
更新时间:2023-08-31 18:53:37 发布时间:24小时内 作者:文/会员上传 下载docx



Hello, my professors.It’s a fine day today,and i’m very pleased to meet you here.First of all,i’d like to introduce myself to you.My name is ___,my hometown is ___,which is a really beautiful city.Even when i was a young boy,i was very interested in biology science.Every one may have a dream,and i still remember that my dream is to be a biology scientist (just like ZHU KE ZHEN).I liked to make wonders just like,where are we from?Where are we going in the universe?And then i would find the answers in book by myself.Still today i think that interest is the best teacher in one’s whole life (and knowledge comes from practice).

Second, i will introduce my major in the university.My major is Biological Engineering in ___ University.It has a great relationship with biology scince.Their relationship can be shown with an example: Just like a river,biology science,which often finds new discoveries and theories, is at the head of the river.And my major,which lays more stress on practical use, seems to be at the end of it.When both of them interact well enough,the discovries and theories in biology science can be soon turned into products in all of the modern industry.

Four years’ university education gives me a lot of things to learn,a lot of chances to try,and a lot of practices to improve myself.It teaches me not only what to study and how to think,but also to see the importance of practical ability (such as doing expriment as much as possible). In the university life,i have made many good friends.They help me improve my study and research ability, do ererything just like a man,and often give me good example to follow.

Above all,i choose the major in order to broad my view in biology scince,and enhance my research ability.I will do my best to join the new group and be good at postgraduate study.


General Introduction

I am a third year master major in automation at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, P. R. China. With tremendous interest in Industrial Engineering, I am writing to apply for acceptance into your Ph.

D. graduate program.

Education background

In 1995, I entered the Nanjing University of Science & Technology (NUST) -- widely considered one of the China’s best engineering schools. During the following undergraduate study, my academic records kept distinguished among the whole department. I was granted First Class Prize every semester,In 1999, I got the privilege to enter the graduate program waived of the admission test.

At the period of my graduate study, my overall GPA(3.77/4.0) ranked top 5% in the department. In the second semester, I became teacher assistant that is given to talented and matured students only. This year, I won the Acer Scholarship as the one and only candidate in my department, which is the ultimate accolade for distinguished students endowed by my university. Presently, I am preparing my graduation thesis and trying for the honor of Excellent Graduation Thesis. Research experience and academic activity

When a sophomore, I joined the Association of AI Enthusiast and began to narrow down my interest for my future research. With the tool of OpenGL and Matlab, I designed a simulation program for transportation scheduling system. It is now widely used by different research groups in NUST. I assumed and fulfilled a sewage analysis & dispose project for Nanjing sewage treatment plant. This was my first practice to convert a laboratory idea to a commercial product.

In retrospect, I find myself standing on a solid basis in both theory and experience, which has prepared me for the Ph.D. program. My future research interests include: Network Scheduling Problem, Heuristic Algorithm research (especially in GA and Neural network), Supply chain network research, Hybrid system performance analysis with Petri nets and Data Mining.

Mr. gao


Hello, Everybody! I am very glad to stand here to give you my introduction. I am from Liangbing Middle School. I am studying in Class 1,Grade 7. I love my hometown Liangbing because it’s a very beautiful town.

I have many hobbies, such as reading books, listening to music, surfing the Internet and traveling. But listening to music is my favorite. I like pop music best. My idol are Jay. I am a lively girl. I like making friends and chatting with them. I can play the Chinese Kungfu. I passed all ten levels when I was in Grade 5.However, because of the busy study, I don’t have any free time to practise it. What a pity!I am good at Math and English and I like English better. In my opinion, it’s very easy and fun to learn and use English and this contest is a great chance for me to learn English from others. My saying is god help those who help themselves and I will never give up during my course of learning.

Now, after listening to my introduction, do you know me well?

That’s all. Thank you!


Respected leader:

How do you do? Thank you so much for reading this material in your busy schedule. I wish you the best of luck in your business!

I am the ShenYang Ligong University Institute of Applied Technology in business management professional graduates in 11 weeks since Jun, after entering the University, the college entrance examination easily, had admitted the joy with the wind, because I have to start, continue to work hard to meet new challenges. I was thinking of four years, the knowledge structure and the psychology, four years of maturity the growth of benefits in the Harbin Industrial University strong study, the innovation atmosphere, which I melt into a complex talent. Time flies, I will be with my childhood dream, youth ideal to leave my alma mater, go to work.

I'm putting the word "strict" diligent in learning, the classroom knowledge do not understand the question, to a profound understanding. In the hands of this on the basis of professional knowledge, do not forget to expand their knowledge, the extracurricular knowledge in broad range. I also attach great importance to English learning, and constantly strive to expand the vocabulary of English communicative ability has made great progress. At the same time, in order to improve the overall quality of the individual, I actively participated in various activities, such experiences made me aware of the importance of unity and cooperation, but also learned a lot of social knowledge, increased experience, I believe this to the next to join the community will play an important role.

With confidence, I recommend myself to you, if you have the opportunity to become a member of your company, I would like to start small, start from now, with diligence, hard work, continuous learning in practice, taking the initiative, creativity, to the development of your company's Tim glory.

Now, with great enthusiasm, I am ready to plunge into the melting pot of reality. Although there are many difficulties and hardships, I firmly believe that the spiritual wealth of university life will enable me to overcome them

"There will be wind and waves, sail sea, hope that your company can give me a development platform, I will cherish it, and go all out, and strive to realize their life values, to contribute to the development of your company.




I’m so happy to be here on your day and all of your day. It’s good to know there’s one Yalie who is happy I’m being here -- be here, at least one. (Laughter.) On “Overheard at Yale,” on the Facebook page, one student reported another student saying: I had a dream that I was Vice President and was with the President, and we did the disco funk dance to convince the Congress to restart the government. (Laughter.)

Another student commented, Y’all know Biden would be hilarious, get funky. (Laughter.)

Well, my granddaughter, Finnegan Biden, whose dad went here, is with me today. When she saw that on the speech, I was on the plane, Air Force Two coming up, she said, Pop, it would take a lot more than you and the President doing the disco funk dance. The Tea Party doesn't even know what it is. (Laughter.)

Look, I don't know about that. But I’m just glad there’s someone -- just someone -- who dreams of being Vice President. (Laughter and applause.) Just somebody. I never had that dream. (Laughter.) For the press out there, that's a joke.















  作为车间主任,我在公司领导正确的指导和帮忙下,及车间员工的大力支持,再加上自我不断努力下,完成公司下达的各项生产任务。下面是由本站小编收集整理的“车间主任述职报告开头结尾”,欢迎大家阅读!  车间主任述职报告开头结尾(一)  xx年即将结束,此期间我在主管领导及各部门的协调帮忙下,广大职工的支持努力下,克服新旧车间对接给管理带来的许多不利因素和困难,基本上完成了上级下达的生产任务及各政策传达的



  以下是为大家整理的关于党支部书记抓党建工作述职报告2023年的文章9篇 ,欢迎品鉴!【篇1】党支部书记抓党建工作述职报告2023年  2023年在局党组和局机关党委正确领导下,我认真履行“第一责任人”职责,扎实推进“基层党组织效能建设年”各项工作,持续强化党员教育培训和日常管理,带领机关支部和广大党员在脱贫攻坚、疫情防控、农村人居环境治理和农牧业重点工作中发挥了战斗堡垒作用和先锋模范作



  转正工作总结关系到我们的工作转正,所以要精心写,该如何写,一起来看看本站小编为大家整理的:运营专员转正工作总结,欢迎阅读,仅供参考,更多内容请关注本站。  运营专员转正工作总结(一)  时间过得真快,转眼来到公司已经近两个月了。我的工作岗位是电子商务运营专员。试用期间我学到了很多东西,积极协助配合部门其他同事完成日常的工作。在各位领导和同事的帮助下,我不断地学习和提升自己的工作能力,本着对工作



组织部门要把政治素质调查作为干部工作的重中之重,通过有效的调查方法,牢牢把握选人用人的源头和风向标,培养忠诚、廉洁、负责任的高素质干部。 以下是为大家整理的关于2023年领导班子政治素质考察自查报告的文章4篇 ,欢迎品鉴!第1篇: 2023年领导班子政治素质考察自查报告  根据支部计划,围绕机关作风建设,重点查摆个人在形式主义、官僚主义以及慵懒散慢方面存在的问题,看政治觉悟强不强、“四个意识”牢不



  扶贫工作是党中央、国务院的一项重要战略部署。一起来看看本站小编为大家整理的:扶贫工作个人总结范文,欢迎阅读,仅供参考,更多内容请关注本站。  扶贫工作个人总结范文(一)  一年来,本人始终能够坚决贯彻执行党的各项路线、方针政策,思想上、政治上自觉做到始终与党和政府保持高度一致,牢固树立发展意识,大局意识和服务意识,敢于争先创优,不断创新工作思路,切实做好扶贫攻坚工作。现将具体情况报告如下:  



  作为财务人员特别需要在制度和人情之间把握好分寸,既不能的触犯规章制度也不能不通世故人情。以下是由本站小编为你整理的“财务出纳个人述职报告”,更多内容请访问本站。  财务出纳个人述职报告  xx年x月份我有幸成为公司的一员,主要是在财务部担任出纳工作,在财务部业务种类繁多的地方,我的职责是现金收支,现金日记账的登记和账务核对,手写支票,工资及奖金的核对和发放。  回顾这几个月来的工作,我虚心学习
