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大学我的目标范文英语 第一篇

Every student has his own learning goal, some have a great goal, but there are also some small goals. To some extent, a goal determines your future success. People with a great goal may achieve a big success in the future, while people with a small goal may achieve a small success.

At the same time, the time we set our goals is another important factor for us to be earlier, and the easier our goals are to be achieved. So, when we are very young, it is very important to set a great goal. But having a goal doesn't mean we're going to succeed right away.

We have a long way to go. Next, we should put our goal into action. Maybe we have encountered many difficulties.

We can't stop or give up. We should continue to fight against all kinds of troubles or problems until our goal becomes our goal. Let's achieve our goal.





大学我的目标范文英语 第二篇

In my opinion, success means brilliant achievements in our work, that is, no matter what we do, make outstanding contributions to the development of our country and bring help and happiness to others, that is success. To succeed, we must first have a clear long-term goal in our life. We should have different short-term goals.

We know that it is these short-term goals that make our long-term goals possible. Second, we should persevere and work hard. No matter what we do, there are always two possibilities.



大学我的目标范文英语 第三篇

If I am three years younger than I am now, I strongly suggest that I set more practical and specific goals. As an old saying goes, compared with many abstract goals, life without clear and achievable goals is like sailing without a compass. As long as I can go back and reset my goals, as long as we take a step forward, pragmatic principles can bring us more courage and more courage confidence.



大学我的目标范文英语 第四篇

When I look back on the past days, I will soon become a middle school student. I find that I am no different. I spend most of my time playing and not focusing on my study.

Now I have made up my mind that in the days to come, I must study wholeheartedly and learn as much as possible so that I can reserve something for the future.



大学我的目标范文英语 第五篇

I am full of confidence in my writing goal. I don't know what year or month I should do. I know that I am too .

Today, I am just a spark, and I still claim to burn in front of the sun, and challenge it for a year. If I don't find out in which month, I will urge me to become rampant and chaotic in the street when I find out, passing by me One day of constant longing and training, good Samaritan, you can wake me up from my dream, or beat me black and blue. After being beaten severely, I walk aimlessly on the street without terminal line.

Maybe that month of that year, I wake up and walk there once, and I see a long road that can't be seen at night There was no trace of my walking in the daytime. I went there and saw a sign of a square eight meters long falling down. You know what? Four people were killed and five people were injured.

His son just received a letter of acceptance from Deng Xiaoping University and was going to go shopping tomorrow. Fortunately, he left. Two of them were Dr.

haver, three were Tsinghua University, and three were graduate students of Peking University Graduate students, three are students, one is about to go to university, you see the purpose of my refuge in the world, I can do the goal is like a compass, I left it in the forest, my life will be lost in that forest.



大学我的目标范文英语 第六篇

I think the purpose of university study is to live the life that you want. Why study? Because only by learning can you improve yourself, sublimate and realize your dream. Learning is not limited to studying in school, communicating in social learning, learning how to speak, learning to do something called learning, and so on.

Only through continuous learning can we get the university he wants Equivalent to a small society, not only need to learn knowledge, skills and learning, but also teachers and students should learn to wear masks, learn a lot, but also learn how to learn to mature, think about things, think about their future, never lose love in the or graduate when they are unemployed.



大学我的目标范文英语 第七篇

My goal of going to university is to get into the best university in the city. If I can graduate from that university, I can find a good job and I can make a lot of money from it. But first of all, I need to study hard because _get something for nothing_.

If I can continue to think like this, there will be no problem in getting into the best university. This is not just my goal or dream, it will change my life.



大学我的目标范文英语 第八篇

Joe Winterbourne liked the clothes his mother had made for him at school, and everyone called him Mr. recycling. His hat was made from the bottom of a gasoline can, and his bag was made of red pants, too short for him.

His beautiful scarf used to be his carpet.




大学我的目标范文英语 第九篇

In our lives, we all have our own goals - they may be different at different stages of our lives, but they exist for a reason, and it's important to stick to them to the end. Although sometimes you may encounter difficulties and want to give up goals, it's our goals that make us, so never give up trying to achieve your goals.




大学我的目标范文英语 第十篇

A college life spent in college is the most valuable period of a young person's life. It is a time when a student begins to form his or her view of life. Generally speaking, class and study in the library keep the student busy, provide him or her with access to valuable information, contribute to his or her knowledge base, and enrich campus life.

Most universities provide a variety of extracurricular activities, such as sports activities, competitions and other social gatherings, so that students can experience relief in their study and homework. During the University, students often form lifelong friendship through various college life experiences, which not only develops his intelce, but also cultivates the social skills, knowledge and wisdom needed to choose a future career by learning how to balance intense learning and entertainment. Students will be well prepared for the future sense of responsibility.

The new college life is about to start. When my new life starts, I can't help being excited. I dream about my beautiful and meaningful college life.

I think the first thing I should do is to concentrate on my study. I will try my best to learn as many subjects as possible. In addition, I think I will participate in some school activities to improve my comprehensive ability.

For example, due to the communication ability and other reasons, I should participate in some student associations or associations to enrich my life. I know that there are many differences between high school and University, so I will change my study habits in high school. Now is the time for teachers to force students to study.

However, in University, we should arrange everything well. These things are done by ourselves, so I will make my own study plan, such as time arrangement. Of course, I will practice myself to be more independent The future development of a very basic ability, so if there is any problem, I will try my best to solve it personally, I hope someone can start my new life as soon as possible.





标签: 新学期

大学我的目标范文英语 第十一篇

_Never, never give up_ means to keep working hard and never stop working for your goal. Do you agree or disagree with this sentence? Support your answer with specific reasons and examples. If you don't succeed in the beginning, try again, and try again.

One should not give up. There is always another opportunity, another goal, or another choice. Once I run for the president of our class, unfortunately, I lost, I lost because I didn't fully promote me I saw my mistakes and decided how to correct them.

The next year, I ran for president again. I gave a speech and called the voters. This time I sent out a lot of pamphlets.

I never gave up. Once I wanted to study medicine, there was always another chance. Unfortunately, I didn't like science.

I failed all science courses in school, and then I realized that I was What I like about medicine is helping people. I've changed my goal from curing patients to helping patients now. I'm studying psychology.

Once I wanted to talk to my friend, but there was always another goal. Unfortunately, his computer is broken and I can't email him. His phone line is busy, so I can't write to him because I really want to talk to him.

I got in the car and went across town to visit him, always the other choice. If you give up, you may die. My advice is always to look for another opportunity, another goal, or another choice.

There is always something else that cannot be given up.












热门标签: 大学 目标 英语






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