
更新时间:2023-11-13 17:54:58 发布时间:24小时内 作者:文/会员上传 下载docx


We greatly appreciate your letter describing the assistance you received in solving your air-conditioning problems. We are now in our fifty-year of operation, and we receive many letters like your indicating a high level of customer satisfaction with our installation. We are pleased that our technical staff assisted you so capably. We would like you to know that it you need to contact us at any time in the future. Our engineers will be equally responsive to your request for assistance.

If we can be of service to you again, please let us know. Thank you again for your very kind letter.




Dear Mr. / Ms,

We are much concerned that your sales in recent months have fallen considerably. At first we thought this might be due to a slack market, but on looking into the matter more closely, we find that the general trend of trade during this period has been upwards.

It is possible that you are facing difficulties of which we are not aware. If so, we would like to know what we can do to help. We, therefore, look forward to receiving from you a detailed report on the situation and suggestions as to how we may help in restoring our sales to their former level.

Yours faithfully


Thank you for your letter of 26 January. I apologize for the delivery problems you had with us last month. I have had a meeting with our production and shipping managers to work out a better system for handling your account .We know we made a mistake on your last order. Although we have replaced it for you, we want to make sure it does not happen again. We have devised the enclosed checklist to use for each of your future order. It includes your firm’s particular specifications, packing requirements and marking instructions. I believe can service your company better and help you operations run more smoothly with this safeguard. Please contact us if there are any additional points you would like us to include.

感谢1月26日来信。对上月贵公司更换所需货品,唯恐类似事件再发生,本公司生产、运输和出口部经理已商议制订更有效方法处理贵公司事务,并为此特别设计清单。 随信奉上该清单,供贵公司今后订货之用。当中包括特殊规格、包装要求和樗说明等栏目,相信此举有助本公司提供更佳服务,促进双方合作。如欲增设任何栏目于该清单上,恳求惠示。




Dear Mr. / Ms,

On 14 November I submitted a bill for services rendered to your office at the Lille International Exposition. More than a month has now elapsed without payment or acknowledgment of my bill. Please check this oversight,and remit payment at your earliest convenience. I look forward to future services to your corporation.

Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.

Yours faithfully


To confirm||Confirming||Confirmation


In Confirmation of


A letter of confirmation


We confirm our call of last week respecting our offers to you.


We confirm our respects of the 3rd May, and inform you that your consignment has duly arrived.


I confirm the receipt of your shipment by . xxxOxxx,and now send you a cheque, valuing $550.


Confirming our letter of last week, we ask you to appoint an early interview with our representative.


Confirming ours of the 11th June, we now hand you enclosed B/L for 50 packages.


We confirm our respects of yesterday, and have the pleasure to inform you that we have drawn this day on you.


We have much pleasure in confirming herewith the order which you kindly placed with us yesterday.


Kindly let us have confirmation of these orders by telegraph tomorrow by 3 .


In confirmation of my cable today, I regret to state that the factory was completely destroyed by fire last night.


Kindly give us an order sheet in confirmation of the message by telephone of this morning.


Dear Mr. Wang,I am writing to inform you that we made mistakes in placing order with you. We planned to order white shirt size L, but the results turned to be that we have booked white shirt size M. We hereby request a correction of the mistake. We are quite clear that this will cause you trouble, for which we extend our sincere apology.We would appreciate it if this situation could be look forward to your sincerely,Li Ming



Dear Mr. JACK,

Thank you for your e-mail & I do appreciate the content.(讲得是我开发信的内容) I do not have any hesitation to start business with your esteemed company.对我公司感兴趣 Thus I ask you kindly to arrange courier me full set of all your catalogs in one binder along with copies of all your certificates , end user approvals ,..etc. 需要一些文件进一步合作

Also, I would like to hear from you in details about your previous operation in middle east area . Do you have agent,distributer,..etc?想成为我们代理分销商



标题:Mr. XXX + 他公司的名称 (点名道姓和公司,一目了然) 内容:

MOrning!Mr. XXXXXX

This is Jack, Sales Manager from a well established PRODUCT manufacturer in China. Hope I reach the right person at the right time to talk about PRODUCT cooperation and strategies for your company?

I did a little bit research on your company and I’m sure you would be continuously looking at opportunities to expand your product supplying scope/services and make it as the brand to own your company reputation in the PRODUCT market and increase your market return with your constant efforts.

We can fulfill any of your business needs and maximize your business profits compared with lots of PRODUCT manufacturers as we are newly launching DDDD brand PRODUCT in international market.

Our business reference includes:

? 20 years appointed OEM for EU,USA PRODUCT manufacturers ? Approvals from .......(主要客户,最好是国际同行知名企业)… ? 70%~80% products for international application

(for more details, please contact us) 这个地方用黄色文字背景,突出公司优势

As the GM of 客户公司名称 ,

it is your responsibility to find a sustainable and trustworthy business partner relationship and ensure a promising company future. 我的公司

is interested in cooperating with you to uncover the PRODUCT demand of 客户市场 market from now on.

As you have experiences in PROCUT, it would be easier to seize the opportunity to win great PRODUCT demand in 客户市场。


Hope to have your excited feedback TODAY.

Thanks ®ards,


24 hours available for you!


xxxHere comes uncles letter!xxx I shouted happily. But this letter was different from those he sent to me before. It was an email! My uncle went to the United States long ago. But he cared about my study and life very much. So he wrote me often.

But it would take a long time for his letter to arrive. Several years later, my family set up a telephone set, It became easier for us to communicate, but we cost more money by calling each other. Now we both had a computer and could get on the Intemet. Then we could talk to each other any time we wanted to, and it wouldn't cost world is changing, and it is changing better and better.


At the beginning of this month , I attended the Harrogate toy fair. While there, I had an interesting conversation with Mr. Douglas Gage of Edutoys plc about selecting an agency for our teaching aids. Douglas described your dynamic sales force and innovative approach to marketing. He attributed his own company’s success to your excellent distribution network that has served him for several years. We need an organization like yours to launch our products in the UK. Our teaching aids cover the whole field of primary education in all subjects .Our patented ‘Matrix’ math apparatus is particularly successful. You may have reservations about American teaching aids suiting your market. This is not a problem since we have complete range of British English versions. I enclose an illustrated catalogue of our British English editions for your information. Please let me have your reactions to the material. I shall be in London during the first two weeks of October. Perhaps we could arrange a meeting to discuss our proposal.




Thank you for your order No. 599. In order to execute it, please open an irrevocable L/C for the amount of US$ 50,000 in our favor. This account shall be available until Sep. 20. Upon arrival of the L/C we will pack and ship the order as requested.



Dear Sir:

Thank you for your letter of June 18 enclosing details of your terms. According to your request for opening an irrevocable L/C, we have instructed the Beijing City Commercial Bank to open a credit for US$ 50,000 in your favor, valid until Sep. 20. Please advise us by fax when the order has been executed.



Dear Sir:

We are sorry to report that in spite of our effort, we are unable to guarantee shipment by the agreed date due to a strike at our factory. We are afraid that your L/C will be expire before shipment. Therefore, please explain our situation to your customers and secure their consent to extend the L/C to .


Gentlemen: Sept. 5, 20xx

We received your letter today and have informed our customers of your situation. As requested, we have instructed the Beijing City Commercial Bank to extend the L/C up to and including September 30. Please keep us abreast of any new development.



Dear Sirs: Sept. 25, 20xx

Concerning our order No. 599 for 200 mountain bikes, so far you have shipped only 50 bikes against the shipment. We are notifying you that we reserve our right to claim on you for the shortage, if it is confirmed. We have given our customers a definite assurance that we would supply the goods by the end of September. We hope you will look into this urgent matter.

Yours faithfully


Gentlemen: Sept. 30, 20xx

In response to your letter of , we regret your complaint very much. Today we received information from Hong Kong that the remaining 150 bikes were on a ship that developed engine trouble and had to put into port for repairs. The trouble was not serious, and the vessel is now on her way. She would arrive at your place tomorrow or the next day.



Dear Mr. Li,Your letter of April 12 put us in a dilemma, as the shipment of your order was almost ready. You should have informed us earlier. We will arrange replacement the soonest possible. But we are afraid the shipment will be a few days later than the date stipulated in the contract.Yours sincerely,Wang Jing



Due to the increasing demand, if we think you are willing to place an order, you are likely to place an order. We guarantee immediate delivery. We believe you have received our catalogue and price list.

Now you have the opportunity to check our goods and enclose a purchase order for your convenience. Our advertising campaign will start next month. Experience has shown that many orders follow these advertisements and sales are bound to have results.

We strongly recommend that you keep at least a small amount of stock from April 1 at the following prices. Our products will increase. Even with such an increase, the price of our products will still be slightly lower than that of our compes.

As far as the business you are negotiating, we will charge the old price for all orders received up to April (including April). For example, dear XX, are you OK in those days? We hope everything goes well. We'd like to know what you think of my offer.

Due to the increase in demand, you are likely to place an order quickly. If we think you are willing to place an order now, we can guarantee immediate delivery from our stock. We believe that our experience in this product and reliable quality will qualify us to win your trust and look forward to your kindness.






I enclose an illustrated supplement tour catalogue. It covers the latest designs, which are now available from stock. We are most gratified that you have, for several yeas. Include a selection of our products in your mail-order catalogues. The resulting sales have been very steady. We believe that you will find our new designs most attractive. They should get a very good reception in your market. Once you have had time to study the supplement, please let us know if you would like to take the matter further. We would be very happy to send samples to you for closer inspection. For your information, we are planning a range of classical English dinner services that should do well in the North American market. We will keep you informed on our progress and look forward to hearing from you.

随函寄奉配有插图的商品目录附页,介绍最新设计的产品。贵公司的邮购目录多年来收录本公司产品,产品销售成绩理想,特此致以深切谢意。最新设计的产品巧夺天工,定能吸引顾客选购。烦请参阅上述附页,需查看样本,请赐复,本公司乐意效劳。 本公司现正设计一系列款式古典的英国餐具,适合北美市场需求。如感兴趣,亦请赐知。 愿进一步加强联系,并候复音。


Hi Sir/Madam,

Glad to hear that you’re on the market for furniture,we specialize in this field for 14 years,with the strength of ERU&USA ANTIQUE FURNITURE,with good quality and pretty competitive price.

Also we have our own professional designers to meet any of your requirements.

Should you have any questions,call me,let’s talk details.

Best regards!



We enclose our new catalogue and price list. The revised prices will apply from 1 April 1997. You will see that there have been number of changes in our product range. A number of improved models have been introduced. Out range of washing machines has been completely revamped. Many popular lines, however, have been retained unchanged. You will be aware that inflation is affecting industry as a whole .Ws have been affected like everyone else and some price increases have been unavoidable. We have not, however, increased our prices across the board, In many cases, there is a small price increase, but in others, none at all. We can assure you that the quality of our consumer durables has been maintained at a high standard and that our service will continue to be first class. We look forward to receiving your orders.

谨谢上新的商品目录和价格表。修订价格定于1997年4月1日起生效。产品系列有一大革新,增加了不少改良的型号,扒出一系列新款的洗衣机,但许多款的开动号仍保持不变。通货膨胀影响整个工业连带令货品价格上涨。虽然如此,本公司并未全面提升价格,调整幅度亦不大。 本公司坚守一贯信念,务求出产优质之耐用消费品,迎合顾客的需要。 谢谢贵公司多年惠顾,盼继续合作。


Thank your for your letter of the 16th of this month. We shall be glad to enter into business relations with your company. In compliance with your request, we are sending you, under separate cover, our latest catalogue and price list covering our export range. Payment should be made by irrevocable and confirmed letter of credit. Should you wish to place an order, please telex or fax us.

本月16日收到有关商务关系的来函,不胜欣喜。谨遵要求另函奉上最新之出口商品目录和报价单。款项烦请以不可撤销保兑之信用状支付。如欲订货,请电传或传真为盼。 此致 敬礼








热门标签: 英文 范文






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