
更新时间:2023-11-13 09:15:47 发布时间:24小时内 作者:文/会员上传 下载docx


Dear Sirs,


Thank you for your letter about the offer for the captioned bicycles. Although we appreciate the quality of your bicycles, their price is too high to be acceptable .Referring to the Sales Confirmation ,you will find that we ordered 1000bicycles with same brand as per the terms and conditions stipulated in that Sales Confirmation, but the price was 10%lower than your present price. Since we placed the last order, price for raw materials has been decreased consider able. Retailing price for your bicycles here has also been reduced by 5%.Accepting your present price will mean great loss to us , let alone profit. We would like to place repeat orders with you if you could reduce your price at least by , we have to shift to the other suppliers for our similar request. We hope you take our suggestion into serious consideration and give us your reply as soon as possible

yours truly


我们虽然赞赏你们自行车的质量,但价格太高不能接受请参阅89SP-754号销售确认书,按此销售书我方订购了相同牌号的自行车1000辆, 但价格比你方现报价格低10%,自从上次订购以来,原材料价格跌落很多,这里你们自行的零售价也下跌了5%。接受你方现时的报价意味着我们将有巨大亏损,更不用谈利润了。


我们希望你们认真考虑我方建议, 并及早答复我方。


It is impossible for us to ship in mid Apl becse SX sees pducts sell well, n if we work overtime, we will be oversubscbed. Moreover, we will give poty to yo order. We can only complete pduction in mid Apl and deliver goods by the end of Apl.




1. general inquiry 一般询盘

2. specific inquiry 具体询盘

3. dealer 商人

4. quotation 报价

5. sales department 销售部

6. purchase 购买

7. enquiry 询价

8. quote 开价

9. sample 样品

10. a long-term contractt 长期合同

11. discount 折扣

12. grant 批准

13. to make an inquiry for sth 对某物询价

14. to keep the inquiry on file 把询价记录在卷

15. to inquiry for sth 对某物询价

16. to inquiry about sth 询问某事

17. process 加工

18. guarantee, guarantor 保证, 保证人

19. delivery 交货

20. port of delivery 交货港

21. time of delivery 交货期

22. prompt delivery 即期交货

23. to effect delivery 办理交货

24. to make delivery 办理交货

25. to postpone delivery 推迟交货


Writes to Importer


(1)Dear Sirs,

Your firm has been recommended to us by John Morris&Co., with whom we have done business for many years.

We specialize in the exportation of Chinese Chemicals and Pharmaceuticals, which have enjoyed great popularity in world market. We enclose a copy of our catalogue for your reference and hope that you would contact us if any item is interesting to you.

We hope you will give us an early reply.

Yours faithfully,


in 专门(从事),专门(经营)

We specialize in the import an export of Arts and Crafts. 我们专门经营工艺品的进出口。

n. 常用复数,化工产品、化学制品 (=chemical products)

n. 药品,药剂,成药

great popularity 享有盛誉


The goods are most popular with our customers.

The goods have commanded a good market.

The goods are selling fast (or enjoy fast sales).

The goods are universally acknowledged.

The goods are unanimously acclaimed by our customers.


ready seller;quick seller;quick-selling product.

Judging from our experience in marketing our garden tools in Australia, we are rather confident that they will soon become quick-selling products in your market. 根据我们在澳大利亚销售园林工具的经验,我们相信这些产品将很快在你方市场上成为畅销品。

. 与...联系;与...接触

For further details, please contact our local office. 详情请向我们当地的分支机构探询。

contact n. 联系;交往

We have been in contact with that firm for nearly two years. 我们与那家公司有近两年的交往。


Dear Sirs,

Through the courtesy of Messrs. Freemen&Co., Ltd., Lagos, Nigeria, we come to know your name and address. Also we are informed that you are a prospective buyer of Chinese Cotton Piece Goods. As this item falls within the scope of our business activities, we shall be pleased to enter into business relations with you.

We enclose a brochure and a pricelist to acquaint you with our commodities now available for export. Quotations and samples will be airmailed to you upon receipt of your specific inquiry.

Your favourable reply will be highly appreciated.

Yours faithfully,


the courtesy of..., we come to know your name and address. 承蒙...使我们得知你公司的名称和地址。


We owe your name and address to...

We are indebted to... for your name and address.

within the scope of our business activities 属于我们的经营范围

类似的表达方法有 be within (lie within, come under) the scope of our trade activities; be within (lie within, fall within) our business scope (sphere)等。

n. 小册子(法语), 相当于英语pamphlet

. 使认识,使了解

acquaint sb. with (或 of;that)

In order to acquaint you with our products, we airmailed you two samples this morning. 为使你方了解我方产品,我们今晨寄去两个样品。

v. 感谢,感激(可接动名词,不可接不定式);理解,体会

We highly appreciate your kind cooperation.我们十分感激你方的合作。

We shall appreciate your giving this matter your serious consideration. 请你方对此事认真考虑为感。

We shall appreciate it if you will send us a brochure and sample book by air immediately. 如能立即航寄一份说明书和一份样本,不胜感激。

We hope you will appreciate our position. 希望你们能理解我们的处境。


It will be greatly appreciated if you will send us your samples immediately. 如能立即寄来你方样品, 我们将不胜感激。

Your prompt reply will be greatly appreciated. 如能尽快回复将不胜感激。


Dear Sirs,

Through the courtesy of Messrs. Freemen&Co., Ltd., Lagos, Nigeria, we come to know your name and address. Also we are informed that you are a prospective buyer of Chinese Cotton Piece Goods. As this item falls within the scope of our business activities, we shall be pleased to enter into business relations with you.

We enclose a brochure and a pricelist to acquaint you with our commodities now available for export. Quotations and samples will be airmailed to you upon receipt of your specific inquiry.

Your favourable reply will be highly appreciated.

Yours faithfully,


the courtesy of..., we come to know your name and address. 承蒙...使我们得知你公司的名称和地址。


We owe your name and address to...

We are indebted to... for your name and address.

within the scope of our business activities 属于我们的经营范围

类似的表达方法有 be within (lie within, come under) the scope of our trade activities; be within (lie within, fall within) our business scope (sphere)等。

n. 小册子(法语), 相当于英语pamphlet

. 使认识,使了解

acquaint sb. with (或 of;that)

In order to acquaint you with our products, we airmailed you two samples this morning. 为使你方了解我方产品,我们今晨寄去两个样品。

v. 感谢,感激(可接动名词,不可接不定式);理解,体会

We highly appreciate your kind cooperation.我们十分感激你方的合作。

We shall appreciate your giving this matter your serious consideration. 请你方对此事认真考虑为感。

We shall appreciate it if you will send us a brochure and sample book by air immediately. 如能立即航寄一份说明书和一份样本,不胜感激。

We hope you will appreciate our position. 希望你们能理解我们的处境。


It will be greatly appreciated if you will send us your samples immediately. 如能立即寄来你方样品, 我们将不胜感激。

Your prompt reply will be greatly appreciated. 如能尽快回复将不胜感激。








热门标签: 英语 范文







心得体会 2023-07-10



心得体会 2023-07-10



心得体会 2023-07-10



心得体会 2023-07-10



心得体会 2023-07-10



心得体会 2023-07-10