
更新时间:2023-11-20 11:53:53 发布时间:24小时内 作者:文/会员上传 下载docx


It can't be nothiness (Adidas). Nothing comes out of nothing. Buy Australia, buy you a job.

One world, one dream, we lead. Others copy. It can't be possible.

Take time to indulge. Psue perfection unremittingly. Come to a place with a ell.

Marlbo country. To me, the past is black and white, but the fute is always color. Ask for , let's do better.








As the saying goes, one bird in the hand is better than o. In the forest, we are often in a dilemma, either to keep the status quo or to make changes. People who can understand the meaning of this sentence are like a dp in the bucket.

Some people do a good job in their work, but they often think that there are flies in the ointment, just like leopards can't change. For them, some of us are born perfectionists. It's a labor of love to find out the shortcomings and impve them.

If things are not satiactory, it's a sting for perfectionists, But on the other hand, this perfectioni is good for o life, becse it is a double-edged sword. When you sow seeds, what will you harvest? God will always stare at you, and he will give you a wonderful gift. Finally, the ashes will tn to ashes.

Dust and dust, the clock of life will ng, and people will obey. Just like a candle, each of us can only expeence it once The life we are going to expeence uses o best life, so that we will not regret when we are old and vulnerable. Others are happy with their lives.

Some of them are not so ch or glamous. Even when they are poor, they live a happy life. Recently, I watched a great TV show _talent show_.

An Armenian mother and her o dghters showed that she was born into an Armenian doctor's family, which people think of as a family She was ch, but to o spse, she decided to fall out of favor and mared a poor Chinese farmer. After sral years of hard life, she felt like she had gone thugh the bapti of fire. This Armenian girl grew up to be the mother of a great in dghter.

She said that she has the dream life that ry woman dreams of. She is satiied with her dear huand and o families. Her betiful dghter is her family who gave her coage and stren to keep her fm biting the dust.

Another talent show conant was also impressed by her lifestyle. She said that she was an illiterate dishwasher fm Sichuan Pvince. She kept eating, dnking and playing Washing dishes and fighting a good war left a deep impression on us.

He is a art man with flesh and blood. In my opinion, it is very important to be satiied with o happy life. As long as you change yo attitude towards life, you can enjoy a better life in an instant.

May each of us be good Samatans, away fm holiness again and again, and fulfill o wishes.






Altrui and egoi altrui means that we should consider the happiness and benefits of others before oselves. Altrui is a person who habitually treats others kindly. The opposite of altrui and altrui is egoi and egoi, which makes us happy.

There are many altruists in today's society. We can see many altruistic behaviors ry day, such as a stranger A stranger gets lost in a strange place. A local patiently or n leads the way.

Now, countless Chinese people volunteer to participate in the hope , which is ed by all over the country. Unfortunately, there are still the same egoists in o society. When people are queuing up to buy tickets, when we look nd, we still see egoi When a child is crying for in the lake, a man cws into the team at the corner, some passers-by walk carelessly on the ad.

The government calls for honesty, and some officials are still embezzling public pperty or taking bbes. It is a pity that the world is full of contradictions, altrui and altrui, but there are also egoi and egoi. Now society is dloping Well, it's no use sighing in pgress.

We have good reasons to beli that altrui will be and , but egoi will be less and less.










热门标签: 范文






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