
更新时间:2023-09-01 21:14:40 发布时间:24小时内 作者:文/会员上传 下载docx



Dear teachers, dear students! I am ___. I am __ years old and live in _X_X_

The junior high school life I have been looking forward to will begin today. I really hope to get along well with your classmates and teachers and have a good study in the new age and new school. Spend a happy __ years of junior high school life together.

Before I came here, my primary school life was rich and colorful. In the si_ years of primary school life, I got double percent in three semesters, and I can get along well with all my classmates in school. However, there are some small shortcomings, that is, I have too many small actions, which sometimes affect other students. In the future, I will try my best to correct them in the days when I get along with you.

I prefer literature and music. There have been articles published in the school journal. I like to listen to leisurely music in my spare time. In the new semester, I am willing to make common progress with the University and use our most valuable years to complete our studies. If we have difficulties and help each other, I will be the first to come forward. Please supervise me.

That's all for my personal introduction. Thank you!


hello everyone! My name is ___, Zheng Chengcheng, doctor's Bo, ocean ocean, Manchu. I'm not short, but I'm much inferior to the tall people in my class. Like most of my classmates, I am 13 years old this year. My main shortcomings are that I don't work quickly, my consciousness is not high, and I don't pay attention to my own affairs.

My strengths: like many students, I can't find my strengths. After discussing with my parents, I came to the conclusion that I am more motivated and optimistic. In the fifth grade, my grades were not good. In the si_th grade, I knew the importance of studying hard. After hard work, my grades in the class were better. When you encounter a problem, you don't do it and think, "it's okay. Maybe you suddenly remember it? It doesn't matter if you're wrong. Learn from e_perience." as for my more advantages, it depends on everyone's e_ploration!

My hobbies. I prefer swimming and playing football. I'm also interested in military affairs. If anyone and I "like-minded", you can find me to make a friend.

E_pectations for future junior high school life. I hope I can spend these three years happily, form a deep friendship with my classmates, and learn more knowledge and truth from my teachers.

Learning objectives: to be admitted to key high schools; The results in the class should be ideal; Can surpass the students in primary school.

I hope you can understand me and like me. I also hope students can spend these three years in unity and friendship.


hello everyone! My name is ___. At the age of 13, I have a round face and big eyes, but I have single eyelids. The point is that I have a pair of ears with "magical" function. Like the big ear chart, I can "move my ears".

My height is relatively high among the students. It's __ centimeters.

I am gentle and kind-hearted. I don't say dirty words and rude words. Whenever some students frown, I always help them relieve their troubles. I am also called a bosom sister by my deskmate. I am also good at making friends and have a good relationship with my classmates.

I love singing and dancing. This is my skill. As soon as there is an activity in the class, my singing is indispensable. My singing brought joy to the students. The students called me a little singer in the class.

Usually, I like painting. I began to learn painting when I was in kindergarten and have been painting until now. no pains,no gains.

I also like reading. Now my bookshelves are full. I like to read a book when I have nothing to do. Sometimes I even go to the bathroom. My mother criticized me several times for this, but I still go my own way.

I have many shortcomings, but I just don't want to say. If you want to know my shortcomings, make friends with me.


Hello, everyone, my name is _ _ _. When we first met, we must not be very familiar with me. So, let me give you a brief self introduction.

I am _ _ years old and live in a sweet family of four. My mother and father are both teachers. My sister is a student with e_cellent character and learning. She is in the first grade of senior high school in __ middle school this year.

I like to laugh very much. I am active by nature. I am a cheerful and lively child. I love sports, especially ball games. For e_ample: football, basketball, badminton, table tennis.

Dear students, since we are divided into a class, we should communicate with each other in our study and support and help each other in our life. My goal is to achieve e_cellent results in the middle school and college entrance e_amination in a few years and win glory for our family. However, if you want to achieve e_cellent results, you have to make arduous efforts. For this reason, I will persevere. Friends, let's work together!


Hello everyone, my name is ___. I'm very happy to know you. I'm stubborn. What I believe will never change unless you are right and I'm wrong.

In the morning, standing in front of the mirror, looking at the familiar face in the mirror, I felt that I was still a child. Unfortunately, I had been promoted to junior high school and was no longer a child.

Think of and good friends bit by bit, unconsciously tears climbed onto the face, yes! I've been a good friend with myself for si_ years. At this meeting, I say I'm separated. There must be a lot of reluctance. But what's the use. Time doesn't stop. I'd better face the reality!

I'm also forgetful. Once, I couldn't find my shoes. Later, my mother reminded me that I washed my shoes and put them outside. People say I'm forgetful.

I like to help the teacher, but I am very careless and often help. Once the teacher asked me to help him finish his blackboard writing. As a result, I heard that I wiped all the blackboard writing. Without saying a word, I wiped all the blackboard writing that the teacher worked hard to write. The teacher blushed with anger. You say funny or not.

I am such a person. Welcome to make friends with me! I'm good to my friends.









热门标签: 新生 自我介绍 英语






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