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播放熊出没日记范文英语 第一篇

Boonie Bears 熊出没Boonie Bears is based on a popular TV series currently broadcast on Central China Television. Over 200 episodes of the show have been produced, expounding the general theme of peaceful coexistence between man and nature. In the show, man is represented by a logger named Vick and nature comes in the form of two bears, Briar and Bramble. Tons of episodes are posted onto 70-minute TV special, Boonie Bears: Homeward Journey, aired last spring in China, and will be released next week on DVD in the United States. The English-language trailer for the special is memorable, but for all the wrong ... it is crood looking now, but give us a few years and we might be producing features at a quality level close to is a lot of national pride wrapped up in these projects since a great deal of the Chinese box office is dominated by foriegn titles. Look at Japan: most of the early animated films are pretty goofy but, at some point in the seventies or eighties, they became fully self is already considered in many cirlces to be the next hot spot for art. I supsect film making will follow suit if the government censors open up.纯人工答題,望采纳

播放熊出没日记范文英语 第二篇

Recently,I watched a cartoon,called "bear",I feel very meaningful,because this cartoon teaches us to protect forests,don't cut the are three protagonistsare the "bear","the two bears" and "head",the bald strong a lumberjack,looks like Zhao each time with a chainsaw when were the "bear","the two bears" heard after a hard lesson from a saying is bald with a way,the secret is to ownappearance made of wax people saw wood in the forest,the bear two saw the bald strong in the past logging after beaten up results,bald is a several round hits is a wax people head strong,bears two has been tired bald in La "fish in troubled waters" in the felling of bear very clever it first listen to the sound,was observed after sawing a while,the bald strong to find want tolearn to bear the same careful observation,but also learn to analyze every thing in the brain.

播放熊出没日记范文英语 第三篇

Bear is a very popular cartoon. Many children like to see Xiong Da Xiong ER and bareheaded Qiang. Xiong Da is a smart bear.

He can think of various ways to defeat the bald bear. He is lazy, but he is stronger than the bear Datuk. Da'ang Xiong'er sometimes defeats stupid bald Qiang.

Do you like funny cartoons.



播放熊出没日记范文英语 第四篇

Zhang Yimou is considered to be one of the best directors of our time. Zhang Yimou was an excellent photographer in the film xxxyellow earthxxx. His first director in the film xxxRed Sorghumxxx won him many awards and made him a leader of the so-called fifth generation movement in China.

Filmmaker 2 was just when I saw this film for the third time I really like this movie, so what do you choose between being an ordinary person or a respected hero? Most people will choose the latter, but if the price is to put your lover at risk, what would you choose? If the price is that you can never tell a girl who you love so much, so that you love her, spider man had this kind of contradiction, but in the end he chose the latter, not to become a hero, but to make the word peaceful.



播放熊出没日记范文英语 第五篇

I like watching cartoons. Cartoons are my favorite thing after I go home every day. The first thing I do is turn on the TV to watch cartoons.

Maybe some people will think that watching cartoons is a very childish thing, but I don't think cartoons involve a lot of things, including some profound thoughts. This often makes me think a lot and come to a conclusion. I like watching cartoons can bring me fast Music, and cause me to think deeply.



播放熊出没日记范文英语 第六篇

I like collecting stationery boxes in my sophomore year, because when I watch a hot cartoon, I am fascinated by cute cartoon pictures. Then I will start to look for my favorite cartoon characters in the products. When I see the pictures, I will be full of vitality,.



播放熊出没日记范文英语 第七篇

Everyone has seen this movie. What's your favorite movie? My favorite movie is a comedy called xxxa little effortxxx. This movie tells the story of several peasants fighting against Japan in the war of resistance against Japan and finally shutting them down.

The story is very vivid and interesting. It often makes people laugh. I remember that there is a plot in which a donkey carries a big box on his back There was a Chinese farmer in the box of the bridge.

Japan put a bomb in the middle of the bridge. When the donkey got to the center of the bridge, he suddenly stopped to pee and put a bomb out. Another time on the bridge to Japan, a Japanese fell into the river carelessly.

A man pulled his pants and refused to let him go. As a result, a pair of red underwear was exposed. At that time, he made great efforts to climb No matter how funny the film is, no matter how fresh the film is, it will make readers feel miserable if they look at it again.










热门标签: 日记 英语






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高中作文2023-05-14 08:05:38


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高中作文2023-05-13 21:05:09