
更新时间:2023-08-28 11:08:52 发布时间:24小时内 作者:文/会员上传 下载docx



Good morning, my admirable professors and my dear fellows. It’s my great honor to be here to introduce myself to all of you. My name is Xing Heng and I’m in my eighteen years old. I come fromXiamen, which is a famous and beautiful city.

I strongly suggest you visiting there and I can be your guide if it’s convenient. After three years’ hard work, I am so excited that I am finally enrolled by my dreaming school,SichuanUniversityand be one of you. I am outgoing and I have many interests, such as playing basketball, football, and swimming, but I am only good at basketball. I hope we can always play together in the next four years.

Computer Science and Technology is my favorite subject and I am sure that it’s also a promising area in the future, with the great development of computer science and our society. I am glad to be a classmate of you and I hope we can study and make progress together in the future. I greatly expect my life to be with you in the coming four years.


My name is _, _ years old this year, reading in jiangsu gaoyou beihai middle class x. I'm not tall, also not fat, has a black head of hair, curved eyebrows, inlaid with a pair of big eyes.

I like music, especially like playing erhu. As long as there is I know the tune, will pull. The adults kua I also really a little music cells. I have heard, flattered. My advantage is seriously preview and review your lessons at home. I seriously carry out every time the teacher assigned homework. Mathematics with draft paper to check it again? So, my grades are ok. My weakness is afraid to speak up in class, when the exam is not careful. Take the second unit test language, for instance, I will write some words are written wrong, write off the topic composition yet. So the exam is not ideal. I have been trying to get rid of these shortcomings, strive for a better student. I especially like to bet on someone else. Lose, du mouth can go through. If I win, laughing eyes turned into a thin seam. On one occasion, my classmate and I bet, the classmate say money 200 yuan, I thought: "who would have so much money ah, time-sharing is brag". Let him put the money and have a look. Sure enough that I expected, he said to me: "I'm lying to you." At this moment, I smiled and shouted: "I won! I won!"

When I was a child, my mother often blame me: "you naughty boy!" Grow up, I often self-mockery: "I this person ah, that's it." What kind of? With the students: "you this man ah, such a geek!" Sometimes, I hope they can grow up quickly, do some earth-shattering event, let the people around you are all astonished. But sometimes, and hope you never grow up, do their parents of the little princess.


First of all, I would like to say thanks to everybody who gave me a chance to introduce myself.

I'm 12years old now. As a boy, I'd like to play basketball. At the same time, I like English very much. I have a dream to be a member of NBA. / I like reading and gardening as all the other girls. And I like Chinese culture. Would like to be a writer in future.

I will study hard to achieve my goal with your help!

Thanks again for taking your time!

Hello,all the students and teachers!Today ,I'm really glad to be here.I hope that I can give you a good impression and make good friends with you.I'm an outgoing ,diligent responsible and considerate person.My passion to English make me stand here.When I was 4 years old ,I started to learn English.From then on,I'm addicted to it.Personally I think,English is one of the most beautiful languages in the world.I appreaciate its pronunciation,intonation and so on.Whenever I'm alone,I like to talk to myself in English.

Well,that's me,an English freak!Thank you for your attention.

So,please remember me,agirl full of confidence and happiness.

Thank you very much !


Leaders and colleagues:

How do you do!

I am a new employee of the company, my name & &, I am very honored to share the work here, I know you and I compared what all don't understand, I want to learn from you all, I will work hard.

I am _ graduates Finance College of _ University, is a professional repair information security. The school taught many things very complicated, learn things are "not exclusively Bo". Expertise, grasp skilled computer office technology, of course, in programming and compared to the predecessors, it is rookie. So the work in the future but also to all the senior colleagues learn, ask, hope to give guidance. In mistakes, please predecessors criticism that the "new" is not an excuse to avoid responsibility, I will remember this sentence.

In terms of hobbies, as a student of finance, I have my own opinion in terms of investment, entertainment, said it is a lie in the school do not play games, I love playing some games, Dota, CS, three, play some drama, horror, like survival of the road. Biochemical crisis.

Love sports, swimming, as far as possible in order to enjoy the student discount, when graduation is to do a swimming card; also love playing table tennis, before every day to see colleagues after work in the table tennis room, play, want to go, but some feel shy.

I believe that through my self introduction we have a certain understanding to me, only hope you can help me, I do not know what will you ask, please be generous with your criticism.



I am the Guangdong Ocean University College of fisheries, aquaculture science graduates.

The school formed a "hard work, truth-seeking, dedication gradually in the long-term educational practice, innovative spirit, since admission, I have it in mind, determined to fully develop themselves in the University for four years, from the perspective of social development to improve the quality of the individual. The university four years, I constantly improve themselves learning, diligence, and knowledge in the classroom do not understand the question, to a profound understanding. In the hands of this on the basis of professional knowledge, do not forget to expand their knowledge, and actively to the library to read all kinds of useful books, journals, especially in computer applications, the purchase of personal computer (the combination of theory and Practice for many years I). Actively participate in the class, the Communist Youth League school, community and other activities, and create a "and students interest in Marine Science Association", these experiences made me aware of the importance of unity and cooperation, but also learned a lot of social knowledge, increase of experience, I believe this to the next to join the community will play an important role.

I lively, cheerful, optimistic, and meet the challenges in life actively; love reading, outdoor activities, such as jogging, table tennis and so on. Born in the countryside, the simple country for my simple determination of the character, to develop a strong ability to adapt and hard-working spirit.

Now, I am filled with enthusiasm, ready to plunge into the reality of the melting pot, although there are many difficulties and hardships, but I firmly believe that college life gave me the spiritual wealth so that I can beat them. I hope you can give me a development platform, I will cherish it, and go all out, and strive for to realize the value of your life, to contribute to the development of your company.









热门标签: 模板 自我介绍 英文






 医院(Hospital)一词来自拉丁文,原意为“客人”,因为一开始设立时,是供人避难,还备有休息间,使来者舒适,有招待意图,后来,才逐渐成为满足人类医疗需求,提供医疗服务的专业机构,收容和治疗病人的服务场所。本站为大家整理的相关的医院漠视侵害群众利益自查报告,供大家参考选择。  医院漠视侵害群众利益自查报告  接到《滨州市卫生健康委关于对漠视侵害群众利



报告使用范围很广。按照上级部署或工作计划,每完成一项任务,一般都要向上级写报告,反映工作中的基本情况、工作中取得的经验教训、存在的问题以及今后工作设想。i乐德范文网为大家整理的相关的推荐情况报告,供大家参考选择。  推荐情况报告  省民委:  按照省人社厅、省民委、省公务员局《关于评选推荐第三届全国民委系统先进集体先进工作者和劳动模范的通知》要求,经过自下而上逐级推选,严格审核层层把关,我市顺利完



述职报告的目的在于总结经验教训,使未来的工作能在前期工作的基础上有所进步,有所提高,因此述职报告对以后的工作具有很强的指导作用。下面是本站为大家整理的心内科主任述职述廉报告,供大家参考。  心内科主任述职述廉报告  我在心血管内科专科门诊已近两年,由于院首长领导英明,工作有条不紊、秩序井然,从未发生过医疗差错与过失。医疗事业是个高风险行业,必须严肃对待,要有如履薄冰、如临深渊之感。我一直兢兢业业、



报告使用范围很广。按照上级部署或工作计划,每完成一项任务,一般都要向上级写报告,反映工作中的基本情况、工作中取得的经验教训、存在的问题以及今后工作设想。i乐德范文网今天为大家精心准备了师德师风建设述职报告三篇,希望对大家有所帮助!   师德师风建设述职报告一篇 师德是教师最重要的素质,加强师德建设是教师队伍建设最为重要的内容,教师的一言一行、一举一动无时无刻不在潜移默化地影响着学生,因此,师德师风



报告使用范围很广。按照上级部署或工作计划,每完成一项任务,一般都要向上级写报告,反映工作中的基本情况、工作中取得的经验教训、存在的问题以及今后工作设想。下面是本站为大家带来的开题报告会议记录摘要,希望能帮助到大家!  开题报告会议记录摘要  摘要  当代高新科技的发展,人们的需求日新月异,企业的生产及经营环境发生巨大变化,传统成本计算方法已经不能正确地反映产品的消耗,不能为企业评价产品盈利水平、进



民主生活会一般指民主生活会制度。民主生活会制度作为群众路线教育实践活动重要环节,是在加强和改进党的建设的长期实践中形成发展起来的。下面是本站为大家整理的民主生活会整改报告,供大家参考。  民主生活会整改报告1  一、存在的突出问题  (一)在学习贯彻***总书记系列重要讲话精神和中央部署要求方面  1.学习贯彻不到位,政治站位不高。在平时的工作学习中,存在重业务学习和党的方针政策学习,轻党的理论学
