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Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic ^v^My Ideal Job^v^. You should write at least 120 words, and base your composition on the outline given in Chinese below:




My Ideal Job

People with different personalities, backgrounds and interests will have different opinions on what an ideal job is. To choose an ideal job and prepare for it is a long way for everybody.

For me, my ideal job position would be in arts management. I'm quite interested in music but I'd like to broaden my perspective a bit. I would like to work in a company concerning arts and having wide room for my development, i envision working in the city, but probably in a city that has lots of green and open spaces. I need to be able to reach the mountains in a couple of hours, so I think that the suburbs of Beijing are suitable. I would like to be professional at work. I believe my colleagues will be dedicated to their jobs and love the musical and artistic world.

Now I am a sophomore majoring in music. I've received professional training of music, so I feel confident that after graduation I could manage and work with all of the different instrumental-ists and vocalists.


On Friendship

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic ^v^On Friend-ship^v^. You should write at least 120 words, and base your composition on the outline given in Chinese below:




On Friendship

As the saying goes, ^v^A friend in need is a friend indeed.^v^ Friendship does not depend on howmany friends you have, but on how much sincerity your friends can offer. Most of the people we share social associations with are, as a matter of fact, merely acquaintances. True friendship in-volves mutual understanding and mutual support, both in moments of success and on occasions of failure. A true friend is one who not only shares your happiness, but your sorrow and responsibili-ties as well.

True friendship is always established on mutual devotion, just as love is. Only in this way can you find that your friends will never let you down, and that your friendship can last forever.


A Friend to Remember

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic ^v^A Friend to Remember^v^. You should write at least 120 words, and base your composition on the outline given in Chinese below:

1. 简要地介绍你的一位朋友;

2. 你怀念他/她的原因。

A Friend to Remember

Sophia was one of my best friends in college. She was a tall girl with big eyes and short hair.

Her family was poor because her father died when she was still a child. In spite of this, she was very optimistic and never lost heart. She struck people as a strong-minded and self-confident girl.

And that was why I admired her a lot. One of her favorite quotations was ^v^tomorrow is another day^v^ and she always encouraged herself with Scarlett' s spirit when she was faced with difficulties.

We had a lot in common. We both liked singing, reading and shopping. Singing songs to-gether with her was a lot of fun. I enjoyed my college life very much with her company. Now she is working in another city, and we hardly have any chance to see each other. However, she will al-ways be my best friend.


某英文报社正在举办题为“E-books or Paper Books?”的征文活动。请就此题目写一篇英文短文应征。


• 你喜欢电纸书还是纸质书

• 理由是什么?

With the development of the Internet, e-books become popular. Paper books and e-books both have their own advantages.

As far as paper books are concerned, the advantages lie in the enjoyment that “real reading” bring us, which means not only can we make notes in the real books, but also we can preserve them as long as possible.

When it comes to e-books, it seems that they are more fashionable. Among all the advantages of e-books, convenience plays the most important role. A large amount of information that can be updated fast is contained in a small-sized machine where there are other funtions like music players, calculator, clock and so on.

In the eyes of me, though e-books are attractive, I prefer to paper books. They can calm me down, and keep track of my real feelings. Furthermore, they don’t have any radiation!


某英文报社正在举办题为“My Hobby”的征文活动。请就此题目写一篇英文短文应征。内容包括以下两个方面:

• 你的爱好是什么?

• 你为什么有这个爱好?

I have many hobbies, but today I would like to share one of my hobbies with all of you.

I like raising fish. One of my most important thing is feeding fish. Every morning I usually go feeding my fish after I get up. I cannot feed too much or too little so fish won't be uncomfortable. Another important thing is to change the water for fish. I usually change the water once a week so that they will not get sick. And I usually use the dirty water to water my plants because I can save water. It is good to our environment. Sometimes my fish jumps out of the fish tank, so I have to use a net to catch them!

That is my hobby-- raising fish. It brings me much happiness. For example, my only koi fish, Susie, is my lucky fish. It has accompanied me for near four years! I love my raising fish. How about your hobby? Can you tell me yours?




一. 总体试卷评析



1. 介词词组填介词:in conclusion

2. 名词做定语:shoe store

3. 介词词组填名词:with a view to

4. 动词词组:take in

5. 形容词词义辨别:vacant

6. 非限制性定语从句:the language of which

7. 连词引导并列句:and

8. 副词词义辨析:approximately

9. 连词引导让步状语从句:Even if

10. 固定搭配:in that

The earth is round, which is well known to all.

All, some, any, something, anything, none,

All _that__ I want to say is “Thank you”.

The only/ first book that interested me is this one.

The man (_whose__ story is very interesting) is my father.

The man who just talked to you is my father.

Music was played out of doors, ____ the environment provided a place.

Which, that, in which, where

I can’t understand the way _in which__

the problem is solved.

I can’t tell you the reason _why__ this happened.

The reason is _that__ he failed the exam.

(That_ the earth is round) is well known.

I think _that__ the earth is round.

_Whether__ there is life on Mars is not yet known.

Look at the book ___ there are many pictures.

Look at the book ___

there is a pen on the book.

_what__ happened is this.

1. _What__ I like to do is try again.

2. The fact __that__ there is no money left) frightened him.

3. I would like to do (_whatever__ you told me to do.  What  whatever

4. I will give the book to (whoever__ comes first.

5. This is all that (you have told me).

6.  The question (__whether__ this is right) is difficult to answer.

7. Can you tell me the direction (_from which_ the wind comes?

8. Can you tell me the direction (which/ that___ is opposite to your house.

9. I happen to know the man, ____ daughters is my classmate.

1) his  2) whose  3) one of his 4) one of whose

10. I bought many books, ___ are interesting.

1) a few of them  2) a few of which

2) none of which  4) a few

1) He has never won a game, as his brother did=won a game.

2) He has never won a game, as everybody expected


1) 原因状语从句 because, since, as, for

2) 让步

3) 方式 as,

4) 时间 before, after, while, when, as, since, as soon as, hardly…when, no sooner…than…whenever, until

I will wait for you _until_ ten o’clock.

I _won’t__ leave until ten o’clock.

I didn’t realize the importance until I have grown up.

It was not until I have grown up that I realized the importance.

otherwise , and, but

You should lock the door; otherwise the thieves may get in.

Unless  I won’t go with you unless you promised me this.

5) 目的 so that, in order that

6) 结果








Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic Do “Lucky Numbers” Really Bring Good Luck? You should write at least 120 words and you should base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below:1. 有些人认为某些数字会带来好运。2. 也有些人认为数字与运气无关。3. 试说明你的看法。

①When asked about lucky numbers, different people will offer different opinions. Some people think that ② lucky numbers can bring good luck. They hold this view because ③they believe lucky numbers will help them fulfill their wishes - to be rich or successful.④However, there are still many people who won't agree. They argue that ⑤ such kind of idea is only ignorant and superstitious belief. Besides, ⑥they think numbers are just numbers and each number is equal in its importance.

⑦Personally, I am on the side of the latter argument. For one thing, ⑧ numbers, including lucky numbers, are just a tool for counting, They don't have magic power. For another, ⑨whether we will have good luck or not depends on ourselves instead of lucky numbers, If we work hard and make good preparations, good luck will come to us.

⑩Therefore, lucky numbers don't bring good luck. It is our hard work and good preparations that bring us good luck.

①When asked about X,different people will offer different opinions. Some people say/think/believe/take it for granted that ② , while others hold that ③ .

④As far as I am concerned/Personally, I agree with the first/second view.The reasons are as follows.First,⑤there is an element of truth that follow that but ⑥ it doesn’t follow that . Therefore, ⑦ the first view doesn’t hold water/can not bear much analysis/can not stand up to close examination.

⑧ Therefore/In conclusion.










Money is something you’ve been familiar with throughout your life. You regularly use money to measure the value of things you own. You also have some of it in your pockets in bank accounts. Money serves a number of functions as following:

Firstly, as a generally accepted medium of exchange, money rules out the need for barter, the direct exchange of one item for another;

Secondly, money provides a unit of account that serves as a standard to measure value, . the concept of GNP will be useless without a standard of value such as the dollar.

Thirdly, money can also serve as store of value that can be quickly converted to goods services. Namely, money is completely liquid, and it can immediately be converted to goods services without any inconvenience or cost.


When we are asked what we want to be in the future, we have different answers. My ideal job is to be an excellent teacher. If I am a teacher, Life will be more interesting and meaningful.

But I know it is not easy for me to be a good teacher, let alone an excellent one. Being a teacher needs knowledge, patience, skills, etc. I must study hard to answer most of my students’ questions. I must learn to be patient to tolerate my students’ slowness in acquiring new knowledge, I must have good skills to make myself understood clearly and quickly by my students.

So you see, different jobs require different talents. I will live up to be the name of a teacher.


AT the beginning of the 20th century, there were four means of transmitting & receiving information over long distances: print, photographs, telegraph & telephone. In 1964, the Olympic Games in Tokyo became the first program to be transmitted via satellite.

The combination of satellites, which transmit information, computers, which store information, & television, which displays information, will change every home into an education & entertainment center. In theory, every person will have access to an unlimited amount of information, and people are able to shop from homes do banking without leaving the house, watch any movie they want on television as well as enjoy soho life.

IT make information from around the world available to be used quickly & easily, but some people worry that this may be a risk to our privacy. Namely, IT helps us and may also harm us.

Thus carefully controlling this new technology is the intelligent applications of IT.


Nowadays, Internet is revolutionizing our globe &greatly facilitating our life. Recently, shopping on the Net is gradually becoming popular in modern cities. However, people take different attitudes towards the new way of shopping.

Some people hold that shopping on the net has many advantages: It not only keeps customers updated about the best selling products but provides customers with a wider range of choices. Most important of all, it is very convenient ×aving.

Others argue that customers can never be assured of the quality of the commodities unless they see them with their own eyes.

Therefore, they don’t show any interest in shopping online.

Anyhow, it’s believed that shopping on the net will be an irresistible trend of shopping in the 21st century.







①The famous saying/ proverb that is very philosophical and hence universally accepted. ②It means . ③ That is/In other words, .

④Many examples can be cited to illustrate the saying/proverb. ⑤A case in point is . .

⑥Another case in point is . . .

⑦Therefore/ In conclusion, it goes without saying that . ⑧Since we have realized the essence of the saying/ proverb, we should bear/keep it in mind as a motto for a lifetime (and put it into practice/always follow what the saying/ proverb says.


1. as is known /as it is known to all


2. with the pace of modern life increasing

…. 随着现代生活步伐的加快

3. with the development of modern society


4. personally I’m in favor of the former/latter view


5. there is no doubt that


6. however everything has two sides







I. Supply the missing paragraph. (20 points)

The following passage is incomplete with one body paragraph missing. Study the passage carefully and write the missing paragraph in about 100 sure that your tone and diction are in unity with the passage provided.

The Positive Effects of Owning a Dog on Children

Dogs are the best friend of children. The dog and the child teach each other things and they look after each other. Owning a dog can have positive effects on a child’s development. Having a dog develops a child’s sense of responsibility, broadens his capacity for empathy, and teaches him the nature of friendship.

The first advantage of owning a dog is that it’s helpful to develop a child’s sense of responsibility. Once you own a dog, you have to take care of it instead of only playing it: showering, feeding, walking, cleaning up, hair cutting and so on. Dogs are animals that have to spend time together with people or they get depressed. So you must take some time to stay with it. If they are sick, one can’t just leave it alone. All of these works are required to be carefully done which could make a child become more responsible.

Another lesson that a child can learn from having a dog is how to be empathetic. A dog cannot express itself with speech, so its owner must learn to understand what the dog’s behavior means. Is the dog frightened, aggressive, or sick? The child needs to understand what is going on in the dog’s mind. The result of learning to read a dog’s behavior is that the child develops mpathy. By learning how to empathize with a dog, the child also learns how to empathize with other people. This leads to the child becoming a more considerate and caring person.

Being considerate and caring are important characteristics in a good of the most significant benefits of owning a dog is the example of true friendship that a dog provides. A dog gives unconditional love to its owner. A dog will not stop loving its owner because of a little anger, indifference, or neglect. A dog will wait patiently for its owner to pat its head and say a few kind words. This acceptance of the negative qualities and appreciation for the positive qualities of its owner provide a wonderful model of how to be a good friend. A child who has learned to be as good a friend to others as his dog is to him will have learned one of the most valuable lessons in life.

These are some of the most important lessons a child will ever learn. The benefits of owning a dog will last in the child’s entire lifetime. The understanding and appreciation of responsibility, empathy, and friendship that a child develops from the experience of having a dog will help him or her grow into a reliable, caring, and mature adult.

II. Write an outline. (20 points)

Read the following passage carefully and compose a “topic outline” for it.

Acting out Metaphors Encourages Creative Thinking

It happens in schools, offices, and boardrooms everywhere: someone working on a project hits a mental block. A boss or teacher might resort to a metaphor like “think outside the box” or “put two and two together,” encouraging a creative solution to the problem. As it turns out, this isn’t just abstract advice. According to an upcoming issue of Psychological Science, literally working outside of a box or putting two halves of something together just might help those creative juices start flowing again.

Since physical metaphors regarding creativity are so common and appearing in several different languages, a group of researchers hypothesized that they may extend beyond mere metaphors. Their study indicates that acting out metaphors literally can affect how our minds work.

In the first part of the study, the researchers asked 102 undergraduates to perform a Remote Associates Test (RAT), in which the subjects were given three seemingly

uelated words and asked to come up with a word that relates to each one. For example, the subject might be given “measure,” “worm,” and “video,”and the correct response would be “tape.”

The participants were divided into three groups; one group was asked to perform this task while sitting inside a 5’ by 5’ cardboard box, another group sat outside the same box, and those in the third group performed the task without a box in the room at all. None of the

participants knew the hypothesis behind the study; they were merely told it was an experiment on different working environments.

There was no difference in performance between those inside the box and those with no box at all. However, the participants that were seated outside the box did much better on the RAT than the other two groups. Apparently, something about literally “thinking outside the box” encourages creativity.

A second experiment looked at another well-known piece of advice: to “put two and two together” to come up with an answer. In the study, 64 subjects were divided into two groups. The first group had to perform a RAT while joining halves of cut paper cards from piles on each side of a desk. The second group performed a similar task, but only had to move card halves from one side of a desk to the other side. Those “putting two and two together” by uniting the two halves of the cards did far better on the RAT than those that were merely moving the cards from one pile to another.

So, acting out metaphors linked to creativity really can help us think creatively. In fact, it does more than let us access the knowledge we presently have; it encourages us to come up with new, unique and creative ideas. Next time you’re stuck on a problem, take a minute to ponder—or even act out—your favorite metaphor, and you might happen upon a great solution.

Topic Outline

Acting out Metaphors Encourages Creative Thinking

It happens everywhere: mental block. A boss or teacher might resort to a metaphor like “think outside the box” or “put two and two together”. This isn’t just abstract advice but might really help have creative thoughts.

A group of researchers hypothesized that acting out metaphors may extend beyond mere metaphors. They can affect how our minds work.

In the first study, the researchers asked 102 undergraduates to perform a Remote Associates Test (RAT). The subjects were given three uelated words and asked to answer a word that relates to each one.

The participants were divided into three groups; one group was asked to perform this task while sitting inside a cardboard box, another group sat outside the same box, and those in the third group performed the task without a box in the room.

There was no difference in performance between those inside the box and those with no box at all. However, the participants outside the box did much better on the RAT. Apparently, something about literally “thinking outside the box” encourages creativity.

The second experiment focused on another advice: to “put two and two together” to come up with an answer. In the study, 64 subjects were divided into two groups. The first group performed a RAT while joining halves of cut paper cards together. The second group performed a similar task, but only had to move card halves from one side of a desk to the other side. Those uniting the two halves of the cards did far better on the RAT than those that were merely moving the cards from one pile to another.

So, acting out metaphors linked to creativity really can help us think creatively.

IIl. Compose an essay. (60 points)

People are more and more concerned about the environment. Write a 300-word

expository essay stating your opinion about what we can do as individuals to improve our environment.

How to improve our environment

Nowadays, environment problems are are becoming more and more influential to our daily lives than only appearing in newspapers and TVs, lectures or reports. For instance, in the last winter, foggy days with the so called caused a panic among citizens. People were afraid of the polluted air and chose to stay at home instead of going out.

Protecting the environment is really an extremely urgent thing. As we all know, low carbon life was proposed in recent years and I think it would be a reasonable way to solve our environment crisis.

We can figure out what benefits can be gained when we transfer this conception into a real existence, a low carbon campus. This simple shift of perspective can actually transform what used to be quite far away into something that is just around us.

Take the use of electronic devices for example, when we choose to climb the stairs instead of using an elevator, when we prefer bicycles to cars, we are doing something fantastic for ourselves. Think about these activities as exercises that would not only keep us physically fit, but also spiritually energetic. If we turn off the computer when they are not in use, or even limit the hours we spend in front of them, we are not only saving the electricity, but also doing a favor to our body, preventing ourselves from too much exposure to radiation and other possible harms caused by computer. We can gain at the same tine a healthy and pain-free neck, and avoid sore muscles, worsening eyesight and so on. When we use natural wind, rather than fans or air conditioner to feel cool in summer, we are also reducing the possibilities of all the illness related to the electronic devices.

What we eat can also contribute to the establishment of a low carbon campus. More

vegetables and less meat mean that less carbon will be emitted in the process of producing and preparing for such foods. And this can also translate to a more balanced diet and healthier eating habits. Then many problems, such as overweight, tiredness or even high blood pressure and heart disease can be controlled to a certain extent when we get older. And this good eating habit actually benefits us for a life time, and what starts at campus goes a long way.

From the above analysis, we can get the basic idea that when we are doing something to reduce the carbon campus, but at the same time, we are make positive changes for oueselves.


appearance is prospective car?You do not know!That le,it is like train of magnetism in suspension in sky is a guide in the car -- satellitic navigation glass of the car can prevent ultraviolet ray,make the person/'s eye is not car is to rely on to compress the reactive force that air releases to fill the car,rely on another compression again air is in a rear eduction,the car runs quickly to ahead like jet rate of future is very rapid,one hour can run hundreds of kilometers,even thousands of let it open way of how many kilometer,want to say to the car only,the car can bade by yours go car has a lot of advanced places:There is same thing in the car,can control the steering wheel of the car.

You should say where to go to only,it can take you automatically where to go can operate steering wheel,need not you worry that place,the car can stop automatically,next,can give out automatically /^v^ toot toots /^v^ sound,remind you to had arrived shell of future is very car is look carefully,there can be one to above discovery the horizontal line of multicoloured,match very is a thing in the car,can make the car has invisible !Prospective car is magical!Believe you like very much certainly!

is known to all,the cellphone is very widely used,especially by teenagers who live the life “on the go”.they think it a useful tool for daily life,so they want to have one.

many students think if they have a cellphone,they can keep in touch with their families and think owing a cellphone is good for their parents also share the same idea.

however,some people don’t agree that students should bring cellphones to think it is bad for the students’ health to use will add burden to parents because students usually depend on their students use cellphones in school,they may not keep their minds on their may spend most of their time sending text messages or playing games.

in my opinion,i think owing a cellphone is not a bad

r,we should use the cellphones at the right class,we should make full use of our time to not use cellphones in class to interrupt in emergency,it is not a bad choice to use cellphones.

is known to all,the cellphone is very widely used,especially by teenagers who live the life “on the go”.they think it a useful tool for daily life,so they want to have one.

many students think if they have a cellphone,they can keep in touch with their families and think owing a cellphone is good for their parents also share the same idea.

however,some people don’t agree that students should bring cellphones to think it is bad for the students’ health to use will add burden to parents because students usually depend on their students use cellphones in school,they may not keep their minds on their may spend most of their time sending text messages or playing games.

in my opinion,i think owing a cellphone is not a bad

r,we should use the cellphones at the right class,we should make full use of our time to not use cellphones in class to interrupt in emergency,it is not a bad choice to use cellphones.

is known to all,the cellphone is very widely used,especially by teenagers who live the life “on the go”.they think it a useful tool for daily life,so they want to have one.

many students think if they have a cellphone,they can keep in touch with their families and think owing a cellphone is good for their parents also share the same idea.

however,some people don’t agree that students should bring cellphones to think it is bad for the students’ health to use will add burden to parents because students usually depend on their students use cellphones in school,they may not keep their minds on their may spend most of their time sending text messages or playing games.

in my opinion,i think owing a cellphone is not a bad

r,we should use the cellphones at the right class,we should make full use of our time to not use cellphones in class to interrupt in emergency,it is not a bad choice to use cellphones.

is known to all,the cellphone is very widely used,especially by teenagers who live the life “on the go”.they think it a useful tool for daily life,so they want to have one.

many students think if they have a cellphone,they can keep in touch with their families and think owing a cellphone is good for their parents also share the same idea.

however,some people don’t agree that students should bring cellphones to think it is bad for the students’ health to use will add burden to parents because students usually depend on their students use cellphones in school,they may not keep their minds on their may spend most of their time sending text messages or playing games.

in my opinion,i think owing a cellphone is not a bad

r,we should use the cellphones at the right class,we should make full use of our time to not use cellphones in class to interrupt in emergency,it is not a bad choice to use cellphones.

Ms Jenkins,

I’m Li Hua from your English writing class last term. I’m writing to ask for your help. I’m applying for a part-time job at a foreign company in my city during the summer vacation, and I have just completed my application letter and resume. However, I am not quite sure of the language and the format I’ve used. I know you have a very busy schedule, but I’d be very grateful if you could take some time to go through them and make necessary changes. Please find my application letter and resume in the attachment.

Thank you for your kindness!


Li Hua

Sales Manager,

I am writing this letter in purpose of expressing my sincere apology for that I will not be able to make the advance interview at 10:00am on Monday,December 25, 20_.

The primary reason why I will be absent is that | will take a dental surger








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实用范文 2023-07-21



实用范文 2023-07-21