
更新时间:2023-10-11 13:09:55 发布时间:24小时内 作者:文/会员上传 下载docx


I'm proud of myself. I'm an active girl. I have many advantages, such as speaking Chinese, good memory, telling jokes, like doing homework and so on.

I often take part in the Chinese speech contest when I partite in the speech contest. I always take the first price, but I am not happy because they are not very good. I have a strong memory.

During the summer vacation, my mother taught me English, and I memorized the word in five minutes. Faster, its jokes always make people laugh. I can do a lot of homework when I am a student.

I like cooking and playing I'm proud of myself.




I was going to write this article here last night, but I thought no, I just wanted to see what I should do, not too much public speaking, which has been the bane of my survival since I was a ager. I had a real emotional fight with it, but for the past few years, I didn't want to have a job that required me to speak in a group, and recently I realized that it was easy for me to speak up to people I knew, but to say things in front of the audience that I didn't know, I had been thinking the other day, I don't know what I should do now, I don't think I mind Test it, read something very short, but I didn't think too much, because today I had to do it (funeral, but it doesn't matter, I talked to myself through it, emotions, fears, I did it, I did it confidently, I had people comment on how well I said it, so now of course you know what the next step in public speaking is, and I'll do more than that. I've never been afraid of it I've learned that in body speaking and reading aloud, and it's all in my head, and I've built up a sense of it in my mind, so I guess the same thing happens to public speaking, so I'm sure that once I'm immersed in speaking, it's easy to get irritated, and I can't wait to get rid of fear completely, just like I've spoken out loud in groups recently Seeing that I have made progress in many aspects, solving my fear is the most important thing for me at present, and it's going well.




There are many things in life,then a smile for the teacher,I feel very is a writing competition the sixth grade next semester,I won the two prize

Remember that time I very want to join in the game,the Chinese teacher to inform youthe game news,I first signed up,want to cherish this every class onlyallows two students to participate in,my composition level is on the level of our class,even I myself don't day the teacher told me to go to the office,^v^the report!^v^ ^v^Please come in.^v^ Chinese teacher said slowly:^v^you sign up to participate in the essay contest,you have what idea?^v^ ^v^I.^v^ I make an ambiguous statement to say a Chinese teacher relieved smile,said:^v^never mind,have what idea to competition you are the first one to sign up,oneself at that time is how to think?^v^See the teacher a reassuring smile,I finally plucked up the courage to breath to say:^v^I wrote a composition in the class is not the best,but I want to seize this opportunity,also can exercise my composition want to have a try.^v^ The Chinese teacher is asmile,picked up a piece of paper from the table handed to me:^v^this is I make the playlist,you see it first.^v^ My hands and took the piece of paper has a name was.^v^I!^v^ I could not help but exclaim Chinese teacher smiled and nodded.^v^I would choose you because of your your writing skills but also good.^v^ Chinese teacher always looked at me and smiled.^v^You can,go home to prepare yourself properly,we have classes on you!^v^ Chinese teacher said saw me out of the office,however,my heart a long time can not be calm.

The contest I overachieving,unexpectedly won a prize two.^v^Awesome!^v^ The teacherthat brief language and blooming smile,makes me very game let me really understand,everyone is not trivial,even ordinary people,there will be others appreciate will be my successful book,the source of happiness.


Over the course of my 12 years, there have been so many things that have made people happy, something disturbing, something that makes people proud and proud.

I am a timid girl. Dare not be alone at home, afraid to be in the dark room, also dare not to be alone in thunder. But since that time I've been ^v^bold^v^, I've been so proud of myself.

That was when I was 6 years old. It was the sun that was burning hot. Because I love peaches very much, my mother bought me a big bag of peaches. But because my father was busy and I was so greedy, peaches had not eaten for two weeks. Peaches seem to be a hot sun, and one day is worse than the other. It was so urgent that I and my mother, and so on, the peaches were all ^v^heroic^v^. Then, after her mother came back from work, she rushed to finish the housework, took my hand, and sat down on the sofa to eat the peach. By this time, it was more than eight o 'clock in the evening. After the mother gently peel with a knife, cut and give me a good to eat, put some bad only some parts of the peach to yourself, afraid I worry about, he said: ^v^the only a little bit bad, still can eat, do not eat too wasted.^v^ Then he ate. After about 10 minutes, my mother suddenly got a stomachache and lay down on the sofa. I am still an ignorant child, I do not know what to do with this kind of situation, I have to stand beside my mother and cry. Mother's face is pale, her head is cold sweat, how to do? Mom told me to call dad and let dad come home to see her. But what about the call? I sit up and listen to my mother saying how to make a phone call. When my mother finished, I went mad and ran to the library.


I have seen a lot of things, some make me happy, some make me sad, sometimes let me shame, the most unforgettable is that when I was seven years old, my mother got sick, got up, had a meal, and vomited from time to time. Seeing my mother with pain, I was very worried. I was very concerned about my mother.

^v^Mom, what do you want to eat?^v^ she said weakly, ^v^can you have porridge?^v^ I Keep it in mind, but I grew up in my mother's love since I was a child. I didn't do anything I thought.




Among all the unforgettable experiences in my life when I’ am looking back on those beautiful old days with fulfillment , there’s one thing that I’ am proud of most. Whenever thinking of it, I would find myself happier and more confident than ever.

It was on a fine autumn afternoon when I was still a teenager. I noticed an old grandma sitting silently under a tall tree in front of her house, looking rather sad and lonely. I went to have a chat with her. After our short conversation, I got to know that all the old women’s sons and daughters were far away from her, making their lives in big cities and she felt lonely. I felt sympathetic for her, and I realized that there were actually many old people like her in the village. So a good idea occurred to me suddenly.

I gathered my friends, and organized them to visit there old people one by one. We sang songs, danced and told jokes to them, which made them happy. One of them was so moved that tears fell down.

Caring for those around us and passing our happiness to others are what I have learnt that day. I made it, and I feel really proud of myself that gave comfort to those who needed most.


I love this city. Every day I live here, I can feel the security of my mother holding me in her arms. I love this city.

It's very beautiful. There are flowers, grass and trees everywhere. You walk in the street, the shops are full of all kinds of goods, you can feel the breeze blowing your face, breathing the fresh air.





I'm proud of myself. Hello, I'd like to introduce myself to you. My name is XXXI.

In class XXX, grade XXX. Now in xxx school, I like XXX, and I like XXXI. I think I should be proud of myself.

This is because first, I am good at school work. I always get in all my subjects. Second, I am a natural speaker.

I am very talkative All my classmates like my sense of humor. I am more energetic than almost all my classmates. I'm better at sports than they are.

I always get the first prize in the school sports meeting, no one can beat me in the sports competition. I have a lot of good habits. I am optimistic and strong willed.

I never give up. I always believe that I can do anything. I think I should be proud of myself.

Don't you think so.





There are many things in life,then a smile for the teacher,I feel very is a writing competition the sixth grade next semester,I won the two prize

Remember that time I very want to join in the game,the Chinese teacher to inform youthe game news,I first signed up,want to cherish this every class onlyallows two students to participate in,my composition level is on the level of our class,even I myself don't expect.

The day the teacher told me to go to the office,^v^the report!^v^ ^v^Please come in.^v^ Chinese teacher said slowly:^v^you sign up to participate in the essay contest,you have what idea?^v^ ^v^I.^v^ I make an ambiguous statement to say a word.

The Chinese teacher relieved smile,said:^v^never mind,have what idea to competition you are the first one to sign up,oneself at that time is how to think?^v^See the teacher a reassuring smile,I finally plucked up the courage to breath to say:^v^I wrote a composition in the class is not the best,but I want to seize this opportunity,also can exercise my composition want to have a try.^v^ The Chinese teacher is asmile,picked up a piece of paper from the table handed to me:^v^this is I make the playlist,you see it first.^v^ My hands and took the piece of paper has a name was.^v^I!^v^ I could not help but exclaim aloud.

The Chinese teacher smiled and nodded.^v^I would choose you because of your your writing skills but also good.^v^ Chinese teacher always looked at me and smiled.^v^You can,go home to prepare yourself properly,we have classes on you!^v^ Chinese teacher said saw me out of the office,however,my heart a long time can not be calm.

The contest I overachieving,unexpectedly won a prize two.^v^Awesome!^v^ The teacherthat brief language and blooming smile,makes me very game let me really understand,everyone is not trivial,even ordinary people,there will be others appreciate will be my successful book,the source of happiness.


There is one thing I am very proud of. I still remember how I became an excellent table tennis player on my first day of high school. I saw some of my classmates playing table tennis and were surprised how skillful they were.

I decided to be as good as ever. I often carefully observed their skills and practiced them until I became confident enough to challenge excellent balls At the end of the semester, I became one of the best players in my class, and I'm really proud of this experience, because it helped me realize that we can all work hard to achieve our potential and goals, which also helped me better understand the proverb ^v^practice makes perfect^v^.




In our lives, we are always proud of what happens. In my memory, there is something that I am very proud of, which I have never forgotten.

I remember that morning, when I was in my father's car to go to school, and I watched many brothers and sisters riding bikes and galloping along the road. I was so envious. I said to my dad, ^v^dad, can you teach me how to ride a bicycle?^v^ Father is very cheerful: ^v^you want to learn? Good! That is today evening!^v^ ^v^Well!^v^

In a twinkling of an eye, night falls, the moon looks like a golden hook, hanging from the sky. My father and I pushed the bike to the playground. I was a little scared, and I couldn't wait to get on my bike, one foot on the pedal and the other on the ground. ^v^You look straight ahead,^v^ he told me. ^v^don't be afraid. I'm leaning back.^v^ Because dad was leaning back, I let go and circled around the playground. ^v^dad, I can ride it!^v^ he cried. As I looked behind me, there was no one, and I got out of the car quickly and looked away. My father gave me a thumbs-up and gave me a thumbs up. Suddenly, I was full of confidence and began to ride on my own. After all, I was a little nervous when I was alone, and I got into the grass accidentally. Suddenly, the wheel slipped and I jumped down, and the car fell down. Lying on the ground, I couldn't help being discouraged. Seeing my dismay, my father encouraged me, ^v^come on! I believe you are the best!^v^ I listened, got up again, picked up the car, wiped the dirt off the car, and continued to ride. Now, the more I ride, the better, I can take a baby with one hand!

This proud thing, although very soon passed, but it has always been in my mind, and will always be in my treasure, accompany me, go down together.








热门标签: 英语






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