
更新时间:2023-01-03 15:05:52 发布时间:24小时内 作者:文/会员上传 下载docx


英语自我介绍作业 篇1

cher art professional inside the plan at graduation. From 1997 to within country no longer ZiFeiSheng bag distributive, that I should go up with the sun most glary vocation over. Fortunately, tattenai machang small teachers is insufficient, the people in this small introduction, I served as a year of temporary substitute teacher.

Recall that time which was both sweet and good, although substitute a low salary, but listen students around the side teacher and teacher growled and looked at the pairs of eyes, the full trust every childishness little face, all the unpleasant life all suddenly vanished. I wanted to, even if it does not become a full member, as long as the school needs, is when the lifetime class teacher I also willingly. And behold, since 1998 countries began to repel temporary and class teacher, received the school verbally notify after, I was reluctant to part with the mood, quietly left school.

Today, I want to pass the e-am again on the rostrum desire is so urgent! My family has three sisters, two sisters working outside, in order to take care of elderly parents already, I always stay in their side. I have open shop, first business handicraft, again after business clothing. But no matter how business handy, when a glorious people s teacher has always been my dream of fundamentality and wish to their life work to pursue career. I have participated in the e-am, but are due to various reasons and failed to realize the dream, but I decided, as long as the opportunity, I have been e-am go on until the ideal realization so far.

Now of I, after the test of life than my rival in age I no longer have an advantage, but I had a more than they are in children s love, patience and responsibility, a more mature and self-confident.

英语自我介绍作业 篇2


I m a fresh graduate

I have some planning organization and coordination capacity. And honest, strong sense of responsibility, optimistic and positive, hard working, learning and adaptation ability are good. These are my strengths. Just a green hand, to withstand the baptism of the community, to withstand the test of life, but also need a chance to e-ercise.

Just at this time, I see your company s recruitment. I think I should try. And your company mentioned in the post, frankly speaking, that I fully competent, somewhat guilty. But for me, this is a chance, I believe I can go through continuous learning to adapt and do a good job. This is a can make me able to e-ercise and growing opportunity, is a can let me strive for the opportunity, but I also believe that, give me this opportunity, I grow up, I will be more efforts to your company to bring new vitality.

I sincerely hope to join your company, study hard, work hard and do my best for the development of the company, and try my best to do it. I hope you can give me this opportunity

Thank you again for taking the time to read my material, if fortunate enough to draw your attention, and give me a chance, I will have a good performance, not disappointed.


Good morning! Dear teachers! First, thank you for giving me this opportunity for an interview. I’d like to briefly introduce myself. My name is Liao Chunlan, born in Chongqing, will soon graduate from Sichuan International Studies University, Bachelor of Arts , master’s degree. I have been teaching English while I’ve been studying for postgraduate courses.

Because my major is English language and literature, importantly, my research orientation is theories and practice of English language teaching. The teaching e-perience is very helpful for my study and my job. I have taught oral English in the International E-change Department in Sichuan International Studies University.

And I have taught business English in English Department of this university. Well, I also have the great honor to teach college English in Chongqing Education College. To be a teacher is my dream, to be a great teacher is my goal. In my spare time, I like reading, watching movies, surfing the Internet, doing sports, and travelling.

英语自我介绍作业 篇3

Hello everybody,My name is Binbin,I am a 15-year-old girl,I like playing basketball very mvch,I often planging basketball with my friends,I think it is very interesting,I like reading and surfing the Interesting,too.

I exercise three times a week,I eat fruit and vegetables every day,

I think it is good for my health,I m more outgong than most of the kidsin my class,but sometimes ,

I m very quiet, My friengs saied I m very friehdly,I often mkae my friends friends often saied it is difficult to learn English very good,MY most friengs don t like English, But I m good at English I often help my friends ,I hope I learn English better than ago.








热门标签: 作业 自我介绍 英语






  2023党支部书记年度述职报告模板  年初以来,在党委领导的、关心和帮助下,按照XX岗位赋予的职责,认真抓好XX工作落实,较好地履行了岗位职责。现述职如下:  一、履职情况  (一)以学立本,准确定位,提高了业务能力。XX工作头绪多、大项任务多、文字材料多,业务工作政策性理论性强,既要锻炼笔杆子,又要磨练脑瓜子,工作方法也是灵活多样。尤其是



新形势下基层党组织工作开展的怎么样,直接影响到党的凝聚力、影响力、战斗力的充分发挥。那抓基层党建工作述职报告有哪些呢?以下是本站小编为大家带来的关于2023年基层党建工作述职报告,以供大家参考!  2023年基层党建工作述职报告1  各位领导、同志们:  大家好!根据集团公司党委组织部工作安排,下面我将2023年本人的履职情况向各位领导及同志们作如下汇报:  一、履职情况  (一)从自身做起,认真



报告是向上级机关报告工作、反映情况、提出意见或建议、答复上级机关询问的公文。 以下是为大家整理的关于2023年党支部巡察工作汇报材料的文章14篇 ,欢迎品鉴!第1篇: 2023年党支部巡察工作汇报材料  按照巡察工作要求,现将党的十八大以来X党支部工作情况汇报如下:  一、工作开展情况。  (一)抓在日常,严在经常,党风廉政建设取得新突破。  一是抓领导。党支部高度重视党风廉政建设主体责任落实,把



述职报告是一个展示自己工作能力的窗口,能更好的进行工作之间的交流,2023第一书记述职报告怎么写呢?本站为大家带来的2023驻村第一书记工作述职报告,希望能帮助到大家!  2023驻村第一书记工作述职报告  尊敬的各位领导、同事:  根据xxx脱贫攻坚工作的安排和部署,我于2023年x月由xxxxx选派至xxxx县xxx乡xx村担任驻村“第一书记”。驻村期间,我严格按照“第一书记”的职能职责和xx



述职是指各级各类的机关工作人员,一般为业务部门陈述以主要业绩业务为主,少有职能和管理部门陈述。i乐德范文网今天为大家精心准备了2023年幼儿园园长述职报告,希望对大家有所帮助!  2023年幼儿园园长述职报告精选  亲爱的领导和各位同事:  大家好!  秋去冬来,我们又在努力和奋斗中渡过了这一年。做为xxx幼儿园的园长,我非常清楚这一年来我们经过了怎样的努力和拼搏。也正是因为这样的坚持不懈努力,这



一岗双责是指一个岗位承担两方面的职责。i乐德范文网今天为大家精心准备了2023一岗双责落实情况报告,希望对大家有所帮助!  2023一岗双责落实情况报告  根据XX公司新修订的《落实党委党风廉政建设主体责任具体分工方案》,遵循《关于落实党风廉政建设“两个责任”实施细则》的文件精神,2023年上半年人力资源部(干部部)按照业务职责范围履行党风廉政建设“一岗双责”责任,把党风廉政建设的要求全面体现到分
