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bec初级作文真题范文 第一篇

Suggested answer: (127words)

The last years of twentieth century saw the Internet being used by more and more companies as a business tool. In 1997 e-commerce was very limited earning a revenue of less than $25 billion. However, since then, there has been a steady growth worldwide. This trend looks set to continue into the next century with revenue from e-commerce rising to reach almost $200 billion by 20_.

Like e-commerce, e-business has shown steady growth with revenue tripling in the period 1997 to 20_, rising from about $50 billion to $150 billion. However, during there is predicted to be a far more dramatic increase in e-business revenue over the next three years. It is thought that by 20_ revenue from e-business will have reached over $800 billion worldwide

bec初级作文真题范文 第二篇

Flexible working Ex 5: Sample answer: (250words)

Resource Planning Manager: Assessment of Suitability for Home-based Working


The purpose of this report is to assess the suitability of my position as Resource Planning Manager for home-based working.


My working pattern and that of my colleagues varies from week to week. During certain periods a large proportion of my time is spent doing fieldwork. This is followed by office-based collating and recording the data collected. Once the results have been recorded, I proof-read the colour copies of all reports and maps.

As regards communication with colleagues, department meetings are held once a fortnight. At other times, the individual members of the team communicate either face-to-face or by phone, depending on their location. Apart from official meetings, the same results can be achieved whether I am in the office or working elsewhere.


It is clearly that I could be able to undertake the duties while working from home for a large proportion of my time. Clearly, some days would be spent in the office for face-to-face communication with colleagues. It would also be necessary to use the technical facilities at times. However, in order to be able to work effectively from home, I would need to be provided with a networked computer and printer.


I would suggest that I should be given the necessary equipment to work partially from home for a trial period. After this time, further consultation should take place in order to reassess the situation.

bec初级作文真题范文 第三篇



You were recommended to us by the Citibank,which told us that you are a prospective buyer of Chinese textiles and cotton piece these items fall within the business scope of our corporation.

We are a state-operated corporation and are in a position to accept orders against customers’ samples specifying design specifications and packing requirements. In order to give you a rough idea of our products,we are airmailing you under separate cover a copy of our latest catalogue for your you find any of the items interesting,please let us know without the least shall be glad to send you quotations and samples upon receipt of your specific inquiries.

We look forward to your early reply.

Truly yours,

bec初级作文真题范文 第四篇

Although sales at both ASEF Chemicals and Chemicon Ltd experienced a number of fluctuations over the period 1995-1999, turnover at both companies showed a general upword trend.

At the beginning of the period ASEF sales stood at just over $30m. They experienced a fall the following year, before picking up again in 1997 and reaching a peak of $60m in 1998. Sales fell again slightly the following year but remained higher than their 1997 level. Chemicon sales exceeded those of ASEF in 1995 ($42m compared to $31m). Despite experiencing a fall in 1997, the overall trend was a slight rise over the four year period. Both companies ended 1999 with turnover of around $50m with Chemicon outselling ASEF for the first time since 1996.

bec初级作文真题范文 第五篇

Report writing Ex 4: Sample answer: (235words)

Reassessment of job satisfaction: Sue Person(PR Dept.)


This report sets out to use Workset colours to assess the accuracy of my job description as PR officer and to suggest a number of changes.


It is clear that there is a difference between the way the company views the job and the reality as I perceive it. Firstly, a number of areas which demand a significant proportion of my time are not mentioned in the official job brief. The segment on the pie chart which provides most cause for concern is the pink sector; this relates to my attendance at a number of meetings which I can contribute little. Another significant area is the grey segment; this refers to the unscheduled time I spend sorting out computer problems. I feel these activities are hampering my core work. As can be seen from the pie charts, the time I spend actively working to meet the goals agreed with my line manager is less than envisaged.


The above discrepancies clearly indicate that my current job brief is inaccurate.


I would recommend that my official job brief should be updated using the Workset colours. It would also be valuable to consider the proportion of non-core colours in the pie chart and to investigate whether work in these areas could be carried out by someone else more suited to these tasks.








热门标签: 范文







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