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献血英语工作总结范文 第一篇

Blood donation now it is generally believed that blood donation will actually harm a person's health, but it is not the case. On the one hand, the amount of blood donation is very small and will recover in a short time. With the development of medicine, people's blood donation is more safe and convenient.

The most important thing is that blood donation can save the lives of dying patients, which is of great significance to the whole society. We need to take several measures Shi Lai promotes blood donation. First of all, we should teach ordinary citizens medical knowledge to make them believe that blood donation is not erous at all.

We should help people realize that helping others is equal to helping themselves, not only because being willing to help others is a virtue, but also because one day we will become a convenient donation for those who need help.



献血英语工作总结范文 第二篇

Do you know what sustains our lives? It's blood. Blood has been regarded as the source of vitality and health, and has important physiological significance. Nowadays, more and more people are willing to donate blood, but also unpaid blood donation, it has become the dedication of love. No, a moving story is pouring in

You must know Jay Chou. You must like Han Geng, but do you know Wang Zeqian? Wang Zeqian is an ordinary farmer. Every three months, he would walk dozens of miles of mountain roads to the county seat, and then the car to the blood center, in order to donate a apheresis platelet here. For 11 years, regardless of wind and rain, busy or slack, he has been quietly persisted.

Wang Zeqian ah, Wang Zeqian, you let us know that the original need to adhere to, not necessarily a habit or own dream. We can also donate blood. In accordance with the idea of xxxdonating blood without blood and saving livesxxx, countless lives can see the dawn of life again, and can live with us in this wonderful world.

Next, I'd like to introduce you to a blood hero. The hero has donated blood for 5 years. What amount is this? It's equivalent to the blood of 5 adults. And the only one who made this feat was Guo Qingjian, an ordinary worker. But unfortunately, the hero's life ended abruptly because of a car accident. Until then, people knew that he had donated blood as his lifelong glory. I watched the hero portrait screen, and he left the 14 and the 3 national blood donation certificate certificate of honor, my eyes moist. Here, let's say to the hero, all the way!

Blood donors for the noble life-saving purpose to donate blood, is a kind of xxxall for me, I for social relief behavior allxxx, is a kind of love, is an important manifestation of the humanitarian spirit.

The implementation of voluntary blood donation is conducive to carrying forward the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation, and is also an important measure to promote civilization construction. Every healthy citizen should take an active part in it. I think, when I'm adult, I'm going to donate blood!

献血英语工作总结范文 第三篇

It is often seen that many donation cars park along road so that it would be convenient for people to donate blood. Some people are very glad to donate because they believe their blood can be helpful for others who are in need. Some people are reluctant to donate their blood for they hold that they may be infected with other disease. In my opinion, I think people should donate blood. Reasons are as follows.


First of all, donating blood will benefit others. Generally, hospitals need lots of blood for those critically ill patients and those who have accident. Hence, hospitals will store amounts of blood in blood bank in case of emergency. By donating blood, we can fill the blood bank and ensure doctors enough blood to save patients’ life.


Secondly, we will be healthier by donating blood. If we keep on donating blood, then our hematopoietic function will be strengthened. So the blood viscosity will be lower and the velocity of blood flow will speed up. Consequently, it will help people to relieve or prevent high blood viscosity.


In conclusion, by donating blood, not only can we help others to some extent, but also we can be healthier.


献血英语工作总结范文 第四篇

Every time my classmates and I go to department store building, garden street became the only way. On garden street and the intersection of the Yangtze river middle road always parked in a big bus, on a big bus xxxunpaid blood donation, blood donation is gloriousxxx eight characters is especially striking. Every time when I passed unconsciously shoulder, looking around, when I see someone step to walk down from the car, my heart will always be poured out of a kind of excited mood, always dream of that person is me!

I remember the first time I go to the garden street, there was several years ago! At that time I just got the id, the in the mind have a kind of say a feeling, always want to do something memorable. Thinking about thinking about is reminiscent of the garden street there the bus, donating blood car!

I still remember, that day I just came out from the Yangtze hotel across the xinhua bookstore, so I see the blood donation car across the road, I walked straight past. Came to the front, sitting in a simple table, two comrades warm greeting me, when I took the id card for registration, looked at the two comrades shook his head and said: xxxyoung man, come back, you are under 18 years old!xxx I took the id card, the route to the car looked at, helpless. Time like running water in the past, but it's a long time wandering in my mind. Today I got up early in the morning, looked at the calendar on the wall, pull the finger calculated time, thought: this time the full 18 years old! Walked out of the house, thinking about thinking about breakfast casually, sitting on the bus to the changjiang hotel! After a bumpy all the way the car finally stopped at the Yangtze hotel station. I'm out of the car and went straight to the blood donation car parked at the fork in the road. Beside the car is still the two comrades, they are still very warmly greet me, began to talk with me, to ask some simple physical condition, has carried on the simple check to me, listen to the heartbeat, and measuredBlood pressure, etc. After being all conform to, under the guidance of the nurse finally on blood donation has been curious. Car is a simple small clinic! I'm under the command of the nurse made a simple blood test first: when a normal size needles in my gaze slowly into my veins, suddenly felt a sharp pain, then as pinched, lose the pain... I was sitting on the side of the sofa waiting for the blood of assay. I sat on the sofa looked all around, around is full of curiosity! Several minutes later, the test report shows that I can meet the requirements of blood. I behind the nurse, was taken to the blood, this time is really scared me a, the blood of the needle is not like just assay is blood is so small, the ink head. There are so thick. Saw a nurse dip in with cotton ball dipped in alcohol at my arm with a few times, suddenly a feeling of hot born of heart, then, that written with thick needle slowly go in, bright red blood meal time along a thin tube slowly into the blood preservation bags, at that time the feeling is said not clear in one or two words...




献血英语工作总结范文 第五篇

Blood donation, the word is not unfamiliar, but how many people dare not donate blood?. I say, donating blood isn't that scary.

As you all know, blood donation is a charity activity, blood donation is to help those who are seriously ill, I think, blood donation does not need to be formatted, but to have affinity. The blood itself is a good help, but because some people are afraid of blood, but they know that a drop of blood. They can save the lives of many people, you know, only one person's life, you gave blood, someone ran back from the hands of the disease, you don't give the precious blood, someone may have lost their lives. Come and go, a difference of two lives, you don't bear to see others put out the candle of life, but do not give it a little blood, you know the blood is not a little harm to us, but to others, this is a life, or even dozens of. The patient is well, thank you so much to their loved ones; the patient has gone, although their family will not blame you, but you have lost the love that one has. In my eyes, blood donation is glorious, is proud of, is the purification of the soul, is the test of love, is to help people, help others, is valuable, is the embodiment of our friendship between people. Mutual aid. An exam of unity. We test full marks is very simple, just give a little bit of blood, but some people, that is, can not break through the barrier, life test, only so simple, but to test 100 points, not only knowledge, but also love!

The significance of voluntary blood donation is not how much you give, but the key is that you do 100 points, because you are a person with love, those who only have knowledge and no love, can not be compared with you!

献血英语工作总结范文 第六篇

Today, I participated in the xxxunpaid blood donation into campusxxx activity. When our class to be a neatly team came to the school playground, there is a sea of people, all teachers and students enthusiastic and all spirits.

Activities started, the first flag-raising ceremony, with loud music, we sang the national anthem of the People's Republic of China, the singing rant, loud and ring. Then, the school leader strode to the front of the chairman, told us the significance of unpaid blood donation, and congratulate teachers who participate in unpaid blood donation and thanks; When young pioneers were solemnly to the teachers on the bright red scarf, they smile, spirit, landed like tall and straight poplar, red scarf on their chest. Followed by a group of angels walked to the front, honorable teachers awarded xxxcertificate of blood donation,xxx at this time the meeting place on burst into thundering applauses. At this moment, I seem to see: white angels are the spurts of fresh blood to the patient, their condition get better immediately, happy smile.

Through to take part in the xxxunpaid blood donation into campusxxx activity, I deeply realize: xxxunpaid blood donationxxx teachers in order to relieve the patient's pain, to heal the wounded and rescue the dying, in order to save the lives of others, his precious blood give out free of charge, this is great, noble behavior! Is a kind of can't use money to constant dedication of love! I take pride in our school there is such a good teacher and pride. I thought to myself, when I grow up, must learn from them, and attend to the unpaid blood donation, dedicate ourselves to the society and love!





献血英语工作总结范文 第七篇

Blood donation in my eyes is dedication, is a noble life-saving behavior, is the volunteer's warm blood, his selfless dedication to the society and patients, and the blood donors left themselves silently after the blood donation, to help others with lofty spirit. Although our good example has no return of blood donation, it is a lifelong honor. The society and people will respect and love blood donation, which is love and love The embodiment of dedication, blood donation is a manifestation of social gratitude, blood donation is a life-saving feat, you want to affect the life of society, willing to offer you another love blood donation, from me, selfless dedication in the rise of the nation, in the life of the Pentium, we have to act, for the present blood donation, because of blood loss, tens of thousands of people died, so the society emerged Out of a group of blood donors, they are good, we salute the brave and selfless blood donors, in my eyes, blood donation is not terrible, so xxxblood is harmful to health, as long as a little couragexxx of blood is the symbol of life, blood donation I believe that a sign of our progress in social civilization is that we can do better.



献血英语工作总结范文 第八篇

As shown in the above figure, in the past seven years, the proportion of unpaid blood donation in clinical blood collection has been rising, reaching more than 70%, which is a gratifying development for the whole society. The meaning of the above bar chart can be explained from the following aspects: more and more proportion shows that great changes have taken place in people's spiritual civilization, and most people hope to contribute to society in some way, which is a way to realize self-worth. Selfless spirit is more common than ever before.

Moreover, statistics show that modern people, especially young people, have a deeper understanding of medical knowledge. Most people have abandoned the old idea that blood donation is the most harmful to human body. Our spiritual progress and rich medical knowledge have seen such a positive result in May.

In addition, we should also take measures to improve medical knowledge Effective measures, to carry out unpaid blood donation activities, and to advocate healthy blood donation.



献血英语工作总结范文 第九篇

Instruction D: for the second part, you can write a composition about xxxunpaid blood donationxxx in a few minutes. You should write at least a few words based on the following outline (in Chinese): as shown in the bar chart above, the proportion of unpaid blood donation in clinical blood collection has been rising to over 70% in the past seven years Gratifying development. The meaning of the above bar chart can be explained from the following aspects: more and more proportion shows that great changes have taken place in people's spiritual civilization, and most people hope to contribute to society in some way, which is a way to realize self-worth.

Selfless spirit is more common than ever before. Moreover, statistics show that modern people, especially young people, have a deeper understanding of medical knowledge. Most people have abandoned the old idea that blood donation is the most harmful to human body.

Our spiritual progress and rich medical knowledge make us see such a positive result in May. First of all, we should adopt the following measures Only in this way can a harmonious and healthy society be created.



献血英语工作总结范文 第十篇

It is often seen that many blood donation vehicles are parked on the roadside to facilitate people to donate blood. Some people are happy to donate blood because they believe their blood can help others in need. Some people don't want to donate blood because they think they may be infected with other diseases.

I think the reason why people should donate blood is that blood donation is beneficial to ordinary people. Hospitals need a lot of blood for critically ill patients and patients with accidents. Hospitals store a lot of blood in blood banks by donating blood.

We can supplement blood banks and ensure that doctors have enough Enough blood to save the lives of patients. Second, if we continue to donate blood, we will become healthier. In this way, our hematopoietic function will be enhanced, the blood viscosity will be reduced, and the blood flow speed will also be accelerated.

In short, blood donation can not only help others to a certain extent, but also make us more healthy.



献血英语工作总结范文 第十一篇

Today is the weekend, but my father to go out in the early morning. Originally, dad's unit organization staff to the Red Cross to participate in unpaid blood donation activities, my father also attended. Presented the blood back to dad home, had just entered the door, I took my father's hand, eager to father raised a series of problems: what is the unpaid blood donation? Why do you want to donate blood? ...... Dad smiled and told me: xxxthe blood is the source of life. In daily life, often have patients, rescue the wounded need a blood transfusion, blood means life for them, the rescue requires people donate blood. When we give of yourself a little blood, not only gave him the hope of life, more to give others warmth of love!xxx Dad answered my questions one by one in detail. Hear the word of the father, I gradually understand the significance of the unpaid blood. Between people should be brothers and sisters, should help each other, care about each other. Unpaid blood donation is selfless dedication, a kind of unity friendliness. As long as everybody to give yourself a little love, our home will become more warm, peace, and the world will become more beautiful. I really want to hurry and grow up, to join the ranks of glorious unpaid donors at an early date!









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