
更新时间:2024-01-13 08:25:28 发布时间:24小时内 作者:文/会员上传 下载docx



allthe students,

we are having an english party at the great hall on sunday. it will begin at4:00 . everyone can show his then. you can sing, tellstories in english or give an english speech at the party.

welcome to take part in the party on time. thanks.

english club

april 12th, 20_

模板② 口头通知


boys and girls/ladies and gentlemen,

may i have your attention,please? now i‘ve got a piece of good news to tell you. we‘re going to_______________(事件). we‘ll walk/ride/go by bus to _______________(交通方式). it‘s about_______________ away from _______________(距离). as we‘ll beaway for the whole day, please remember the following things. _______________. themost important thing is _______________(注意事项). i think we‘1l_______________.

that‘s all. thanks for your attention.


I have been appointed as the sole agent of Goodrich rubber company in New York City in Tokyo. We inform you that we have appointed Hara & Co Tokyo Co. as our representative to keep our catalogue.

We are very pleased to inform you that we have contacted H Mr. Hattori has reached an agreement that he has 20 representatives. As our representatives, we are willing to provide you with many years of experience in tea trade and assure you that no matter what kind of claim or other claim you may make and make suggestions to our organization, we will deal with our efficient and responsible agents and correspondents in our major cities and towns in the United States, we believe Our agency will provide special benefits and conveniences for those who live abroad.

We suggest that from now on, we no longer represent W & M company and resign on March 5 last year after giving them the required three months' notice. As our agreement with B & s will end on April 4, they will no longer represent us. We appoint a Mr.

g. as their successor, who will act as agent from April 5, we hereby inform you that we have opened a general agency in M, named WY & Co, and hereby inform me that a partnership has been established and a general agency has been established in the name of D & C. I have the honor to inform you that I have just established the general agent of American goods WM bsag Mwy DC in this city.


我已被任命为纽约市古德里奇橡胶公司在东京的独家代理。兹通知你方,我方已任命Hara&Co东京公司为我方代表,由你方保管我方产品目录。我方非常高兴地通知你方,我方已与H Hattori先生达成协议,他有20名作为我方的代表,我方愿向贵方提供多年的茶叶贸易经验,并向贵方保证,无论贵方提出何种索赔或其他要求,并向我方机构提出建议,我方将迅速有效地处理我方在我方主要城市和城镇有高效和负责任的代理和通讯员,我们相信我们的代理机构将为那些在国外居住的人提供特殊的好处和便利。

我们建议你方,从即日起,我们不再代表W&M公司,在向他们发出所需的三个月通知后,于去年xx月xx日辞职由于我们与B&S公司的协议将于xx月xx日结束,他们将不再代表我们,我们任命A G先生为他们的继任者,他将从xx月xx日起担任代理,特此通知,我们已在M开设总代理行,公司名为WY&Co,特此通知我已经建立了一个合伙企业,并以D&C为名建立了一个总代理机构。我很荣幸地通知你,我刚刚在这个城市成立了商品WM BSAG MWY DC的总代理。


Gillette burns company, greywood street, Griffin, Ohio grentlmann, Ohio: Thank you for your order in September. The models you selected from our showroom have come into the market today under my personal supervision. The package is being airlifted to you by Swiss airlines.

I am glad to see you. I hope this order represents the beginning. If you visit us next time, Please inform me in advance so that I can arrange a happy holiday for you and our directors.





(my summer vacation) I like summer vacation very much. I look forward to summer vacation every summer. I go to Shenzhen for vacation.

This is a coastal city like Haikou. I like to walk on the beach after supper or swim in the afternoon. The sky is blue.

No matter where you go, the air is very hot. You can always see green trees, neat grass and colorful flowers. It's wonderful.

There are many high-rise buildings in Shenzhen. It's a modern city. This year, I plan to go to sports in summer vacation.

Playing basketball is my favorite. So some of my classmates and I sometimes form a small team to play basketball together There's going to be a against other teams, and if you ask me what my favorite summer vacation was like, I enjoy it. I hope one day I can meet different people and go to different places.

I hope I can have two long holidays in a year. How about you.







1. 时间:7月1日下午2点;

2. 地点:学校操场;

3. 内容:文化展览、节目表演等。

提示词:戏曲opera n. 表演performance n.

注意:1. 词数80~100;

2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

3. 信中不能出现与本人相关的信息;

4. 开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数。

dear mike,

i know you are interested in chinesetraditional culture. _____________________________________




li hua










热门标签: 格式 通知






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