
更新时间:2022-10-07 16:21:30 发布时间:24小时内 作者:文/会员上传 下载docx


The following introduced himself to do what I call: **, ** year-old, Han nationality, graduated in 2010, Sichuan Nanchong City, Sichuan Medical College Vocational and Technical College, secondary school education.

Whenever a child who can see the hospital's wearing a white coat, the patient beside busy to see patients because of their loving care to alleviate the suffering of the kind of revealed expression of gratitude, they were really like in my mind angelic lovely and holy, I have a dream that one day the same as they do an angels in white, after graduating from junior high school, I did not hesitate to take the entrance exam the provincial Medical School. In their own efforts and family support, I successfully completed the Medical School three years of studies, the fine courses.

Although the employment after graduation as a result of social tensions, failed to immediately assigned to work, but I do not sit at home with, but will be active in school and I have learned during the internship, applied to life, his family only when they are sick for their injection, but also some of the diagnosis and treatment within its capacity for them to reduce a lot of trouble, the family joked I was the family doctor, I am very proud of this title, which also affirmed my lifelong dedication to the cause of health care energy determination. However, my ideal is not just to help their loved ones around. I want the same as Florence Nightingale, through their own efforts and love for more people to bring health and happiness.

So I would like to seize this rare opportunity and hope that examiners can give me an ideal opportunity to achieve in life, so I'm really aspire to go their own way, I will have learned that her love and knowledge of elders for the home folks to do their due contribution.

To prepare for work (such as personal information, clothing, makeup) fully prepared to relieve your tension, and then when you walked into the interview room, remember that the rise of chest, smiling!

First of all reported their own name and identity. Examiner interviews candidate may be greeted with, has this to tell each other, but they can from your application form, resume and other materials in the understanding of these situations, but still you take the initiative to mention. This is the need for politeness, but also can enhance the impression of your examiner.

Second, you can simply explain your qualifications, work experience (in school part-time) and other basic personal circumstances. Please ensure that a clear narrative thread, a poorly organized, long since the opening, will examiners were left disorganized, personality is not clear impression and let the examiner fatigue, weakening of the interview continued interest and attention.

Next, from this part of the basic conditions of personal and natural transition to one or two during their undergraduate or successful completion of the event to the image of the two examples, the clarity he explained his own experience and ability, for example: at school served as student leaders during the successful organization of activities; or how to put into social practice, use their expertise to public service; or own significant achievements of professional and excellent academic achievements.








热门标签: 英文






述职报告是任职者陈述自己任职情况,评议自己任职能力,接受上级领导考核和群众监督的一种应用文,具有汇报性、总结性和理论性的特点。以下是小编整理的党员信教排查情况报告范文(通用6篇),仅供参考,希望能够帮助到大家。【篇一】党员信教排查情况报告  党员信教排查工作总结当前,少数党员信仰宗教,参加宗教活动,违背党的性质,削弱党组织的战斗力,降低党在群众中的威信,也不利于正确贯彻执行党的宗教政策。为了妥善解



以下是为大家整理的关于2023年履行党风廉政建设主体责任情况报告的文章8篇 , 欢迎大家参考查阅!第1篇: 2023年履行党风廉政建设主体责任情况报告  20-年,在局党委、纪委的正确领导下,我认真执行党风廉政建设责任制有关规定,严于律己,管好班子,带好队伍,切实把从严治党责任扛在肩上,按照会议安排,现将一年来党风廉政建设“两个责任”落实情况汇报如下,不妥之处,敬请批评指正。  一、全面履行从严治



  作为一名技术员,不仅要有过硬的专业理论文化知识,还应当具备丰富的现场实际操作经验。那么大家知道电气技术员个人工作总结怎么写吗?以下是本站小编为您整理的“电气技术员个人工作总结”,供您参考,更多详细内容请点击本站查看。  电气技术员个人工作总结【一】  春夏秋冬忙忙碌碌,转眼又到了年末。在这辞旧迎新之际,在此对一年来的工作与与学习情况做个简要回顾,总结工作学习



个人,或者称个体,一般指一个人或是一个群体中的特定的主体。 以下是为大家整理的关于2023年个人述责述廉报告的文章16篇 , 欢迎大家前来参考查阅!第一篇: 2023年个人述责述廉报告  在厅党组的正确领导下,我深入学习贯彻***新时代中国特色社会主义思想、党的十九大和十九届二次、三次全会,中央纪委十九届二次全会,省委十四届七次全会和省纪委三次全会精神,认真贯彻落实全省作风建设工作会议精神,认真落



  车间主任是岗位名称名,主要负责全面主持车间的工作。以下是本站小编为大家精心整理的车间主任工作岗位职责,欢迎大家阅读,供您参考。更多内容请关注本站。  车间主任工作岗位职责(一)  1.车间主任在主管厂长的领导下,负责车间全面行政管理工作,是本车间安全生产的第一责任者。  2.爱岗敬业,执行并落实采油厂各项规章制度,对本车间生产、技术、质量、设备、安全等各项工作负全责。  3.根据生产运行科下达



