
更新时间:2023-12-03 15:52:39 发布时间:24小时内 作者:文/会员上传 下载docx


Dear Li Hua,

I’m so sorry I can’t come to Tom’s birthday party. These days my mother has been falling ill, so I have to attend to you for asking me, Li Hua. I certainly hate to miss any of your parties. They’re always such fun!

Affectionately,Liang Yan


Dear paul,

Thanks for inventing me to attend the Cultural exchange activities at next weekends to introduce Chinese Traditional would really like to,but my grandpa was sick and I have to take good care of them at am very sorry about think Anna can take the place of mine to introduce the Chinese Traditional will give her your email address and you can tell her something important and interesting about the wish you have a nice day.




Dear Paul,

Thank you very much for your invitation. I would really like to play in the People’s Park , which will reopen next Sunday, but I will have to pick up my uncle at the airport in the early has been studying in the USA for three years. What’s more,I have promised Paul to learn to swim in the swimming pool and enjoy ,which is said to be a wonderful am very sorry about your invitation. I think our classmate Anna can take my place to be your knows a lot about the will give her your email address so that you can make a detailed schedule about the wish you had a nice day.


Li Hua.


Dear Paul,

Thank you very much for your invitation. I would really like to play in the Peoples Park , which will reopen next Sunday, but I will have to pick up my uncle at the airport in the early has been studying in the USA for three years. Whats more,I have promised Paul to learn to swim in the swimming pool and enjoy 20xx,which is said to be a wonderful am very sorry about your invitation. I think our classmate Anna can take my place to be your knows a lot about the will give her your email address so that you can make a detailed schedule about the wish you had a nice day.



Dear Professor White,

Many thanks for your letter dated 15th August, inviting me to attend and chair a session of the forthcoming 20_ International Conference on Parallel Data Processing to be held in Bellaire, Michigan, from October 25 to 28, 201*.

Much to my regret, I shall not be able to honor the invitation because I have been suffering from a disease since this summer. I am firmly advised that it would be unwise to undertake any distant and long travel in the near future.

I feel very sad to miss the opportunity of meeting you and many others in the field of Com*r Science. I wish the conference a complete success.

Faithfully yours,

Wang Xuan

英文拒绝邀请信 (菁选3篇)(扩展5)



Dear [Jane]:

I hope [you and Fred] haven’t any plan for the weekend of [July twenty-fourth] as we’d like you to spend it with us at [Far Acres]. It’s simply beautiful here now, with everything in bloom!

I think we can promise [Fred] some good fishing this year. The fish are biting better than ever! So bring your fishing clothes; and be sure to bring your tennis things, too, because [the Owens] are coming and I’m sure you’ll want to get out on the courts with them. There’s a very good train [Friday night]; I’ve marked it in red on the timetable. It gets you here about [seven-thirty] which is just in time for dinner. You can get a late train back [Sunday night], or there’s an early express that [Bob] usually takes on [Monday morning]. We hope nothing will prevent you from coming, as we’re looking forward to your visit … and I know [the Owens] are looking forward to seeing you again, too. Be sure to let us know what train you are taking so that [Bob] can meet you at the station.

Affectionately yours,


英文拒绝邀请信 (菁选3篇)(扩展3)

——英文邀请信及回复 (菁选2篇)


Dear editor,

I'm writing to tell you about the discussion we have had about whether an entrance fee should be charged for parks. 60% of us schoolmates think that an entrance fee do not meet people’s expectations, for a park is considered to be a place where the public can have a good time when they are not busy either at home or at work. If an entrance fee must be paid by the visitors for a park, it will be necessary to build a gate and surrounding walls. The city will not look so beautiful as it should have. 40% of us schoolmates think that an entrance fee can be accepted, but it must not be too expensive. The money from ticket selling can be used for paying the gardeners in the park and buying some other kinds of flowers and trees.

With regard to myself, I think an entrance fee is useful, for it can be used to protect a park. Do we share the same opinion, dear editor?

Yours truly,

Li Hua


第一种邀请信邀请的对象一般是朋友、熟人,所以内容格式上的要求都比较松,可以写得随便一些。只要表明邀请的意图,说明活动的内容、时间、地点等等。但既然是邀请信,那么就一定要在信中表达非常希望对方能够参加或者出席的愿望。这种邀请信的篇幅可以非常短,下面以一封邀请看电影的短信为例: Dear Jane,

We have four tickets for a fam ous film shown at Guangming Cinema, The Longest Day, Friday, the ninth. Will you join us? We'll be looking for you at eight sharp Friday night in front of the cinema, so don't disappoint us!

Warmest regards.



高考成绩出来了, 学生反复要求我们出席他们集体谢师宴.多次拒绝后, 我又觉得不近人情.我惴惴又纠结:去还是不去?



It has developed into a tradition that graduates hold a banquet to express their thanks for their teachers afeter their results come out. The banquet, in the name ofgraduation dinner, serves the purpose of appreciating the devotion of their teachers. Accordingly, it is also translated as teacher appreciation banquet, where they toast their teachers.

I am a teacher by profession. Having accomplished the mission of improving the academic work, I feel relieved and proud. Sharing a feast with my students is commonly believed to be reasonable. Meanwhile, fianancial problem is likely to happen to some, which prevents me from making an easy decision.



invitation letter

dear sirs, it is our pleasure to invite your staff to come to japan for attending our business meeting which is going to be held from june 26th , XX until july 6th, XX. the invited person is: mr. name: mr. eldridge eric nicolas department: machinery & electronic position: senior section manager considering his attendance is really important for us, hence your kind cooperation in preparing business visa for the above person that enable his to have visit japan is highly appreciated. sincerely yours, kunihiro yamauchi group leader global human resources group

toyota tsusho marunouchi bldg, 8-1, marunouchi 3-chome, chiyoda-ku, t okyo 100-8320, japan tel. +81-3-5288-21 1 / f +81-3-5288-9100 url. 1 ax. human resources & general affairs department

英文拒绝邀请信 (菁选3篇)(扩展6)

——最新中文邀请信 (菁选2篇)




Dear Professor Wang,

On behalf of the Ohio State University and the IEEE Computer Society, I would be very pleased to invite you to attend and chair a session of the forthcoming 20_ International Conference on Parallel Data Processing to be held in Bellaire, Michigan, from October 25 to October 28, 20_. You are an internationally acclaimed scholar and educator. Your participation will be among the highlights of the Conference.

We sincerely hope that you could accept our invitation. As you know, this is the 10th anniversary of the Conference and we plan to make it a truly international meeting. We have accepted many papers from several foreign countries, including two from China.

If you can come, please let us know as soon as possible, since we have to prepare the final program soon. We are looking forward to your acceptance.

Sincerely yours,

Peter White

英文拒绝邀请信 (菁选3篇)(扩展4)



I have nr thought about my fute job, not becse I don't care, but becse I don't n have a club. This morning, when I woke up, I suddenly felt a worry that if I worked in a company, it would not exhst my 's knowledge. Working in a company was very difficult, stresul and competitive.

If I worked in a university, teaching all day would be bong. I would deal with books and students. If I worked in a law firm, it would be difficult It's difficult for me to learn a lot in the company.

I know that I will lose my own world at that time. It's not fun at all. I'm not se whether a 's degree is a good choice.

I always wte papers and read bong things. Now I think I have tuble finding a job. I don't n know what I want to do in the near fute.

But I can't imagine the presse and competition, My teacher, different people have different ideas when choosing a job for me. Being a teacher is my ideal job. Becse when I was a child in pmary school, I found that being a teacher is so good.

A teacher can teach students all kinds of knowledge, not only how to be good at learning, but also how to be a good teacher can guide his students to the ght way In order to become a teacher in the fute, I should study hard, accumulate all kinds of knowledge, and prepare for the fute. In particular, I want to be better and have advantages, becse teachers are the model of students.




Honey, I'm very sorry. I was not at home when you came to see me that day. I had important things to do.

I had to go out. I could have come back earlier, but I had a seous traffic jam on the ad, so I had to get off and go to another street to take another bus, which made me go home late. I'm sorry, I would like to invite you to come again Once, are you free tomorw afternoon? Looking forward to yo reply, all greetings to you.





Li Ming

2-31 Huili Building

234 Heping Road

Guangzhou 500001

November 26, 20_

Anderson Jones

935 W 43rd St., #5C

New York, NY 10036

Dear Mr. Jones:

Thanks for your invitation to attend the exhibition to be held by Bell company at San Francisco during December 15,20_ between December 18,20_. Actually, your products are certainly interests of me and I am really want to attend the exhibition, but unfortunately I will be engaged in a very important meeting during that time.

I am regretful for missing the exhibition. We have made good relationships of cooperation for many years, and it has brought us good benefits. I believe it will last for a long time if we give more understanding to each other. The meeting is very important to me, and I can not be absent. So I hope you can forgive me for my absence.

Wish the exhibition a great success and hope that you will send me another invitation at some future date.

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming









热门标签: 英语 范文






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演讲是阐明事理或抒发情感,进行宣传鼓动的一种语言交际活动。演讲同时也是一种对自身沟通能力的提升。以下是i乐德范文网为大家准备的演讲稿3分钟内范文【5篇】,供您参考学习。1.演讲稿3分钟内范文  各位老师,各位同学:  大家好!  度过一

演讲稿 2023-03-23


演讲是阐明事理或抒发情感,进行宣传鼓动的一种语言交际活动。演讲同时也是一种对自身沟通能力的提升。以下是i乐德范文网为大家准备的优秀演讲稿范文【五篇】,供您参考学习。1.优秀演讲稿范文  高三全体同学:  时间的流逝是那样的悄然无息,我们

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演讲稿 2023-03-23