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英语备忘录学生范文 第一篇

Memorandum to start date subject information memorandum memorandum memorandum to James Palmer, sales director, regional sales manager date: April subject: investigation at the request of the general manager, I conducted a consumer survey of our products. Surveys show that the market potential of our own brand shirts can be negt of memos.


备忘录备忘录至起始日期主题信息备忘录备忘录备忘录备忘录致James Palmer总监,区域经理日期:xx月主题:调查根据总经理的要求,我对我们的产品进行了一次消费者调查。调查显示,我们自有品牌衬衫的市场潜力可以疏忽大意的备忘录。

英语备忘录学生范文 第二篇

As we discussed earlier this week, I agree with you that our company is facing a high rate of computer illiteracy among its employees. We need to develop an employee training program in a new area. I hope you can design our own internal computer training program.

We'd better categorize the employees, then have them participate in the training program, and write a short proposal describing what you think the course should cover four hours a week for 10 weeks. At the same time, it is assumed that students do not have computer knowledge or any formal computer science courses.




英语备忘录学生范文 第三篇

Memo to: (reader's name and title) sender: (name and title) date: (fill in date and current date) subject: (content of memo). He wrote a memo on the memo, on which he wrote a very useful note with a short memo on it. I told my secretary to send you a memo six weeks ago.

Please see Memo and advertisement, I need you to type this memo, so I put two things in the memo.



英语备忘录学生范文 第四篇

1. Instruct to write a memo about words to the student service department and ask them to fix a telephone number for each dormitory. From Li Ming to the person in charge of the student service department in August, I would like to remind you, dear sir, that as a college student, we need a telephone for each dormitory.

With the increasing communication with teachers, friends and people outside the school, we need an electricity It's very important for us to get and send information. Although most of us have mobile phones and e-mail addresses, the telephone in the dormitory is the most convenient and cheapest communication tool. I hope you can pay attention to this problem and solve it as soon as possible.

For your Li Ming * reminder, please remind someone of something and remind someone to pay attention to two directions. You should write a clearance A memorandum to the leader of the supply department to borrow a microscope for your biological experiment. It should include the reasons why you need it.

When you need a microscope, Mr. Li Ming from the biological laboratory project microscope to Mr. Gates in the supply department.

Dear sir, I am a student in the Department of biology. We need an additional microscope to improve our experimental work The experiment will start on Friday, so please send us the microscope as soon as possible so that we can better prepare for the experiment, and sincerely greet you, Li Ming, from tobacco to tobacco.



英语备忘录学生范文 第五篇

Jerry Baldwin, a pizza store manager, lives in an apartment a mile north of the restaurant. When it rains, he commutes to and from work. He takes the bus.

Jerry loves gangster movies. When a new movie comes out, he goes to the cinema to see the new movie three or four times. When it turns into a video, Jerry will buy videos from Barnes video shop.

Jerry has more than one family collection Gangster videos old, new, color, black and white, English, Spanish, Japanese. He loves these videos, and he can tell you the name of the movie, the director, the stars, and the plot. Do you say you like vulgar novels? Jerry will tell you all the details.

He will invite you to his house for a while. He is a good man. Jerry finally decides that he wants to have a gun, just like a gangster.

So he saved a few years, and then he went to a gun shop and spent it there The next Saturday morning, he also bought several boxes of ammunition. He went to the gun club to practice using his new revolver. He had been in the club for a few minutes and accidentally dropped his pistol.

The gun went off. The bullet went into Jerry's right knee. Jerry is now walking on one foot.










热门标签: 学生 英语







励志演讲稿 2023-04-10



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演讲稿 2023-04-10

公众演讲 走进信息时代的新女性演讲稿

各位评委,姐妹妹,大家好! 我们今天真情拥抱的21世纪将是知识经济社会、信息社会,信息社会的社会环境将向着有利于女性成才的方向发展。可以预言,信息社会的受益者是女性,未来的世纪将是妇女成才的高峰时期,我们应抓住这一良好的成才契机,迅速踏上成才之路。

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