
更新时间:2024-02-07 18:25:18 发布时间:24小时内 作者:文/会员上传 下载docx









Dear ,

I’m writing to recommend Wang Meng as our new think he has some strong qualities for this Meng is is good at making also does well in is hard-working,modest and often spends lots of time organizing after-school is very helpful never minds doing extra work for our always tries his best to help other is very popular with think Wang Meng is the most suitable person to be our hope you can consider my recommendation.

Yours sincerely,

Li Lei




post 职位

position 职位

seek for 寻找 (一般用在开头第一段,用一个从句说自己满足对方正在寻找的要求)

recruit v.招募

be qualified for... 适合

be suited for.. 适合

be fit for 适合

live up to 符合

in agreement with 与...一致

qualification 资格;限定条件

meet / reach the qualification 达到条件;符合资格

my qualifications and experience are ideally suited for the position 我的资历和经验很适合这个职位



I'm quite interested in your advertisement for secretary, which drives me to writing this letter for applying for this position.


Your advertisement for secretary has caught my attention, for which I can't wait to present my application for this post.




contribute to the construction of school 促进学校建设

enrichment of one's heart 某人内心的充实

develop interpersonal skills 培养人际交往技能

establish positive values towards life 树立积极的人生观

cultivate one's sense of responsibility 培养某人的责任感

pave the way for future personal development 为未来个人发展铺平道路


previous work experience

all-rounder 多才多艺者

competent 有能力的

self motivated 自我激励的;主动的

be able to work on own initiative 主动工作

strong written and spoken communication skills. 较强的书面和口头交流能力

expressive ability 表达能力

oral / verbal communication skills 口头交流技巧

master sth. 精通

be capable of 有能力

excel in 擅长

have a good command of 精通

be proficient in 熟练;精通

specialize in 专攻;精通

have proficiency in 精通;熟练

be acquainted with 熟知

show/have aptitude in 在某方面有能力

master the skills of written and spoken communication. 精通口头和书面交流技能.


well-rounded 全能的

industriousness 勤勉

endurance 耐力

vigorous 精力充沛的;充满活力的

outgoing 外向的

easy-going 容易相处的;随和的

ready to help others 乐于助人


gorgeously adv.完美地;华丽地(do this job gorgeously)

apply for 申请

favorable adj.讨人喜欢的,顺利的(your favorable reply)

prompt adj.迅速的,及时的

exposed to foreign country for several years 在国外待了几年

feel free to contact me if you want to know more about me 想知道更多请随时与我联系

meaningful / instructive 有益的(可以拿来形容申请的活动)

spare no effort to do sth. 不遗余力做某事

do my utmost to do this job 尽全力完成这项工作

grant 授予(grant me this opportunity)

obliged 感激的

offer me a precious opportunity to an interview 给我一次面试的宝贵机会

grant me an interview 赐我一个面试的机会

favor me with an interview 给我一个面试的机会

Best regards for your health and success. 祝你身体健康,事业有成。


Dear XXX


①I am more than thrilled on hearing that you are recruiting(招募) ......(申请的职位或者志愿者)也可以适当交代一些细节 I'm exceedingly overjoyed to know that some American high school students are to visit our city as well as our school, for which you are looking for a volunteer as tour guide.(根据题目中我们可以适当变换句式写在段首)

②I suppose I am quite qualified for this job and I do hope you can offer me this valuable opportunity.


③To be honest, your advertisement released recently made me unable to wait to write this application for the post on the grounds that I do reckon that I have the qualifications you are seeking for.


④I feel that my experience and competence ideally meet the requirements you have listed.


⑤With burning excitement, I am writing this application(申请书) in the hope that I may obtain this precious opportunity.





I have previous experience, and I once worked as a....



Dear Michael,

I’m writing to tell you about a fantastic movie I have just watched, as we always share the same taste of movies.

The movie is Avatar, which tells a story of a soldier who, on an alien planet filled with exotic life forms, finds himself torn between two worlds in a fight for the survival of the alien people. Besides the touching and thrilling story, the movie also features brilliant visual effects, thanks to the talented director and advanced computer technology.

So I recommend it to you as one of the best movies I have ever watched. I’m sure you will love it as much as I do. I’m looking forward to discussing more with you after you watch it.

Yours sincerely,


Dear sir:

It is my pleasure to recommend mr.

XXX for his application to work in your has been an english teacher in my school (new generation foreign language school) since september XXX.

His major responsibilities include information collecting, analyzing, teaching and is an enthusiastic and progressive young man with extremely high potentiality.

He often participated in extracurricular activities contributing a great deal to is not only quick at learning and good at solving difficult teaching problems, but also with a logical mind that enables him to effectively analyze the work handed to him was completed satisfactorily.

Actually, he is so reliable that i assign him with heavy responsibilities.

With his help, I have been able to spend more time in making student’s excellent english speaking really consider myself very fortunate to have such a capable am certain his diligence, coupled with a good competence and pleasant personality, will assure him of big achievements for your school.

I strongly recommend this promising young man without any reservation and your favorable consideration and assistance to him will be very much appreciated.

Sncerely yours



Dear Mr. Brown,

It is my great pleasure to recommend Lisa to you. During her senior school years she has been my classmate and close friend . As her friend I find she has outstanding performance in the school years.

First, she has showed great talents in English. In addition, she has a very pleasant personality. A strong sense of humor is typical of the girl, and working with her is always fun. I define her as a qualified English debater. Therefore, I recommend her to you with all my heart.

Will you accept her as the debater?I am sure that her future work will prove worthy of your confidence. I look forward to hearing from you at the earliest possible moment.

Sncerely yours




Dear xxx


①Generally speaking, the ... you offer are quite good, however, I have some suggestions for you to adopt.(先扬后抑,先说怎么怎么好,然后转折说自己要提建议)


②In a fact, I have been ... for many years with a great enthusiasm and interest. For my part, due importance should be attached to ... .(同样的先扬后抑,先说自己已经满怀热情)


③A survey conducted recently among a group of people reveals that they are spending much less time on physical exercises and, as a result, many have fallen prey to physical problems.(举事实论证,这段话可以完全照搬,内容替换即可)



④To crack the hard nut, I would like to propose several constructive recommendations as follows.


⑤First and foremost, it is imperative for us to ....



⑥I hope you will find the proposals mentioned above constructive and I would like to discuss this matter to further details. (表示期望,期待回信)


⑦Hopefully, you are so kind as to take my suggestions into consideration and offer me a reply as soon as possible.


⑧Sincerely hope what suggested above are beneficial for you decision-making in some way.


⑨Your prompt attention to my suggestions would be highly appreciated.



Dear Sir or Madam:

It is my pleasure to writ the letter to recommend my excellent student, Miss xxx, to continue her Ph.

D study in your esteemed university.

The great impression she gives me is the solid foundation in the academic background and the strong motivation of research.

As an undergraduate, she got many opportunities to participate to do research and gain many practice experiences.

Most importantly, she applied the undergraduate research fund of Beijing Normal University twice which is very difficult for an undergraduate student.

So I am satisfied with her creative thought and the strong academic research potential.

By communication, I learned that she was not only satisfied with the academic achievements but also eager to widen her sight and knowledge.

I am pleased that she is also a kind hearted girl in her daily life; she always helps others with the psychology knowledge when they are in trouble.

She energetically severed as a voluntary telephone counsellor for “Edelweiss” mental health hotline, provided four hours psychology consultant service per week.

She has continued the services for more than two years.

She helps telephone clients from all over the country to clarify their problems.

As an easy-going student, she also gets the praise from her classmates.

Whatever her outstanding academic background or the belief from the teacher and classmates, she was selected as the Excellent Student from many competitor.

As far as she hopes study in your university, I give her my full support.

If you have question about her application, please no hesitate to contact me.

Sincerely yours,






01 推荐人




①Hearing / Learning / Knowing that your company are looking for ... ,I'm writing to recommend xxx to you.


②Delighted to learning that you are seeking for ..., sb./sth. may be your second to none choice.


④It affords me much pleasure to recommend ... to you.


⑤When it comes to ..., I shall, without any hesitation, recommend ... to you.













①Owing to the reasons discussed above, I won't hesitate to recommend ......


②Should you favor him with a opportunity, I am sure his future conduct will prove worthy of your confidence.


③If you have any trouble later, please contact me without hesitation.


④I would be grateful if you could take into account my recommendation seriously.


⑤If you have any further questions concerning this recommendation, please do let me know.


⑥With these thoughts in mind, I fully support his application to your school and know he will make the best of all the opportunities you offer.


⑦To conclude, I would like to restate my strong recommendation for...




poised 泰然自若的,时刻准备好的

mature 成熟的

diligent 勤奋的

promising 有前途的

creative mind 创新思维

cool nerves 冷静思维

down-to-earth 脚踏实地的

keep his feet on the ground 脚踏实地


industriousness 勤勉

articulate 能言善辩的

remarkable 杰出的

distinguished 杰出的

well-rounded 全能的

all-rounded 全能的

leadership 领导力

team spirit 团队意识

sound adaptability and analytical ability 良好的适应能力和分析能力

overall coordinating ability 整体协调能力

sound interpersonal skills 良好的人际交往能力

academic performance 学术表现

attain thorough insight into 对....深入了解

have fabulous track record in 在..方面有杰出记录


taste 品味;尝到

enjoy 享受

second to none 首选的

be bound to 一定是

be qualified to 胜任

boast numerous attractions 拥有很多景点

enjoy high reputation 享有盛誉

at home and abroad 在国内外

02 推荐物

















①Delighted to know that you are coming to China for traveling and at a loss about which city to choose, I can't wait to recommend a good choice to you.


②I highly recommend .... (可以是景点,也可以是大学) as your first/ideal/optimal choice.


③Learning that you've picked up burning interest in Chinese literature and confused with how to choose a book that enables you to learn more faster and deeper about our culture. Thus I'm writing this letter you offer my recommendation.(这段话同样适用于推荐大学、电影等)



① There exists numerous reasons, but the followings are the primary ones accounting for my recommendation. (这句话可作为一个引子)




①I firmly reckon that you will certainly enjoy an unforgettable experience in China.


②I sincerely hope that you will find the subtleties of this book and enjoy it with all heart in.


③Hopefully, my above recommendation cater to your expectation and could hew out your inspiration to choose the book suiting you best in the following time.


④In a nutshell, it doesn't matter about which book you choose, whereas what really matters is your dedication and concentration to the book.


⑤Hopefully, what I have suggested above will help you to certain extent and do not fail to keep me informed of what is bothering you.



Dear leader,

How do you do!

I assure you, with the conscience of a peoples teacher and social citizen, that my student XX. XX is an outstanding student who has talent and ambition.

First of all, XX has a high moral quality and personality. She has a heart to her heart, and any improvement in her own quality can be pursued with great optimism. She focuses on social life, loves her country and loves life and everything around her. She respects her teachers and others. She always tries her best to be perfect. Therefore, she has strong cohesion and charisma in the masses and in the team. The character is cheerful and quiet, the person is kind and honest and simple and tolerant, and is very good at doing things.

In her studies, she was called ^v^chang sheng general^v^ by her classmates. Her excellent grades, on the one hand, are due to her intelligence, on the other hand, her correct attitude and scientific learning methods. At ordinary times, she pays attention to the extension of listening, reviewing and extracurricular knowledge. She attaches great importance to the integration of knowledge, regardless of the vertical integration of each subject, or the horizontal integration between different disciplines, she will explore with her heart. She is good at learning the knowledge of death, even if it is pure memory, she will try to find out the rules, and really cant learn without methods. So she learns to live and learn.

In life she is a good girl, enjoying the good life habit, life full and well organized, have a rigorous attitude to life and life style, passionate and generous, honest and trustworthy, ready to help others, with principles of good life itself, can get along well with your colleagues. Take part in various extracurricular activities, so as to enrich my experience.

In thought, she and the party central committee continue to be consistent, adhere to the four cardinal principles, conscientiously study three represents important thought. Motivated by heart, love the motherland and the people, support the leadership of the communist party of China, support the guidelines and policies, abide by the laws of the state laws and regulations and the rules by heart to the party organization, submit to party membership application form; I have a strong sense of self-criticism and self-criticism, and have set up the correct outlook on life and values. Obey orders, command the audience.

I would like to ask the leading experts to give this excellent girl a chance to show her talent.

Referee: XXX


Dear headmaster:

I want to recommend xufan as our is kind and polite to always gets along well with classmates ,and he is ready to help others solve their problems .he is humourous and has a lot of friends .he is active in group is smart ,imaginative and creative .he is strong and studies hard .he always finishes his homework on does well in english and often gets a full mark in english.

Yours sincerely,



A Letter of Recommendation

The Second Department of English Beijing Foreign Language Institute

Beijing, China July 17, 20xx

Lemon Language Institute Sidney, Australia Dear President,

It is a great honour for me to introduce to you one of my very best student, Miss Shen Ming, a 21-year-old graduate of our institute this year. Miss Shen entered our institute in 1985 and she has ever since been hard-working at her lessons and made rapid progress. During the four years of study, she has always ranked high in her class. In 1987, she came out first at the National College Students English Speech Contest. Coming from a family of English teachers, Miss Shen has a particular interest in the teaching of English. It is her wish to further her studies on linguistics, methodology as well as on the English language. It will certainly be of great help to her if she could have such a chance in your Institute .

With best regards,

Yours sincerely,

Wang Shen


Hello! First of all, I sincerely thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to see my introductory material.

My name is XXX. I am a graduate of XX normal college. My major is environmental protection and pollution control. The main direction of the main attack is water pollution control project.

I come from the countryside, hard conditions honed my tenacious struggle, not afraid of the tough character of hardship. I am ordinary, but I am not mediocre. The road ahead is full of opportunities and challenges, and I am excited and ready to meet. I firmly believe that: natural I will be useful, the pay will always have the return!

During my college years, I focused on the improvement of comprehensive quality while studying in specialized courses. During the school year, I took courses in the history of Chinese revolution, public relations, leading science and writing. Self-taught web page making, computer programming, etc., mastered the skill of making web pages, through national computer level 2; And read about the number of books that are related to the major. Professionally, I have honestly learned relevant knowledge about water pollution control, * gas pollution control, solid waste treatment and other relevant knowledge, and won scholarships several times.

Practice is the sole criterion for testing truth. I deeply understand the importance of practice. I have served as a member of the propaganda committee, the ministry of practice, the director of the deng institute, and the council of the environmental protection association. During the summer vacation, I took part in the intensive community of the school organization

The social practice is well received by the local residents. The year of 20xx is awarded the outstanding student cadre, 20xx year is rated excellent group stem and join the party heart molecule.

I know deeply that yesterdays achievements have become history, and on this day of fierce competition, only the down-to-earth and unremitting efforts can achieve the brilliance of tomorrow. Only by constantly cultivating the potential, improving the quality and exploring the inner potential, can we make ourselves invincible.

In the spirit of self-examination, self-exercise and self-expression, I came. Maybe Im not perfect, but Im confident: give me a chance and Ill try my best to make you happy. I will devote my youth and wisdom to your unit. ^v^Dare to innovate, dare to open up^v^ is my persistent pursuit. ^v^Gods reward^v^ is my life belief.

Based on my major and intention, I have applied for environmental protection work or computer work and related direction. In the end, I wish you a better career! Healthy progress of all staff!




Dear leader of your unit:

We have XXX students from our institute who are working in your company for an internship (internship or graduation internship). The internship is from the date of the month to the lunar New Year. Internship is an important part of teaching work in our hospital. It is an effective way for students to gain practical experience and adapt to society. The college attaches great importance to students' internship. To this end, I sincerely hope that your company will give you great support and assistance so that students can complete the internship tasks successfully. At the same time, in the course of the internship, please follow the requirements of your rules and regulations, strictly control the students' education, and give the students an appraisal of their internship status at the end of the internship.

Thank you for your great support for our teaching work.




To whom it may concern: Mr. Zang Guoyan,

Mr. Zang Mechanical Engineering of Northwestern Polytechnical University, I know him to be one of the best students, Mr. Zang is diligent and intelligent, and has a deep interest in of 40, he was always in the top 2. Besides, he was the president of Mr. zang has a genial personality; he is warm-hearted and easy to cooperate with, and is liked by both our teachers and our classmates.

Yours sincerely,



Dear leader,

Hello! First of all, thank you for your time in your busy schedule to read my letter of recommendation! This is the day to recommend XXX to you.

XXX, after graduating from high school, became a student of pharmacy in XX university of traditional Chinese medicine with his childhood dream. Now, with the ideal of youth, leaving school and going to work, interested in marketing.

In life, XXX is diligent, honest and trustworthy, and good interpersonal relations. In character, he is gentle and cheerful, steady and generous, adaptable to the potential. As a discipline member in the class, I get the trust of my teachers and classmates. I am responsible for my work conscientiously, and I am strict with myself. I always follow the principle of doing more things in the world.

Knowing the importance of combining theory with practice, XXX makes full use of the spare time, expands the knowledge field, and improves the knowledge structure. Use during the summer vacation in XX pharmacy practice shop assistant, must from the extent of some drug varieties, specifications, storage, efficacy and the status of the local residents commonly used medicines have must understand, develop self potential of language communication and potential accident contingency.

In the increasingly competitive, he believes that only a multi-level, all-round development, and master professional knowledge, to fit the need of social development and unit of choose and employ persons, can be in an impregnable position.

Referee: XXX


Dear miss wang,

I am writing to recommend wang lingyan as the new chairperson of the students union. i think she will be an excellent chairperson, because she has many good personal qualities.

wang lingyan is a confident girl and all the students in our class think she is really powerful. she has the ability to organize us very well. most of us admire her for her ability. she is also outgoing. she is never afraid of talking to the strangers. this is very important, because she will have to speak in front of the whole school.

wang lingyan is also a clever girl. she always gets good marks in tests. for example, she got the first in the last math exam, so i think she is clever enough to come up with good ideals. i also think wang lingyan is organized and never forgets to do the things she needs to do. she wont give up things easily that she decides to do someting.

i think wang lingyan has all the qualities to be a good chairperson. i hope that you can agree with me.

yours sincerely,



Dear President,

It is a great honour for me to introduce to you one of my very best student, Miss Shen Ming, a 21-year-old graduate of our institute this year. Miss Shen entered our institute in 1985 and she has ever since been hard-working at her lessons and made rapid progress. During the four years of study, she has always ranked high in her class. In 1987, she came out first at the National College Students English Speech Contest. Coming from a family of English teachers, Miss Shen has a particular interest in the teaching of English. It is her wish to further her studies on linguistics, methodology as well as on the English language. It will certainly be of great help to her if she could have such a chance in your Institute .

With best regards,

Yours sincerely,

Wang Shen


A Letter of Recommendation

The Second Department of English Beijing Foreign Language Institute.

Beijing, China July 17, 20xx.

Lemon Language Institute Sidney, Australia.

Dear President:

It is a great honour for me to introduce to you one of my very best student, Miss Shen Ming, a 21-year-old graduate of our institute this year.

Miss Shen entered our institute in 1985 and she has ever since been hard-working at her lessons and made rapid progress.

During the four years of study, she has always ranked high in her class.

In 1987, she came out first at the National College Students English Speech Contest.

Coming from a family of English teachers, Miss Shen has a particular interest in the teaching of English.

It is her wish to further her studies on linguistics, methodology as well as on the English language.

It will certainly be of great help to her if she could have such a chance in your Institute .

With best regards,

Yours sincerely,

Wang Shen


Dear leader,


XX was enrolled in XX college in September 20_ and majored in journalism. In the eyes of teachers and students, she is a lively and cheerful student with excellent academic performance.

In my mind, I submitted an application for membership to the college's general branch at the beginning of school, which proved her determination to join the party. In the process of practice, she study ^v^the three represents^v^ important thought and the party's line, principles and policies, the heart to perform in the application form to request itself, constantly improve their own ideological awareness, better service for students to prepare. Through efforts, she took part in the party school to join the party on the second semester molecular training attentively, will soon become a member of the communist party, to party member standard strict with themselves in their daily lives, set up the correct outlook on life, values, and do our best to anything.

In her study, she learned to be down-to-earth, never truant from school, worked hard, had clear learning goals, and kept learning attitude. She devoted herself to the study of professional basic knowledge, achieved great progress in the second year of the sophomore year, achieved excellent results in all subjects, and averaged more than 80 points in the examination class. She is still trying to challenge herself to learn more about her professional knowledge and practical potential. In the past three academic years, I have won the college scholarship, ranking the best in the final ranking of the class, which is inseparable from my usual efforts and teachers' teaching.

At work, in order to improve myself, I also look for opportunities to serve my classmates. At the beginning of the school, her intention to participate in school








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