
更新时间:2023-11-22 11:58:42 发布时间:24小时内 作者:文/会员上传 下载docx


At present, many universities and even high schools require the opening of all English teaching classes. They all hope to improve the quality of teaching through this way, and get some social support. In my opinion, the advantages of all English teaching classes have improved the international competitiveness of universities.

International languages are very popular almost all over the world. Therefore, if universities adopt all English teaching methods, it can easily help students integrate into the international community. However, I believe that there are some shortcomings in this teaching method.

For example, if every university plans to use this all English teaching class, we can Where to find the answer? So many qualified teachers to this point, I think this all English teaching method is unrealistic.










Globalization is here to stay, driven by advances in information technology and resulting in scientific, technological and economic progress and increased international trade and investment. It has had wide ranging positive and negative effects on employment and economic development, scientific research, language and culture, and the environment.

One positive result of globalization is the global distribution of labor. It is now much easier to move to other countries to find work, and this leads to better employment prospects for individuals and to more-diverse workplaces. In addition, capital and industrial resources have migrated to developing countries, thus providing local jobs and boosting local economies. It has also resulted in greater contact between different cultures, as travel has become relatively safer and less expensive than it used to be. Ease of communication has encouraged an unprecedented level of global scientific research and cooperation, and a subsequent explosion of knowledge and information.

A downside of this global economy is that when a catastrophe occurs, as in the recent global financial crisis that started in the USA, it affects the whole world. Similarly, when a virus emerges in one region of the world, it spreads rapidly, threatening worldwide health. Globalization affects culture and language, too; minority languages are dying out because of the necessity of learning English for international business, and indigenous cultures are being rejected in favor of a dominant, often USA-based, culture.

Finally, levels of pollution are rising as countries strive for economic growth and a competitive edge in the global market.

In conclusion, globalization is a double-edged sword that has created jobs and promoted international cooperation but has led to cultural losses, more environmental damage, increased health risks and exposure to economic crises. However, our world will continue to shrink as technology expands, and we need to accept globalization as a fact of life in the 21st century.







罗马尼亚诗人伊拉里·沃龙卡(Ilarie Voronca)是位超现实主义运动者,他于1916年写下《最美的诗:美元的波动》。还值得引用凯恩斯的话:“世界经济的机器……应该尽可能高效,而不违背我们对满意生活的新年”。




Admittedly, frequent business collaboration and cultural interaction may moderately render some cultures, especially those in rural areas, withering away. This is mainly because, with globalisation in trade accelerating unprecedentedly, companies from unprivileged regions have easier access to witnessing how giants from developed countries function. Taking full advantage of such opportunities, the underdeveloped businesses will have every reason to imitate the manufacturing modes or products of the advanced ones for the sake of raking in more profits, which sometimes is coupled with abandoning their traditional pillar industries. As to cultures, such is human nature that people tend to gravitate to novelty, so it is a commonplace that individuals, especially youngsters, are more likely to be attracted by exotic cultures instead of domestic ones which are often regarded as clichéd. Naturally, the influence of their own cultures will be undermined. However, such loss of national identities can be avoided as long as governments issue certain policies, such as setting festivals, to raise citizens’ awareness of cultural confidence.


The negative impact of globalization is that developed countries outsource manufacturing and white-collar jobs, which means less employment opportunities for their own people. The reason for this is that manufacturing work is outsourced to developing countries like China, where manufacturing costs and wages are low. Programmers, editors, scientists and accountants have all done this, losing their jobs by outsourcing to cheaper places like India.

Globalization has led to the exploitation of labor prisoners and child labor, accustomed to working in inhumane conditions, and safety standards have been ignored to produce cheap goods. Before it was unsafe to work, people had stable, permanent jobs, and now people are living on constant burdens The loss of job competition intensifies competition for jobs, which leads to lower wages. As a result, living standards are reduced.

Terrorists can acquire sophisticated weapons and enhance their ability to cause damage. Terrorists use the Internet to communicate with each other. Companies have established pollution causing industries in countries with poor regulation.

Fast food chains like McDonald's and KFC are spreading in developing countries. People are developing countries Consuming more junk food from these places has a negative impact on their health. The benefits of globalization are not universal.

The rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer. Local culture is being spread through television and the Internet. Enemy countries can communicate through the Internet that deadly diseases like HIV / are spreading from travelers to the most remote corners of the world, and local industries are Taken over by foreign multinationals, rising prices have reduced the ability of governments to maintain social welfare.

The plans of developed countries, which used to be confined to commercial activities, are increasingly influencing political decision-.


标签: 新学期


The dual power of globalization, globalization occupies an important position in human life. In the process of globalization, we have built a bridge of ideas and beliefs that can cross national boundaries. Although the wall of distrust and the obstacle of suspicion between countries are regarded as the signs of globalization, they are gradually disappearing.

Some people are full of hope for the future, while others think that globalization will bring terrible disasters to the world economic countries, especially the developing countries, from which they can benefit greatly, There is a global market in which companies can trade their products, which can make the production sector develop rapidly, which provides manufacturers with many choices. In addition, competition makes prices relatively low. It can provide people with a wider choice of products from different countries.

Therefore, capital flow is good, inflation is unlikely to happen, but globalization brings disadvantages The factors cannot be ignored: globalization is leading to unemployment in Europe, as jobs are shifting to Asian countries. The labor cost of Asian countries is lower than that of other countries, and other countries tend to think that poor countries are exploited by richer countries and have low wages. In addition, companies in other countries also open up their peers, which may lead to the traner of product quality to other countries, thus increasing the opportunities for poor quality.

Globalization is an ongoing process of regional economic integration Therefore, we should take a positive attitude towards globalization, make good use of it, and avoid adverse factors, so as to create a better world and a better future for all`.



As a matter of fact, behind business and cultural communication are more gains, among which the most evident one is that it creates more understanding among people from diverse cultures. It is through world trade and global cultural festivals that individuals get the chance to communicate directly with people from other cultures and backgrounds, getting to understand a nation and a culture better than before, which thus eliminates the tension caused by cultural bias or misunderstanding. In terms of business, international trade not only provides developed countries with cheaper but finer materials from developing countries but also helps the latter to gain more money that can be used to improve their infrastructure and public service, which therefore can achieve a win-win result.



Ø eliminate vt. 消除

Ø tension n. 紧张局势


In a nutshell, the downsides of business and cultural contact between countries pale into insignificance when set against its upsides.










热门标签: 利弊 范文






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