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学校社团招生英语作文范文 第一篇

Hello, my name is, I am very smart now. My father is a policeman. His job is very erous, but he never wants to do a job.

He thinks it is an interesting job. He likes my mother. She likes talking and writing stories.

She is a reporter. I and I are very good. I want to be a manager.



学校社团招生英语作文范文 第二篇

The bar chart below becbecbecbec shows the number of consumer complaints about different types of C products and services over the past few years. Use the information in the bar chart, write a short report summarizing the changes that have taken place, and write words on the second part of the answer sheet / way / uploadfiles / / GIF. Your company or organization is becoming more and more successful in order to continue to be successful, You want to expand and increase your department's budget.

The directors ask you to write a report that explains why your department needs extra money to write the report, explains why your department needs more money, and includes the following: whether additional staff are needed (and if so, why) whether changes should be made to office space and equipment. What do you think of your future development How will the planned investment generate additional business? Write on your answer sheet.



学校社团招生英语作文范文 第三篇

My class is a warm class. As long as there is a person in our class who needs help, everyone will go to help him enthusiastically.

There was a time when they needed to buy textbooks, but some students parents had no time to buy them, so Wu Tianhao and Liu Jiales mother gave up her spare time to help them buy books. Wang Yuxiao, Liu Jiale and Wu Tianhao also handed out the books to students who bought them.

Another time, a classmate in the special room to vomit, Zhang Yike classmate not too dirty not too tired to vomit clean with a mop. Some students brought the hot water, some students sent him back to the classroom, and some students went to report to the teacher.

I also often help other students, desk mates or around people forget to bring erasers, pencils I always take the initiative to lend them. If the teacher asked me to print out the review materials, I would print out several more copies for those students who did not print out. Although these are small things, but can help others, my heart is very happy.

It is the students in our class are helping each other, unity and friendship, so our class has been named xxxwarm classxxx. I am proud to live in such a class.

学校社团招生英语作文范文 第四篇

Some secluded paces dont even have street lamps yet; one can imagine how horrible it is to walk on the narrow dusty road at night. Their systematic drawbacks are a great hindrance to the service work. Because the members are all students, they can only go when there is no burden of study. The two visits in a year inevitably become a “seasonal disturbance” to those poor people. Owing to the restriction of study, one member maybe will have only one or two chances and the local people have to get acquainted with “new friends” every vacation without knowing why. So, the service work is forced to start at the same point every year with no improvement, another serious problem is that some members are ill trained. They not only cant help others but also cant help themselves: that is to say. The sometimes are too conceited to learn anything, including self growth. Sometimes they become tourists—not doing service, but taking pictures, appreciating scenery.

Perhaps the criticism is right, students dont have the qualification to xxxhelpxxx other people. But, at least, theyve brought much new information into the remote counties and given the closed communities much stimulation as well as the opportunity of introspection. Maybe one doesnt believe all this, but there is one thing which cant be denied: friendship, yes, friendship. These two groups of people no longer belong to two different worlds. the most important thing is that the people served know city people, care about them.

学校社团招生英语作文范文 第五篇

Some secluded paces dont even have street lamps yet;one can imagine how horrible it is to walk on the narrow dusty road at systematic drawbacks are a great hindrance to the service the members are all students,they can only go when there is no burden of study.

The two visits in a year inevitably become a “seasonal disturbance” to those poor to the restriction of study,one member maybe will have only one or two chances and the local people have to get acquainted with “new friends” every vacation without knowing service work is forced to start at the same point every year with no improvement,another serious problem is that some members are ill trained.

They not only cant help others but also cant help themselves: that is to sometimes are too conceited to learn anything, including self growth. Sometimes they become tourists—not doing service, but taking pictures, appreciating scenery.

Perhaps the criticism is right, students dont have the qualification to “help” other , at least, theyve brought much new information into the remote counties and given the closed communities much stimulation as well as the opportunity of one doesnt believe all this,but there is one thing which cant be denied: friendship,yes, two groups of people no longer belong to two different most important thing is that the people served know city people, care about them.

学校社团招生英语作文范文 第六篇

Welcome to the hip hop club. Have you ever heard of hip hop clubs? Are you interested in hip hop dancing? If you want to improve your hip-hop dance level and join our club, we will hold many activities, such as English corner, English debate contest and so on. If you want to show your English talent, we also hold an English speech contest.

Every month you go out, our club is your best choice, because you can make many new friends here every year. Our club will invite many foreign teachers to communicate and play with our members. Of course, they will introduce many interesting things in their country West, to broaden your horizons, you can also make friends with them.

We believe you will get a lot of happiness in our club. Come on, we are waiting for you.



学校社团招生英语作文范文 第七篇

Some time ago, the school organized a club activity called “Physical Arts 2+1”. When I knew there was a Guzheng club, I secretly made up my mind: I also want to sign up, in order to live up to the expectations of the Guzheng teacher, in order to win honor for the class, I must go!

Later, I took part in club activities every Thursday. I practiced very hard and was always the last one to leave the class. However, the thought of the teacher said to be in the “61” Childrens Day performance, I am excited. Let me tell you, our teachers teacher is graduated from Guzheng performance professional training institution, but it is amazing! So the teacher was very strict with us, but as the saying goes, “A strict teacher makes excellent students.” All of us in the Guzheng club practiced for only three or four times, and we were almost able to perform in ensemble.

“One minute on stage, ten years of work off stage!” Thats easier said than done. Students, when you hear the beautiful melody, you can know how much time and sweat the performer paid! So whenever I can play a piece completely, I feel really proud because all the hard work paid off. Im so happy that I made the song come alive on the paper.

I love you -- Guzheng Club, thank you for letting me know more about music and at the same time sharpening my will!

学校社团招生英语作文范文 第八篇
































热门标签: 学校 社团 英语





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