
更新时间:2024-01-12 15:00:58 发布时间:24小时内 作者:文/会员上传 下载docx


After completing my military service, I have been looking for a challenging goal for me to achieve. And I found that the Intermediate of General English Proficiency Test fits my new achievement properly.

I graduated from Taipei Commercial Junior College, majored in business administration. Instead of spending much time in playing, I devoted myself to my studies and paid attention to all meaningful things happened in daily life. By the way, I learned a lot from Mr. Wang, the professor of my business class. He is my good friend till now an often gives some appropriate suggestions toward my problem confusion.

My father is, in the same way, a good consultant to me. As he said: I am in poor education, little for you; to clarify, what he have given is far beyond his words, I do think so. I was born in a country of Ping Tung Country, farming is our career of generations. There are four people in my family, Mother is housewife and my brother is a student of an Agriculture am optimistic and active, and I am confident that I can pass the test








在校的主要任务是学习,所以我掌握了较强的专业知识,并把理论知识运用到实践中去,期末总评成绩名列年级前茅,获得优秀学生奖学金二等、三等各两次,荣获校级三好学生称号。我所学专业是计算机,对电脑有着近乎狂热的喜爱,在熟练掌握各种基本软件的使用及硬件维护过程中,有独特的经验总结。顺利通过国家 社会和^v^高新技术办公软件应用模块资格高级操作员考试 。在个人爱好的带引下,入校我便参加了校书画协会,由干事到副会长,这是对我的付出与努力的肯定。



我叫,是福建**人 ,**大学旅游文化学院旅游管理系20xx年本科毕业生。在大学的学习生活中,系统的学习了旅游管理方面的专业知识,积极参加了酒店实习,工作和正规的专业学习,使我初步具备了一名管理者的素质和职业技能。在学习本专业课的同时,还学习了企业文化,了解到企业文化对于一个企业来说是很重要的。在校期间我也努力学习了计算机,通过了计算机二级,对计算机的应用基本熟练。也能够熟练的进行一些英语对话。还努力学习了饭店职业经理人管理,并通过职业经理人的资格证。



The hotel industry is known as the people-centered industry. The success and failure of its management revolve around the management of people, especially the interaction between guests and employees. There is an indicator that recognizes the success or failure of these organizations, and the high level of skills and training of employees working in such an industry is very important.

Hotel management education curriculum is not only a career choice, but also a fruitful experience. This is obvious if you consider the wide range of topics that students learn from the front desk in hotel projects, although the diverse themes of accounting management, catering, marketing, human resources and tourism make the learning process of a diploma or degree in hotel management a useful experience. Students attending these courses are not only eligible, but also have access to a wide range of knowledge in different disciplines.




标签: 新学期


My name is , I'm school of tourism management students. My personality is bright, is a sunny girl, I am also a slow charge girl, feel so much experience, there is a positive feeling, I am good at dealing with people, in the face of life with a confident heart, dare to challenge themselves. In the university I constantly improve themselves, improve their own quality. On the basis of learning professional courses and public courses, I have a solid professional basis be learned in books, for myself. I read a lot of books, and constantly adding new knowledge, edify sentiment, develop view. Not only that, I was Often attend the English corner activities, exercise the ability of spoken English, but also make many foreign friends.

I actively participate in school organization during the period of school activities, exercise a certain communication ability. I served as the University of , director of Public Relations Association and Literature Society of Ministers of the organization. Because of the special good at arts and sports, I served as the Department of Arts minister, Academy of Art director and school dance association of Latin dance coach and football team the cheerleader, organized and participated in the school held many performances and sports competitions. Haikou is the Golden Coast Lawton Hotel and Meritus Mandarin Hotel wedding celebration exclusive dance artists.

During the period of school, I also actively participate in social practice activities, improve my ability to adapt to society, broaden my knowledge. Because of the Public Relations Society of university trained etiquette training, I attended several opening ceremony etiquette reception work, done a car sales model. x also participated in the Asia Economic Forum the annual meeting of the reception work, and access to x Spring Hotel general manager personally awarded the honorary certificate.

I am cheerful, generous, strong communication ability and practical ability, good at interpersonal communication. To master the knowledge of good manners and hospitality experience, the flexibility and agility, flexibility to work in an emergency. My capability is very strong, responsive, is a reassuring people.





以下便是我自我介绍基本内容,您所看到的并不是我的全部。虽然我不是最优秀的,但我一定是最尽力的!!如果我获得了这份工作 ,我将会很努力去做它,我希望能给我一次机会让我去做好它!不求做的最好,只求做的更好!


As far as I am concerned, I have always dreamed of being a tour guide. My major is tourism management, so I want to find a job about tourism. Good tour guides are knowledgeable and amiable.

At the same time, they finally have a broad vision. Guides can constantly expand their knowledge and understand many customs and habits of different cultures and countries.




My name is , I School of tourism management students.

My personality is very outgoing, a Sunshine girl, and I'm also an energetic girl slowly filling, the experience of feeling always useful not to finish, there is a positive feeling, I am good with people, face life with a confident heart, dares to challenge yourself.

During college, I continued to improve themselves, improving their own quality. as well as specialized courses and courses on the basis of my reading, has laid a solid foundation for yourself. I read a lot of books and continue to add new knowledge, cultivate and broaden their horizons.

Not only that, I often take part in English corner activities organized by the school, practice their English speaking abilities, have made many foreign friends. During school I actively participate in school clubs, exercise a certain degree of organization and communication skills.

I have and literary and social organization, Director-General of the Association of public relations of the University. Due to the particularly good at art and sporting, I served as Minister of the Department of art, art director and Dance Association dance coach and the football team cheerleader, organized and participated in many theatrical performances organized by the campus activities and sporting activities.

Haikou Golden Coast Lawton Hotel Mandarin orchard and the wedding celebration exclusive dance artists. During school I also actively participated in social activities, improve my social skills, and expand my knowledge. Because College public relations Association etiquette training, I work more than attended the opening ceremony of the ceremonial reception, do car show models. years x months also participated in the reception of the first annual Conference of the Economic Forum in Asia, and Hot Springs Hotel x certificate issued by the General Manager himself.

I am a cheerful, generous, have strong communication and organizational skills and practical abilities, good communication. Mastery of ritual knowledge and working experience, flexible, responsive and flexible in dealing with the emergency. My ability is very strong, responsive, is a reassuring one.


I am optimistic enthusiasm, travel-loving, energetic, earnest self-confidence is my biggest character, I am willing to start from the grass-roots level, and experience to improve the professional skills, become a real hotel people!



一 ,求职者对自己了解不足

求职者编写个人简历要有针对性, 其针对性不仅仅是针对求职目标,还要针对自己的能力。 据了解大多数个人简历都存在能力与应聘岗位不符合这样的问题,如此一来有怎么能写于岗位适应的个人简历呢?求职对自己了解不足,不能全面认识到自己的`优缺点,进而导致岗位定的太高或者太低。













My name is * * *, the major of tourism management. I am a cheerful, confident sunshine girl. Cheerful personality makes me energetic, good with people; calm and confident so I have the courage to challenge themselves to try to learn new things. I will go after four years of learning journey, full of four years university life, cultivate my rigorous scientific thinking method, I also created a positive and optimistic attitude towards life and the pioneering spirit of innovation. In the university I constantly improve themselves, improve their own quality. On the basis of learning professional courses and public courses, I read, a solid foundation for myself. I read a lot of extracurricular Books, constantly adding new knowledge, edify sentiment, to broaden their horizons. Moreover, I often attend the English corner activities, exercise the ability of spoken English, but also make many foreign friends.

In thought, I have to party, on the one hand, strengthen ideological and moral construction of themselves, armed themselves from the thought; on the other hand, with the purpose of serving the people, to help others, social services, demands on themselves to be members of the strict requirements. Finally in the third year to join glory the Communist Party of Chinese, and in the year after the smooth positive.

I actively participate in school organization during the period of school activities, exercise a certain communication ability. I served as the director of Public Relations Association and the University of * * * * literary society. Because of the ministers of the organization especially good at arts and sports, I served as the Department of Arts minister, Academy of art director and school dance association of Latin dance coach, and Football Team cheerleaders, organize and participate in the school held many performances and sports competitions. Haikou is the Golden Coast Lawton Hotel and Meritus Mandarin Hotel wedding celebration exclusive dance artists.

School activities are enthusiastic to participate in the * * * * to * * * * * * * * * years by the school competition and the competition prize. * school activities are enthusiastic to participate in the * * month * * * * the game won the prize. As a student I have also repaired their focus on the social practice. In application, combined with the practice of the theory in the summer to play I * * * * * * * * * * * *. skilled candidates in the summer internship I work in a company, has a solid foundation and strong interest in this aspect I made a lot of good solutions.

As a graduating student, I am still very young, but I understand: a young man, can be through continuous learning to improve themselves, to prove himself in practice. I believe that a good self-learning ability and unremitting spirit can make me for my work. I am cheerful, generous, have strong communication ability and practical ability, good at interpersonal communication. To master the knowledge of good manners and hospitality experience, the flexibility and agility, flexibility to work in an emergency.


我是x学院旅游管理专业学生。毕业将至,又一个新开始即将来到,等待着我继续努力奋斗、迎接挑战。时光飞梭,将带着童年的梦想、青年的理想离开学校,走上工作岗位。大学四年是我思想、知识结构及心理、生长成熟的四年。惠于理工大学的浓厚学习、创新氛围,熔融其中四年使我成为一名复合型人才。在校的主要任务是学习,所以我掌握了较强的专业知识,并把理论知识运用到实践中去,期末总评成绩名列年级前茅,获得优秀学生奖学金二等、三等各两次,荣获校级三好学生称号。我所学专业是计算机,对电脑有着近乎狂热的喜爱,在熟练掌握各种基本软件的使用及硬件维护过程中,有独特的经验总结。顺利通过国家 社会和^v^高新技术办公软件应用模块资格高级操作员考试 。



Dear Sir/Madam: Hello!

my name is , is a student in College, Department of Tourism tourism management major, graduating. Thank you for taking the time to read my cover letter. College is a beautiful environment, strong teachers University, has a long history (teaching cases, papers, courseware, teaching) and excellent tradition in such a reputation for rigor, known for educating school under cultivation, both in knowledge, and in terms of personal qualities, I benefited from.

In school, we have the following courses, travel regulations, the outline to tourism science, tour guide duties, basics of Hubei tour, national guide basic knowledge courses.

As well as computer and Putonghua training. This will not only enrich their own or develop their own variety of skills. Most importantly, rigorous style of study and correct learning attitude shaped my simple, stable, innovative character.

In addition, I also actively participate in various social activities, seize every opportunity to exercise their own. * Year of College, I deeply feel that working with other students, benefit me in the competition; to challenge the practical difficulty, let me grow up in frustration.

Grandparents taught me diligence, responsibility, kindness, integrity; training at the University I am being pragmatic and pioneering style.

I love your organization engaged in the cause, eagerly look forward to your leadership, building blocks for this glorious cause; and in the practice of continuous learning and progress. Collect pen at, I would like to say: regardless of whether you choose me, dear leader, I hope you can accept my sincere thanks! Looking forward to your early reply. I wish you success in your work! This salute!


I am students majored in tourism management. Graduation is coming, and a new start coming, waiting for me to continue to strive to meet the challenges.

Time shuttle will leave schools with the ideal of childhood dreams, youth, on jobs. Four years I thought, knowledge structure and psychological, growth and maturity of up to four years. Benefits to the University a strong atmosphere of learning, innovation, fused four years made me a compound talents.

In the school's main task is to study, so I have a strong professional knowledge and to apply theory to practice, the final final performance ranked highest in the year, access to excellent students scholarship twice a second, third, won the title of school-level student.

My major is computer, on computers with an almost fanatical love, proficiency in the use of basic software and hardware maintenance, has a unique experience. Passed the national social and labor and Social Security Department of high-tech Office application software module advanced operator examination for the qualification.

Hobbies under the lead of, into the school I attended the school of painting and calligraphy Association, by the Director-General to the Vice President, it is an affirmation of my pay and efforts.

According to status of Polytechnic School atmosphere is not strong, organized a series of activities enrich campus life, was voted the first Philatelic Society for outstanding students. Organized intercollegiate and recreational activities, to achieve the desired objective, among teachers and students consent, individuals have been awarded the post West political scene the two schools of painting and calligraphy competition outstanding leaders.

Static, such as Virgin, deliberate, 174cm height and outstanding skill, so I got on the pitch, basketball team at small forward with his teammates sweat, the taste of victory. Recitation is my university life an important sentiment.

In addition, served as class Secretary and Assistant Instructor during active service for students, outstanding contributions, won the title of excellent student cadres. Cleave, and set my cloudy sail straight and bridge the deep, deep sea, with full enthusiasm and strong character, diligent attitude and wait for my opportunities and challenges! seize this opportunity for units to make their modest.







I am a professional tourism management students, I with outstanding achievement of completing all the major courses, including their tour guide, guide basic knowledge, and foreign national folklore, tourism studies, tourism regulations, travel agency management, tourism marketing, Tourism Etiquette, catering service and management, hotel lobby and room service management, Chinese oral Tourism English, tourism geography, hotel human resource management.

In this process, three years of campus life and social practice there is bitterness, joy, sorrow, laughter, failure, more success. I have to improve their comprehensive quality and ability as the goal, a comprehensive development direction, establish a correct outlook on life and value view and view of the world, constantly challenge themselves, to enrich themselves, beyond the self, a solid foundation for the realization of the value of life lay in the full sour, sweet, bitter, hot process, in my efforts to consolidate their professional knowledge, more is a lot of books on the knowledge learned in the process. In the constant pursuit of progress continuous self value at the same time, Learning is still the main man now, I also understand that only proficient in their own business, in order to continuously enhance their own value of life, and create more social value for the society. Therefore I have hard work to learn their professional knowledge, on the professional achievements strict in demands, students teachers have been affirmed, the school year the scholarship prize two.

Because I am cheerful, can contact with different people; to live in harmony with the amiable and easy of approach, students or teachers; honest people honest, do everything; willing to help others, to share some of the work of others or the life of sadness; caution, look before you leap; things go all out, will not easily stop failing; Linweibuju, can calmly deal with unexpected events.

In daily life, I attach great importance to exercise, have good mental and physical fitness, sports performance excellence, physical training. I have broad interests, love life, especially love singing and painting, has won the prize in the calligraphy competition period and newspaper competition.

The summer vacation, I am a skilled oral self recommended candidates to the international travel service Limited by Share Ltd headquarters in either the domestic travel guides job training, also by the company and customers in the process of work. I know how to use spare time to acquire more knowledge and experience, through the work and activities of the exercise, my ability has been enhanced obviously.

In life and work I still have our shortcomings, but I dare to correct yourself, improve yourself. I believe that I have the most precious young life and knowledge, I will use my passion, vitality, confidence and knowledge to cope with all possible difficulties in life and work, to create their own the value of life!

I believe that Yifengengyun one harvest, the need to create their own wonderful life!

While leaving the school, but I would like to learn more, such as a unity of heart, a self-motivated, much more of a sense of responsibility.







Freshman students as a school-General: Society in charge of groups, on time and efficient completion of the self-work.

Sophomore year as Deputy Minister of Learning: the cultural activities organized, such as geographical knowledge Machaoying-long bird competition.

Freshman to junior after school hours in small restaurants in a variety of private sector workers, such as the Shu-Hong Lau, set an Restaurant, Food City campus, learned how to communicate and exchange, an increase of life experiences!

Social work experience (1 year relevant working experience)

August XXTsinghua University in Changchun hotels engaged in food and beverage attendants

August XX-XXin Changchun in Jilin in January internship scenery travel guide

Junior school in XXindependently pawnshops 406 (Main old clothes)








热门标签: 专业 英语







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