
更新时间:2023-11-28 19:52:41 发布时间:24小时内 作者:文/会员上传 下载docx


Youth is not a period of life, but a state of mind, not rosy cheeks, red lips and soft knees. It is a matter of will, a quality of imagination, a vigor of emotion. It is the freshness of the spring of life.

Youth means courage over timidity, a desire for adventure over a love of ease. This desire often exists in a man more than a boy without a name, and only grows old when we abandon our ideals. Ears may wrinkle the skin, but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the heart.

Fear and inferiority will distort the mind and turn the spirit into ashes. The human heart, the temptation of miracles, the childlike desire for the future, and the joy of the that lives in you and me. In the center of your heart and my heart, there is a radio station.

As long as it receives messages from mankind and from infinite beauty, hope, joy, courage and power, so long as you are young when the antenna collapses, your spirit is covered with snows of cynicism and ice of pessimism, and then you grow old. Even if you set up the antenna to catch the waves of optimism, you have hope in Die in light.





^v^I have a lot of dreams.^v^

^v^If we dream, everything will be possible.^v^

In retrospect, I have much to be proud of. As a 10-year-old teenager, I was already obsessed of painting the concrete forms of my dreams with the brush in my hand. At such a young age, I had already learned the necessity to practice painting deep into the night in order to achieve constant improvement in the sophistication of my brushwork. My endowments and my dedication helped me secure three major prizes at international adolescent fine art competitions. My substantial progress in practicing fine art also opened the door to developing my perceptive horizon and to tapping my tremendous potential. As a result, I handled my studies with much facility, especially in mathematics for which I had a particular penchant. No matter how difficult the courses in my high school were, I could almost invariably achieve full marks in all of them. Apart from virtually perfect performance in the scholastic aptitudes at my school, I achieved remarkable scores in a variety of national contests for high school students in mathematics, physics, and chemistry. Those distinguished achievements resulted in my being enrolled by Tsinghua University, exempted from entrance examination. In China, this could properly be deemed the highest honor that a high school student could possible attain.

^v^On the way to the realization of your dreams, there is no substitute for hard work^v^

^v^Teamwork fulfill your dreams easily^v^

Upon entering this most prestigious university in China, which is Tsinghua University, in my usual spirit of dedication and perseverance, I once again embarked on my journey of industrious study in the Department of Automation. My exceptionally solid foundation in mathematics provided me with a stepping stone with which I proceeded onto the exploration of other sophisticated and erudite subjects. As a freshman, I taught myself such mathematics courses as Real Analysis and Advanced Numerical Analysis that are only scheduled for senior students. My performance in all the specialty-related coursework not only enabled me to secure the second highest GPA ranking in my class but also furnished me with a powerful instrument whereby to materialize my dreams in the research and development of computer and network technology.

In the scorching summer of 1999, with an entrepreneurial passion that was much more vehement than the scorching sun, two classmates and I commenced to establish our own business and to operate our own company. By any imagination, it was a challenging undertaking. We focused on the development of online multimedia entertainment platform and on the research and development of virtual reality (VC) technology. In the process of developing the software for the VC products, we encountered the major obstacle of how to realize globular equation of the pictures actually taken of the real objects.

Under my organization and leadership, the task team, which consisted of a number of senior undergraduates and graduates, consulted a huge amount of technical literature, solicited professional guidance from specialists in the field, conducted surveys and interviews, analyzed feedbacks, and wrote business proposals. It was common for me to sleep only four hours a day. We worked under the conviction that, even if we failed 99 times, we would be ultimately victorious if we could succeed in the 100th trial. Any notion of defeatism would cause one to relinquish and end up in eternal failure.

Within two months, we eventually succeeded in developing the semispheric equation algorithm whose effect could perfectly parallel the globular equation algorithm of the software. In autumn, the season of harvest, we won the Prize for Excellent Original Conceptualization at the annual Entrepreneurial Competition with the business proposal based on this project. In the meantime, we succeeded in attracting a risk, investment worth 5 million RMB (approximately 600000 US dollars)。 The immediate infusion of the cash into our company guaranteed the overall inauguration of our company.

In the initial stage of establishing our business, we foresaw that the VC technology would make tremendous headway in the future network application. The problem we faced at that time was the limited bandwidth of the network, which in turn circumscribed the development of VC technology. After nearly one-year development, our technology has become increasingly mature. Furthermore, our collaboration with Britain's Rotography Company has acquainted us with some refreshingly constructive concepts. With the continued improvement of the China's domestic network environment, we have formally initiated serial services to our clients in the application of VC technology. In this process, our company's website for supplying technical service _ was consummated. So far, many manufacturers availed themselves of our VC solutions, including Beijing Garment Manufacturing Factory, the largest of its kind in Beijing. Meanwhile, I participated in a seminar on the development of network virtual passage ^v^_^v^ project jointly undertaken by Zhejiang University and NingPo Golden Leave Information Technology Company. By conducting a survey of . _ market and by studying _ technology, I presented some unique insights of my own at the seminar, which were positively evaluated by computer specialists from Zhejiang University.

With our products started to increase the market share, the reputation of our company became increasingly widespread. As a burgeoning company, we managed, through fierce bidding, to secure a project of Demonstration System from Sony Company. Though finally the project did not take long to complete, the success of winning the first project through tender excited the whole group of young entrepreneurs. At present, in reaction to the strong demands for information concerning rubber market by more than 20000 manufacturers and related enterprises, our company is cooperating with Reuter Agency and Information Headquarter of China National Rubber Industry in developing and designing ^v^China Rubber Business Website^v^, which aims at providing the most updated global rubber information for domestic rubber manufacturers and ultimately realizing the B2B business platform for China's rubber industry. This is a newly-emerging field which integrates conventional industry with IT industry, thus requiring rich professional knowledge and experience in conventional sector as well as powerful and comprehensive analytical and problem-solving capability. Under such circumstances, I am forced to augment my knowledge in a totally strange profession within the shortest possible time. But I know that with, my usual confidence, I will surmount this challenge.

^v^If we can dream it, we can do it.^v^

^v^The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.^v^

Now I have a dream to become a well-trained engineer so that I can enjoy myself in the field of technology application as well as in the field of theoretical research. Furthermore, I love the feeling of being challenged. Only by plunging oneself into a challenging environment will one be able to keep on scaling new heights. For me, this challenging environment that fascinates me most is Harvard University, the ideal university to undertake my . program.

In my prospective degree program, I would like to concentrate on the following fields: (a) VLSI & Microelectronics; (b) Systems and Control; (c) Robotics and Computer Vision; (d) Communications & Signal Processing; (e) Operations Research & Systems.

I am convinced that the advanced training in your established graduate program will help develop me into a successful professional in my chosen field. In the highly challenging academic environment of Harvard, I will rely on two effective strategies that I have consistently employed in my heretofore studies and business operations: competition and cooperation. I can imagine that, with the international perspective and professional expertise developed at Harvard University, I will be best assisted in bringing my tremendous potential into full play in my future efforts to blaze new trails in the virtually unlimited future world.


Dear teacher:

Hello, thank you very much for taking time out of your busy schedule to read this application for studying abroad.

My name is Huang Peng and I come from the No. 9 Middle School in Laiyang. I am a native of the No. 9 Middle School, but now I have to add the name of the reviewer to the front. Although the college entrance examination is not satisfactory, I am still willing to call myself a ^v^Nine Middle School Person^v^ when I talk about my identity at this time. These three words cover almost my entire youth and will continue to accompany me in the future. This time I returned to my alma mater as a reviewer. Thousands of thoughts came to my mind. The bits and pieces of the three years of high school were played back in my mind like movie clips. The original bold words and lofty ambitions seem to be still reverberating above the alma mater. Enduring; the teachings of my mentor and the encouragement of my friends will last forever under the polishing of time, and the words surging in my heart.

Although the youthfulness when he first entered his alma mater has become mature, but thinking of that period of ignorance, his heart is still unable to calm for a long time. With a vigorous heart under my immature appearance, I started my high school life. Maybe it was my two-year career as a monitor in junior high school that made me look more stable, or maybe my high school entrance examination results entered the class teacher’s ^v^Dharma Eye^v^. In short, I am honored to be granted the important task of monitor, and since then I started my three years of work so far. Another squad leader's career.

The class in the first year and second year of high school was a group of passionate youth clubs. We talked about ancient and modern China and foreign countries, enthusiastic words, commented on the country, frivolous but tireless. Under the influence of such a group of revengeful confidantes, under the teachings of knowledgeable teachers, my grades have also started to improve steadily, and more importantly, my thinking has taken shape from then on-I want to be a strong one! During the day and night with the teachers and classmates, I learned something from each of them. I learned to be calm, I learned to be tolerant, I understood gratitude... Each of them is a living textbook. Page by page, book by book, even though I no longer live under the same roof, I can still find out the ^v^reading notes^v^ for them very quickly. In the process of growing up with everyone, I am also slowly becoming stronger-I have been firmly in the top few ^v^seats^v^ in my grades, and my mind is becoming more and more mature.

In the end, he was promoted to the third year of high school with relatively good grades and entered a brand new class. Although many things have to be revisited, I can easily integrate into the new class after coming from the first year and second year of high school. I have always believed that as long as I pay my sincerity, I can capture my sincerity. Although I have only been together for less than a year, my high school classmates and I are as close as friends who have known each other for many years. We started the night battle together, immersed ourselves in the study, and worked hard together until we finally rushed to the battlefield of the college entrance examination together. It is a pity that I fell into the sand and couldn't keep up with them. However, ^v^the short stay is for higher flight^v^, one day, I will catch up, fight side by side with them, and write the glory of our Nine Middle School!

After three years of high school, I grew up and matured. I am always willing to compare myself to a traveler, rushing to distant places one step at a time. On this road of life, I don’t want to lag behind anyone, and I don’t want to follow others at the same time. I want to take a path that belongs to me. Leave your unique figure. Although I am a science student, I really like a person to think about life quietly. I am not afraid of loneliness. Some people say that loneliness is the person you are facing, and his emotions are not at the same frequency as yours. I agree very much, but I don’t think I’m alone. Whether it’s my friends who are flying high, or my friends who “stay behind” like me, they are my confidantes. With them, I am not lonely.

Although I am still struggling on the road to the college entrance examination, it is no longer my goal to simply get high scores. However, going to a prestigious university like yours is indeed what I want. People live for the future, and I am fighting for the future this time!

Huang Peng

__year month day


Dear_University teachers and leaders:

Hello! I am ___, an activist who joins the party, and a student of __ province. I lead by example everywhere in my daily study and life, and use the power of example to infect and drive my classmates. I work hard in my studies and have always achieved excellent results. The school I attended is a provincial model school with nearly 4,000 students. Every semester, our school takes a joint examination of 10 provincial model high schools. Approximately more than 13,000 candidates in this grade took the exams in this type of area, and my results have always been among the best. In the last semester of 20__, I got the first place in the regional entrance exam, the first place in the school's grade, and the first place in the class. First in the region in the next semester of 20__, first in the school's grade, first in the class, 9th in the region in the last semester of 20__, first in English individual subjects; second in the school, first in the class. In the next semester of 20__, the first place in the region, the first place in the school's grade, the first place in the class. I won the first place in the first exam in the third year of high school in 20__. I have participated in the national middle school students’ Olympic competitions in various subjects many times since junior high school, and won the first prize of the National Middle School Students’ Olympiad in 20__, and won the first prize of the National Middle School Students’ Olympiad in English, Mathematics and Chemistry in 20__. , Second prize in physics competition. After 20 years of high school, I won the first prize of the National Middle School Students English Proficiency Competition and the third prize of the Hope Cup in the National Middle School Students Mathematics Competition. In 20__, he won the final qualification of the national middle school student biology and mathematics competition. Competitions in various disciplines broadened my learning ideas, tested my learning effects, and also strengthened my self-confidence.

I was promoted to high school in August 20__. In December, there was a student named ___ who unfortunately suffered from uremia in our school. Facing a young life, he was stubbornly fighting against death. I decided to launch a donation activity with my classmates to save this young life with collective strength. I wrote a proposal. At the school, I called on teachers and classmates to donate to ___ classmates. I also promoted it in the society. I got help from teachers, classmates and people from all walks of life, donating more than 60,000 yuan in total. Dedicated our love to Qiu Chunliang's kidney transplant operation. Our charity donation activity has aroused strong response in the society. The TV station of our city made a special report in the recent news section of the evening. The process of saving this dying life shocked my soul. Because I have the ability to continue a young life through my own efforts, and at the same time, the charity donation activity has also verified my organizational ability, cohesion and charisma, and it is a test of my own comprehensive quality. Later, when working in class and organizing other activities, my self-confidence became stronger.

When I entered the gate of the university, I also entered the most important and exciting stage of my life. I will cherish every minute and every second I have spent on campus. In this gathering of masters, in the sacred academic hall, in this sacred academic institution, I am eager to absorb the latest knowledge and information, carry forward the fine traditions of forestry students, and work hard. Learn, strive for perfection, make yourself an excellent student of this major through down-to-earth efforts, and at the same time strive to explore and verify scientific knowledge related to this subject and major, study diligently, think deeply, and seek with a materialistic and scientific attitude The latest knowledge in this subject field makes me a student with development potential and training value in this subject field, and becomes the pride of Beijing Forestry University.


Applied Program:Organizational Behavior

The purpose behind this personal statement is to not only gain admission to your well-established and highly respected . program, but to impress upon you my passion for learning and my tremendous desire to succeed in both scholastic research and in teaching on the professional level. I have based my decision to pursue an academic career not on purely practical reasons, but rather on my own natural interests and aptitude. My personal philosophy is that money and social status should not be pursued as life-consuming objectives and that in actuality they are the by-products of goals originating from one's inner needs. I understand that my intellectual capacity is a gift, and I intend to use this gift to the very best of my substantial capabilities.

I am interested in the field of study of Organizational Behavior. In the past, I have had the experience of working in settings where the people and the corporate cultures of the companies were all different. I have found that there is a great difference in the both the behaviors of people and of their organizations, depending on whether they are state-owned enterprises (SOEs), large multinational firms, or small to medium sized foreign enterprises. One simple example is that of the ability of an employee to act independently without direct instructions from his or her boss. In many Chinese organizations, acting without direct instructions is considered a form of disrespect towards the supervisor, who is generally offended by such behavior. In my experience and research, such organizations tend to have low operating efficiency with the employees losing their innate ability to take the initiative.



Dear Ms Chen,

I'm Li Hua, a student from Class 2, Grade 3. I'm writing to apply for the position as a student volunteer.

I really want to obtain this precious opportunity because, by offering my service, I will be able to improve my organisational ability, communication skills as well as my confidence in speaking English in public.

As an outgoing girl, I get along well with my classmates. Besides, I have such a good command of English that I have been elected as assistant to my English teacher. I have helped her successfully in several of my class's English activities, which has been appreciated by both teachers and classmates.

I am sure that I can live up to your expectations perfectly. I would be grateful if you could give me your kind consideration.

Looking forward to your reply.

Yours truly,

Li Hua

本文完全完成了试题规定的任务。第一段表达写作意图,第二段陈述应征目的,第三段说明应征条件,覆盖了所有内容要点。最后一段还礼貌地表达了自己的愿望。文中用到的高级词汇有obtain, precious, organisational, as well as, outgoing, have a good command of, appreciate, perfectly, live up to one's expectations等;用到的复杂语法结构有非谓语动词短语、such ... that引导的结果状语从句、非限制性定语从句、宾语从句、条件状语从句等。

Dear Ms Chen,

I'm Li Hua, a student from Class 2, Grade 3. I'm writing to apply for the position as a student volunteer.

There are many reasons why I put in for the position. To begin with, I can enable myself to gain some valuable life experience as well as work skills. Secondly, I think making friends with people as a volunteer would be a wonderful thing. Besides, volunteering would provide me with a good opportunity to contribute to our school and break down barriers of understanding so that I can build self-confidence through it.

I think I'm qualified for the position. I'm kind by nature, easy-going and always ready to help others. I have a good character, being confident and independent in life. What's more, English is my favorite subject and I've won several prizes in English contests, which will help me make your good choice.

I'd appreciate it if you could give me the opportunity to prove myself.

Looking forward to your reply.

Yours truly,

Li Hua

该习作完成了试题规定的任务:覆盖了所有内容要点,应用了较多的复杂语法结构(定语从句、宾语从句、状语从句、非谓语动词等)和高级词汇(put in for, enable, contribute to, barrier, by nature, appreciate等),有效地使用了语句间的连接成分(to begin with, secondly, besides, what's more等)。存在的问题主要有:一、部分表达不够精炼(如I can enable myself to)或语义重复(如第三段第二和第三句);二、部分内容缺乏逻辑性(如第二段末句中的break down barriers of understanding so that I can build self-confidence through it);三、部分内容表义不清(如which will help me make your good choice)。


Dear Ms Chen,

I'm Li Hua, a student from Class 2, Grade 3. I'm writing to apply for the position as a student volunteer.

There are many reasons why I put in for the position. To begin with, I can gain some valuable life experience as well as work skills. Secondly, I think making friends with people as a volunteer would be a wonderful thing. Besides, volunteering would provide me with a good opportunity to contribute to our school and build self-confidence.

I think I'm qualified for the position. I'm kind by nature, easy-going and always ready to help others. What's more, English is my favorite subject and I've won several prizes in English contests, which will help me offer a better service.

I'd appreciate it if you could give me the opportunity to prove myself.

Looking forward to your reply.

Yours truly,

Li Hua


Dear Ms Chen,

I'm Li Hua, a student from Class 2, Grade 3. I've read your announcement in the school newspaper. I really want to participate this activity. I'd like to become a volunteer for the English Festival. With this opportunity, I can work out myself and improve my communication skills.

Now, I want to tell you something about myself. I'm a responsible student and always obey my words. Being a active young person, I get on well with my classmates. All of them think I'd be able to do this work well. I'm also good at English, especially spoken English.

I'll try my best to do this work well. Please give this chance to experience.

Looking forward to your reply.

Yours truly,

Li Hua

该习作基本完成了试题规定的任务。存在的问题有:一、没有安排好内容的主次,比如写信目的着墨过多而应征目的则一笔带过;二、语法结构单调,高级词汇有限;三、文中有一些词汇和语法方面的错误,如participate this activity, work out myself, obey my words, a active young person, give this chance to experience。






Dear Ms Chen,

I'm Li Hua, a student from Class 2, Grade 3. I've read your announcement in the school newspaper. I'd like to become a volunteer for the English Festival.

With this opportunity, I can improve my communication skills, increase my confidence and make more friends.

Now, I want to tell you something about myself. I'm a responsible student and always keep my word. Being an active young person, I get on well with my classmates, all of whom think I'd be able to do this work well. Moreover, I'm fluent in English, especially spoken English.

Given the chance, I will spare no efforts to complete my task perfectly. Please give me your kind consideration.

Looking forward to your reply.

Yours truly,

Li Hua








热门标签: 大学 申请书 英文







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