示20XX年度中管党费收支情况的通知》,要求对20XX年度中央组织部代收中央管理的党费(简称中管党费)收支情况进行公示,并且进一步明确了公示的内容、时间、方式和范围。我校接到通知后迅速将公示内容以
