
更新时间:2023-11-19 12:14:14 发布时间:24小时内 作者:文/会员上传 下载docx


Date and Place



Minister of _____



Dear Minister,

I am writing this letter to thank you for you warm hospitality accorded to me and my delegation during our recent visit to your beautiful country.

I would also like to thank you for your interesting discussion with me which I have found very informative and useful.

During the entire visit, my delegation and I were overwhelmed by the enthusiasm expressed by your business representatives on cooperation with China.

I sincerely hope we could have more exchanges like this one when we would be able to continue our interesting discussion on possible ways to expand our bilateral ecomomic and trade relations and bring our business people together.

I am lookingforward to your early visit to China when I will be able to pay back some of the hospitality I received during my memorable stay in yur beautiful country.

With kind personal regards,




Dear Mr. Shakespeare,

I am writing to express my heartfelt gratitude. I am referring to that unfortunate accident the other day, when I was knocked off my bike by a taxi.

If it had not been for your timely assistance in giving me first aid, I fear that the consequences might have been much serious. Everyone agrees that it was your quick-witted response in that emergency that has led to this satisfactory outcome.

Although nowadays people in mounting numbers talk about the need to be unselfish, we see very few people practice what they preach. If there were more people like you, this world would be a much nicer place.

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming


Dear Sharon,

I am writing to tell you how very much I enjoyed the days at Chicago.

Everything was just about perfect. You certainly know how to make a guest feel at home. Your delicious meals were a treat, and your flexibility in adapting to my irregular schedules made many things possible.

I hope you and Peter know how I appreciate your hospitality, and your many kindnesses to me. I count myself fortunate indeed to have two such generous charming friends!

With thanks again and best wishes to you.




Dear Mr. John,


How are things going with you in Beijing?


I am writing to show my thanks to you. You tutored me in my spoken English before you went to Beijing. With your help I made such rapid progress that I won the first place in the Spoken English Competition of the city. My achievement is owed to your help. Thank you very much.


I have heard that you and your wife will pay a visit to my school. I am very glad at the news. In that case we can see each other again. I am looking forward to your coming. I am sending you a telescope as a small gift. I hope you will like it.


All the best.



Liu Jie

您的朋友 _



am writing to expremy thanks for … 我写这封信是为了表达我对……的谢意。

’d like to take this opportunity to expremy great appreciation for your timely help and assistance . 我谨借此机会感谢您给予我们的及时帮助和支持。

again for your kind help . 对你的帮助再次表示感谢。

am grateful to you for… 感谢你……

appreciate it more than I can say. 感激不荆

6. I can never thank you enough. 感激不荆

deeply appreciate your sincere help. 我深深地感谢你诚恳的帮助。

thanks for your kindneand hospitality. 多谢你的好意和好客。

you from the bottom of my heart for.. 从心底里感谢你,因为……

, I would like to expreour warm thanks to you. 再次向你表示谢意。



Dear Mr. John,

How are things going with you in Beijing?

I am writing to show my thanks to you. You tutored me in my spoken English before you went to Beijing. With your help I made such rapid progress that I won the first place in the Spoken English Competition of the city. My achievement is owed to your help. Thank you very much.

I have heard that you and your wife will pay a visit to my school. I am very glad at the news. In that case we can see each other again. I am looking forward to your coming. I am sending you a telescope as a small gift. I hope you will like it.

All the best.

Yours,Liu Jie


am grateful/obliged to you for...我非常感谢你的……

am greatly indebted to you for what you have done. 我为你所做的一切表示感激。

am thankful/obliged to you for your unselfish assistance during… 感谢你在……期间给予我无私的帮助。

deeply appreciate your courtesy and we hope to have the opportunity of rewarding your kindness.我非常感谢你的好意,并希望有机会回报你。

take this opportunity to express my deep appreciation of your kind help you rendered me.我借此机会对你所给予我的帮助表示深深的感谢。

6. It was kind and generous of you to do this for me,and l appreciate it more than l can say.你为我这样做真是太好了,我感激不尽。

appreciate to you for your generous help is beyond my wish I could repay it some day.我无法用言语来表达对你的感激之情。但愿有朝一门能回报你的帮助。

accept my most cordial thanks for your timely help,which l will never forget.请接受我诚挚的谢意,感谢你及时的帮助,我将难以忘怀。

fail me when I want to express my gratitude to you.感激之情难以言表。

,I would like to express our warm thanks to you.再次向你表示感谢。








Dear classmates,

How is everything going? help and care. During my stay in hospital(During the time when I am in hospital), did you come to visit me do so. It is three weeks since I came to hospital.

With the help of doctors and nurses, I am recovering gradually. Besides, thanks to your help, I have gained much courage and confidence to fight against the illness. At present, I’m feeling much better now. Therefore, there is no need to worry about me.

How I miss the school days we spent together. I can’t wait to return to school, (I’m looking forward to returning to school, ) studying and living with you. All in all, words fail to express my gratitude/appreciation.

(Again, special thanks to all of you. Finally, please allow me to say “Thanks” to all of you again.)

Yours sincerely,


Dear Cathy,

I am writing to express our heartfelt thanks for taking good care of smart while we were on holiday. He was such a happy dog when we got home; we knew he must have had lots of loving attention. When we used to pick up from the kennel he would whimper and carry on for hours.

You not only saved us some money, you also spared us the worry of how he was doing while we were away. Your kind help is very much appreciated, not only by smart, but also by our whole family as well.

Yours truly,



Dear ______ ,

①I am writing to extend my sincere gratitude for ______(感谢的原因). ②If it had not been for your assistance in ______(对方给予的具体帮助), I fear that I would have been ______(没有对方帮助时的后果).

③Every one agrees that it was you who ______(给出细节).

④Again, I would like to express my warm thanks to you! Please accept my gratitude.

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming



A letter of thanks

I’m now writing these few lines to appreciate your hospitality during my traveling in Yunnan. Undoubtedly, my travel can’t have been so interesting and unforgettable without you. In the addition, it was your considerate care that made me like being at home. During those days in Yunnan, I do hope to have the opportunity of reciprocating. I will feel very honored and pleased if you come to travel through my city. How nice if would be to see you again. Would you kindly let me know when you are convenient? I repeat my thanks again for what you’ve done for me. I’m looking forward to seeing you soon. Please give my kind regards to your family members.

Yours Sincerely






Dear classmates,

How is everything going? help and care. During my stay in hospital(During the time when I am in hospital), did you come to visit me do so. It is three weeks since I came to hospital.

With the help of doctors and nurses, I am recovering gradually. Besides, thanks to your help, I have gained much courage and confidence to fight against the illness. At present, I’m feeling much better now. Therefore, there is no need to worry about me.

How I miss the school days we spent together. I can’t wait to return to school, (I’m looking forward to returning to school, ) studying and living with you. All in all, words fail to express my gratitude/appreciation.

(Again, special thanks to all of you. Finally, please allow me to say “Thanks” to all of you again.)

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua


Dear Miss Wang:

I am writing to express my sincere gratitude for your help in my study. Without your help , my study would not be the top three in my class. It was you who always standed by me when I am fall. You pointed my mistakes and told me how to make them right. You always worked tirelessly to train my continuous encouragement is my greatest motivation.

I sincerely hope that you can have a good health and stay happy. In addition, I wonder if you can pay a lot of attention to your health, get more rest.

Again, I sincerely thank you for your help!









june 10,

dear aunt and uncle,

i don't know how i can thank you enough for the timely birthday present that you sent me. it was such a great and happy surprise. i have been longing to have an electronic dictionary of this kind for ages. now i don't have to carry a very thick dictionary along with me in my bag everyday. it is so small that i can keep it in my pocket. it is such a convenience to my work and studies.

it was so kind of you to have sent me this electronic time i use it i will think of you and appreciate your warm heartedness.

with love,



Dear Miss Wang,

I'm writing this letter to appreciate your help in my English.

My English is not very good and I lose my interest in learning it. However, since you taught us, my English has been better and better. In your class, we can tell stories, sing songs, play games and do many funny things. I like your class very much and I am interested in English again now. Thanks for your help.

Best wishes.




e of her children and keeps them all at school. I have one brother and two sistets. So she gets four children in all. She gives us every comfort. We all love her and she loves us also.

My mother has too much to do in bringing us up. As our family is too poor to keep a servant, my mother has always to do very much work. She gets up very early and sleeps very late every day. She works hard, yet without complaining.

She is also a thrifty, and industrious woman. She saves every cent that she can and keeps everything in order. As she has been busy eversince she was young, she looks older than she really is. Her face is wrinkled, her hair becomes silver white, but she works as hard as ever.

Often she says to us, _work while you work, play while you play. If you do not work, you will become lazy and of no use to society._ What piece of good advice this is! We must worth it well and always keep it in our mind.


Dear ______ ,

①I am writing to extend my sincere gratitude for ______(感谢的原因). ②If it had not been for your assistance in ______(对方给予的具体帮助), I fear that I would have been ______(没有对方帮助时的后果).

③Every one agrees that it was you who ______(给出细节).

④Again, I would like to express my warm thanks to you! Please accept my gratitude.




Dear XXX

Thank you for visiting me when i was in the hosipital. it was very kind of you, i am so glad of myself to have a such good friend like you. i will take this relationship as a gift from god. when i needed help you were there for me, when i needed care you turned up again for me. what a shame that i can't help you in anyway except one way, when you need a hand. thank you so much and best wishes for you

love from















Dear Li Feng,

I just wanted to thank you again for the birthday party last night. I knew you organized this party. I was really happy when everyone sang the Happy Birthday song. I liked the presents too. It was a really nice surprise. I will never forget that birthday. Thank you so much! I am very lucky to have you as my friend and classmate!


Li Hua



Dear Mom and Dad,

I love you! I love you with all my heart! This letter to you is to tell you my true feelings from the bottom of my heart.

Thank you so much for bringing me up! Thank you so much for raising me. I know how hard you’ve worked during the past years. I can imagine how many difficulties and obstacles (障碍) you’ve conquered. I can imagine all the problems you have faced and all the sweat and tears you have shed to make my life better. I can fully understand what a huge responsibility it is to raise a child. You’ve been very patient with me. You’ve encouraged me and you’ve helped me. You’ve tried your hardest to give me the best things in life. You’ve made a lot of sacrifices and many difficult choices. I also know that you have great expectations (热切的期望) of me. You want me to be very successful and happy. You want me to be the best person I can be. You want me to do great things with my life. You want me to make the world a better place. I know you have so many hopes and dreams for my future.

Today I want to tell you something extremely important (极其重要的) .Today I want to tell you that you don’t need to worry about me anymore. I’m grown up! I will be responsible (负责任) for my life and for my future. I will study very hard. I will exercise every day to keep fit. I will read English every morning and every night. I will make the best use of every spare minute. I will be happy, confident, positive and energetic every day! I will develop good habits and use them to constantly improve myself. I will never do anything that would harm my body or my mind.










绵阳市警钟街·中新友谊小学  赵宇智



A letter to my parents

Dear Mom and Dad,

I love you! I love you with all my heart! This letter to you is to tell you my true feelings from the bottom of my heart.

Thank you so much for bringing me up! Thank you so much for raising me. I know how hard you’ve worked during the past years. I can imagine how many difficulties and obstacles (障碍) you’ve conquered. I can imagine all the problems you have faced and all the sweat and tears you have shed to make my life better. I can fully understand what a huge responsibility it is to raise a child. You’ve been very patient with me. You’ve encouraged me and you’ve helped me. You’ve tried your hardest to give me the best things in life. You’ve made a lot of sacrifices and many difficult choices. I also know that you have great expectations (热切的期望) of me. You want me to be very successful and happy. You want me to be the best person I can be. You want me to do great things with my life. You want me to make the world a better place. I know you have so many hopes and dreams for my future.

Today I want to tell you something extremely important (极其重要的) .Today I want to tell you that you don’t need to worry about me anymore. I’m grown up! I will be responsible (负责任) for my life and for my future. I will study very hard. I will exercise every day to keep fit. I will read English every morning and every night. I will make the best use of every spare minute. I will be happy, confident, positive and energetic every day! I will develop good habits and use them to constantly improve myself. I will never do anything that would harm my body or my mind.


I am writing to extend my sincere gratitude for what you did for me on my last birthday. I'd never expected you detected my birthday. If it had not been for your advocating a chorus of happy birthday in class, I fear that I would have been depressed and lonely. All my classmates agree that it was you who contributed to my confidence. Ever since, I have been lovely and popular among my class. Again I would like to express my warm thanks to you!


Please accept my gratitude/my thanks.

Your help is very much appreciated.

I am writing to express my thanks for ...

I would like to convey in this letter my heartfelt thanks to you for...

I would like to take this opportunity to express my great appreciation for your timely help and assistance.

On behalf of my whole family, I would like to extend my sincere gratitude for...

I am grateful/obliged to you for...

I deeply appreciate your courtesy and we hope to have the opportunity of rewarding your kindness.

I take this opportunity to express my hearted appreciation of your help you rendered me.

It was kind and generous of you to do this for me,and l appreciate it more than l can say.

Please accept my cordial thanks for your timely help.

Words fail me when I want to express my gratitude to you.


Dear mrxx:

thank you very much for the interview yesterday。 i learned a great deal about your pany,its major projects,and its ambitious plans for future development in shenzhen。

i believe i am fully qualified for the work you described。 my exxperience withxxcorporation is directly related to the work you are offering。 also,my academic background and the training i received as an administrative assistant provide a strong base for further development。

thanks again for the interview。 i look forward to hearing from you soon。

sincerely yours,



1、I“d like ...to come to dinner


2、request the pleasure of


3、The favor of a reply is requested


4、May I have the honour of your company at dinner?


Thank you for inviting us to dinner


6、I hope you”re not too busy to come.


7、The reception will be held in ...,on ...


8、We sincerely hope you can attend


9、We are looking forward to ...


10、We have decided to have a party in honor of the occasion


11、Please confirm your participation at your earliest convenience



Dear Mr. / Ms,

Thank you for your letter of June 4, enclosing an account of the organization and work of your Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

We are very grateful for such a detailed account of your activities. This information is certain to help increase our future cooperation.




Dear Tricia,

I’ve come back home safely. (用现在完成时态体现我已经安全抵家) Looking back to (回顾)my stay in Britain, I felt so happy and satisfied. The beautiful scenery and friendly people impressed me a lot(给我印象深刻). I also benefit a lot from (从…中获益)learning together with local students. More importantly, your help and kindness made it easier for me to have a better understanding of British culture (sth make it easier for sb. to do sth.某事对于某人而言便于做某事.穿红色便于我们做决定。Wearing red make it easier for to make a decision. ) and adapt to the life there. (adapt to sth适应…)So I’m so grateful to you. By the way, attached to the letter are two photos taken with you( attached to the letter be …附寄…),which I believe will remind you of the happy time we spent together.

You are expected to come to China soon.

Looking forward to your reply.




1) Thank you very much for…

2) Many thanks for your…

3) Please accept my sincere appreciation for×××

4) I am truly grateful to you for×××

5) It was good (thoughtful) of you ×××承蒙好意(关心) ×××

6) You were so kind to send×××

7) Thank you again for your wonderful hospitality(盛情款待) and I am looking forward to seeing you soon.

8)I hope I can reciprocate (回报)your kindness when you come to ×××

9) Thanks a million ( or Thanks ever so much)

10) Oceans of thanks .(感谢之至)

11) I cannot tell you how much your letter delighted (愉快) (relieved, amused, enchanted 轻松) me.

12) Please accept my sincere appreciation for…请接受我对……衷心感谢。

13) I sincerely appreciate…

14) I am very sincerely grateful to you for…

15) I wish to express my profound appreciation for… 我对……深表感谢。

16) Many thanks for your generous cooperation. 谢谢贵方的真诚合作。


Dear ______ ,

①I am writing to extend my sincere gratitude for ______(感谢的原因). ②If it had not been for your assistance in ______(对方给予的`具体帮助), I fear that I would have been ______(没有对方帮助时的后果).

③Every one agrees that it was you who ______(给出细节).

④Again, I would like to express my warm thanks to you! Please accept my gratitude.

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming




尊敬的扎胎者: 你好! “伟伟,起床了!再不起床就要迟到了!”妈妈用了几乎90分贝的声音叫我起床。“让我在睡一会儿!”经常迟到的我总这样推脱。十几分钟过去了,只见我又慌乱地冲出家门,嘴里念叨着:“来不及了:“都怪妈,快迟到了也不早点叫我起床!”不一会儿,我又沮丧的走进家门,“东西又忘了带了!”没多久,我又带着几本书“飞”向学校――这是我以前生活的一个片段!





又一个早晨,我又睡晚了,但我早已习惯这种生活了,还是静下了心来,慢吞吞的刷牙洗脸吃早饭作文 你也可以投稿,骑着车上学去了。来到车棚,我找了一个――也是全车棚唯一一个可以停车的地方,照常安心地上楼读书去了。正听说最近有人扎车胎 ,放学了,心急如焚的来到车棚,我就看到了悲惨的一幕――我的后车胎被你狠狠地刺穿了一个洞,气全漏光了!起初,我感到十分的.气恼,后悔•••Why?不扎别人的,偏扎我的。我不停地咒诅你。也后悔自己太晚起床了!无奈呀!我愤懑地推着我可怜的自行车回家了,一路上满是叹息与脏话。









Dear Mr.

and Mrs.


I am now back to China safe and sound.

In this letter I would like to convey my heartfelt thanks to you and your lovely children for your kindness and hospitality to host me when I was in New York.

Your generous help and tender care made me feel warly welcomed and transformed my first American trip into a beautiful memory.

I do hope that your whole family pay a visit to China in future, so that I could have the opportunity to repay your friendship.

I assure you that you would enjoy visiting here as I did at your home.

I feel obliged to thank you once more.


Li Ming










Dear teacher ,

I am writing to you to express my thanks for your help in learning English and speaking English.

During these days in your class, I have learned much from you and it is very helpful to me.

Firstly, you let me know what is the west thinking pattern—straight thinking pattern.

And, I think, it is very important to understand the west’s thoughts.

As you know, this can help me with my examination and interaction with foreigners.

Secondly, I have got enough confidence in speaking in English from your class and it took me a long time to gain this confidence.


Dear Liu Dong,

I'm back at school now. I wish to express my thanks to you for the wonderful vacation I spent with you and your family. During the vacation you taught me how to swim, boat and fish. I really appreciate your taking time off work to take me around and show me so many places.

Your mother is such a terrific cook! I think I must have gained 10 pounds just in the week I spent with you. Surely I've spent a happy vacation, which will be remembered for long.

I hope you will be able to visit our school sometime. Thank you again. Let's keep in touch.




June 17th ,

Dear Xiao He,

Thank you ever so much for having invited me for the tour of Yunnan, your home province. I had a fantastic time with you and your family. Your great hospitality will be unforgettable throughout my life.

When I think of those gorgeous places of scenic beauty you showed me around, I couldn’t be more delighted. And the pineapple pie Grandma prepared for me is out of this world. I had never had so delicious food! Indeed, I am still missing your snug log-cabin, small and cozy, which was turned into my dream house in fairy land those nights.

Would you come to Harbin, my home town, some time this summer vacation? Harbin, a beautiful place frequently referred to as Oriental Paris, offers a picture of another kind. I can assure you another pleasant tour. My family and I cannot wait to see you here.


Li Ming




出乎意料的是,没几天,水居然又变好了,而且比以前更加清澈。小动物们觉得非常奇怪,便说:“我们去看看究竟发生了什么吧。”于是,它们开始向着大河进发。小鱼和小虾在前面带路,小青蛙跳在小乌龟的背上眺望远方。突然,小青蛙叫了起来:“有情况,有情况!”它们抬头一看,只见大河口有几根柱子,水只能从柱子中间流过。小乌龟认识,知道那是做河坝用的。小动物们恍然大悟,原来前几天人们为使水更畅通,在建设水利工程,暂时用堤坝把河口关闭了,现在建好了,又把堤坝打开了,小动物们发现了真相 ,解开了误会,又可以开心的生活了。



Dear Interviewer,

It was great meeting you today, and I appreciate you taking the time to interview me. I'm excited to be considered for the (name the position) as well as all of the opportunities the company presents. I had a good time discussing my passion of (insert what you're passionate about) and really enjoyed learning more about (insert what new tidbityou learned about the company).

Thank you for your consideration, and I look forward to following up with you.

Best regards,



Dear ,

This is to thank you for interviewing me on Thursday,January was a pleasure meeting you ,too,for taking time out to explain some of the finerpoints of the position.

I believe my strength,which we discussed,would be an assets to J&R look forward to hearing from you at your earliest convenience.


Gloria Bullintin


Dear (Bosss Name),

I appreciated the opportunity to meet with you yesterday about the position of (job title) with (Company Name).

I really enjoyed meeting with members of the office and learning about the job. The entire team certainly seem to be highly skilled and motivated and the work itself seems as rewarding as it is challenging. From our discussion,I gained a strong sense of (Company Name)s commitment to their clients and their employees. I also enjoyed our discussion of my opportunities and future within the firm.

I feel strongly that I possess the qualities required as a (job title). I believe my education and experiences have prepared me well for a future with you. I eagerly anticipate our next meeting. Thank you for considering me for this opportunity.










我推开了门,哇!目瞪口呆的我好半天才回过神儿来。多媒体教室里安了四台空调,此时正从叶片里吹出阵阵 凉 风,好惬意呀!再看,教室中的每根承重梁上也贴了字画,四周的音柱、好美!

讲台上,还有一个和“班班通”差不多的操作台。这个操作台很特别,当老师将桌面上的 盖 子一拉开,里面居然还藏着一个小小的显示屏!屏幕上正打出我们本次演讲比赛的主题字样。










热门标签: 感谢信 英语 高一







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演讲稿 2023-10-02



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