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英语作文讲座报道范文格式 第一篇

Dear Liu Ming, I have good news to tell you that there will be a lecture on American English and British English in the reading room of our library on Saturday afternoon. The speaker will be Dr. John Smith of New York University on October.

After the lecture, the film _the sound of music_ will be shown. I know you like English and learn well. You would like to meet me at the school gate You, Wang Lin, sent an email to a lecture that afternoon.

Topic: American English and British English. About Lecturer: Dr. John Smith, from New York University time: October, Saturday, 4:00 ., location: reading room 2, library, movie _the sound of music_ - Saturday.



英语作文讲座报道范文格式 第二篇

Dear XXX, when I heard the news that you were admitted to a famous university, I am very happy to congratulate you that the university life is very different from our life in middle school. I believe that, first of all, the life style in University, its leisure and are not as tense and restrained as those in middle school; second, in learning, in University, teachers have not been forced for a long time Learning, there are no more lectures to learn. You are learning consciously, and you can choose your favorite lecture.

As long as you can make use of your time and try to do every wonderful thing well, I believe your life in university will be very rich. Your sincere XXX: http://wwwwyeuthemecn/yingyuzuowen/yingyusijizuowen//html.




英语作文讲座报道范文格式 第三篇

Dear Chen Fang, when I heard the news that you were admitted to a famous university, I am very happy to congratulate you. The life in university is very different from our life in middle school. I believe that first of all, the life style in University, its leisure and are not as tense and restrained as those in middle school; second, there is no long-term study in University Forced by the teacher, there are no more lectures to learn.

You are learning consciously, and you can choose your favorite lecture. As long as you can make use of your time and try to do every wonderful thing well, I believe your life in university will be very wonderful.



英语作文讲座报道范文格式 第四篇

With the development of mass media, we can get instant news immediately. We can read news through the Internet. This is the fastest way to get first-hand information to attract people's attention.

Some media will exaggerate the facts. They always bring false reports that they should be punished a few days ago. It is reported that a Chinese woman dragged a foreigner's clothes to him Claiming compensation for the cost of the bicycle.

A photo was posted on the news. People criticized the woman for being so rude in front of a foreigner. The woman could not bear the pressure.

She stood up and said that the foreigner beat her up. The news that she was the first one to slander was reported without further study, which brought great trouble to women Many people are faced with the same situation. In order to attract the attention of the audience, the media should control this kind of behavior and correct the attitude of journalists to news reports by exaggerating the big things and facts,.


标签: 新学期

英语作文讲座报道范文格式 第五篇

However, according to the Internet survey, at least one percent of their Internet users reported that they suffered from online violence for at least one hour What is cyber violence? It includes harassment, slander, abuse and disclosure of private affairs. It is reported that microblogging and circle of friends are very popular in China. People publish everything about themselves on their own platforms.

Personal information is not public, so we can see that the trouble is coming: some people deliberately leave malicious comments on other people's personal pages, causing network quarrels, and some people spread false information or slander others, which results in such behavior It can lead to a bad reputation for the victims, why do people do it, so some of them say it can be fun, or they just want to do something to prove that they are popular, or they want to be rich and famous. I think it is necessary to create a harmonious environment for Internet users, just like an old Chinese saying: you can't hear evil, you can't see evil, you can't say evil.


英语作文讲座报道范文格式 第六篇

I'm glad to tell you that an English lecture will be held in the lecture hall / theatre from Friday afternoon to afternoon on March 1, and Li Ping from Peking University will be held on the morning of March 1. The topic is how to learn English well. You can take notes If you like, you can ask any questions about English learning after class.

Please attend the lecture on time / don't be late. thank you.










热门标签: 格式 英语






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