
更新时间:2023-12-06 10:17:37 发布时间:24小时内 作者:文/会员上传 下载docx


English club why do you want to join the English club? What's yo favote activity? What else do you want to do in the club? Dear Miss Gao, I'm Li Lin. I'm glad to see the poster of o school. I'm looking forward to yo answer.

Dear Miss Gao, I'm Li Lin. I'm glad to see the poster of o school. I want to join the English club becse I like English very much But I'm not good at listening and speaking.

I hope to have opportunities to impve them. They have many beneficial activities in the club. But watching English movies is my favote.

It can not only relax me, but also impve my listening skills. Although there are many activities here, I hope you can pvide us with some English books. You can give us a chance to talk with foreiers.

I look forward to yo reply.




No, you can see a lot of stamps fm all over the world in the hall. There is a big shop near my home. I often go shopping there on foot.

Look, some students are playing football on the playgund. No one noticed that there was news about yo favote stamp collecting. Have a good rest at home fm Satday to Sunday.

Please don't come to the classom to watch the football match. Beeen the posters in the laboratory and the library, there is a new movie location. School hall time PMPM pgram Kung Fu Dunk.

Now what are posters about movie shows? You can see new movies in the school hall. Now when does the movie start? It starts in the afternoon. Now, the name of the movie starts.

When does the movie end in the afternoon.






All of this is becse of my dreams. Even if people tell me those dreams are false and they are crazy, I insist on my dreams. People always say, no matter what, n in bodybuilding, they say I can nr do it.

Later in the movie, in Hollywood, they say I will not achi what they said, _you can nr do it. You have a German accent. Hollywood fm Hollywood No one has r used a German accent.

Yes, maybe you can play some Nazi le or something like that, but you can't be the ptagonist with an accent and yo body. You're overgwn, you have so many muscles. The Hercules movie they made a few years ago is out of date now.

Woody Allen Woody Allen is in. His body is int _and those messages_ and alpace No, skinny guy, he's here, but it's not yo body, it's too big, yo name, Schwarzenegger, it's nr going to fit a movie poster forget it, you'll nr let it go back to bodybuilding. _OK, the rest is the post history terminator.

I'm the highest paid movie star in Hollywood. Let me tell you, n when I ran for governor, people said, _Arnold, you'll nr be governor of California. How much do you know about the government?_ in fact, I know as much about the government as other people in California.

That is, the government is out of sync with the people. It needs a reform. So I didn't hear those people say that I would nr be able to continue my campai.

I listened to my dream, and the rest was my history of becoming governor, so it always let me I went on, and those dreams gave me confidence, movies gave me money, public and being governor gave me a bigger goal than myself, which is my dream and the short story of my early life, and how my dream made me succesul.



标签: 新学期








热门标签: 合集 范文






怎么是一个汉语词语,读音是zěn me,常用来询问情状、性质、方式、原因、疑问、行动等,一般当做疑问用语。以下是小编收集整理的奖励主要事迹怎么写集合3篇,仅供参考,希望能够帮助到大家。【篇一】奖励主要事迹怎么写  该同志注重学习,具备过硬的思想政治素质与突

实用范文 2023-06-18



实用范文 2023-06-18


情况是一个名词,读音为qíng kuàng,是指情形,情景。出自《堕及妻赵氏墓志》。情况也有指事情的来龙去脉等意思。以下是小编整理的自查自评情况范文九篇,仅供参考,希望能够帮助到大家。自查自评情况1  20_年政治生态建设工作落实情况自查报告今年以来,我

实用范文 2023-06-18



实用范文 2023-06-18



实用范文 2023-06-18


怎么是一个汉语词语,读音是zěn me,常用来询问情状、性质、方式、原因、疑问、行动等,一般当做疑问用语。以下是为大家整理的对党支部意见和建议怎么写范文八篇,欢迎品鉴!【篇一】对党支部意见和建议怎么写  按照镇党委关于党的群众路线教育活动的安排要求,通过召

实用范文 2023-06-18