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学生换位置申请范文英语 第一篇

Computers provide great speed and accuracy for our work. Computers have been used in our offices at home. Without computers, our lives and our society will undoubtedly be greatly hit.

Early computers based on vacuum tubes have large-scale transistors and integrated circuits, which can solve problems in a short time. We do not want to improve the hardware, but also improve the software Computers must be guided and programmed by people. Although computers have extraordinary skills, will they rely on human intelce? Although there are many times when computers look like _brain_ of machines, their achievements cannot be compared with human thinking ability.



学生换位置申请范文英语 第二篇

Mr. Brown, dear Mr. Brown, I'm back.

I'm writing this letter to express my thanks as an exchange student. You make me feel warm welcome to my country. I'll take turns to show you around.

But there's a problem. I left my dictionary at your home. I like it very much because it's a precious gift from my teacher from America.

I miss me The books may be on the shelf in your bedroom. Would you mind sending me my dictionary? I'll pay the postage. If you show your enthusiasm again, I'll be very grateful for your reply, Li Hua.



学生换位置申请范文英语 第三篇

Dear Petrie, I'm glad to receive your email. Welcome to our school. It's about five kilometers from the center of the central city.

It has a long history. The environment is very beautiful (there are many flowers and trees, and there is a swimming pool and a student changes classes. There are ten courses, such as Chinese, mathematics, English and son's courses from Monday to Friday (every week there are There are plenty of activities in the five-day class.

I think you will be satiied with our school.



学生换位置申请范文英语 第四篇

I miss my mother very much. She is at home on business, so only my father and I are at home. My father can't cook.

So we start to go to the restaurant every day. I like it very much. But now I want to eat food made by my mother.

She knows my favorite food. She always prepares food for me. My father will come back next week, but I hope she can come back early.



标签: 新学期

学生换位置申请范文英语 第五篇

Every morning, a rich man finds a poor man sitting on a park bench. The poor man is always sitting there, looking at the big hotel where the rich man lives. One day, the rich got out of the car and said to the poor, _I'm sorry, I just want to know why you sit here and see my hotel every morning._ _Sir,_ said the poor man, _I am afraid I have no money, no family, no home.

I sleep on this bench, and every night I dream that I will sleep in that hotel one day. _The rich man said,_ your dream will come true tonight, and I will pay you the best room in the hotel for a month. _A few days later, the rich man walked through the poor man's room and asked him how he was.

He was very surprised to find that the man had moved out of the hotel and returned to the park bench. When the rich man asked why, the poor man said,_ you see, when I sleep on my bench here, I dreamed that I was on the top and had a wonderful dream in that big hotel, but when I was up there, I had a dream Seeing me back on this cold bench, it was a terrible dream, and I couldn't sleep.




学生换位置申请范文英语 第六篇

Dear Alan, time is gone. I'm glad to make friends with you in England. We help each other.

I'm glad to learn together now. You will come to China. I welcome you to live in my house.

I'm glad to learn with you again. I think you will worry about Chinese. Don't worry.

I will try my best to help you. I can ask you to learn English. My parents are very enthusiastic.

I heard that you will come. I'm very happy to hear that you will come I look forward to meeting you and wishing you the best.











热门标签: 学生 英语






  红日升空辉大道;金鸡报晓促长征  猴奋已教千户乐;鸡鸣又报万家春  鸡报小康随日出;年迎大有伴春来  鸡鸣紫陌迎新曙;马踏青云奔小康  鸡声一唱东方白;猴棒三挥玉宇清  金鸡高唱迎春曲;铁牛欢催改革潮  金鸡喜唱催春早;绿柳轻摇舞絮妍  两岸金鸡歌一统

礼仪范文 2023-04-13


1) 春为一岁首 田园无限美  2) 门庭清且吉 日出乾坤秀  3) 梅占百花魁 山河分外娇  4) 家道泰而昌 春来草木娇  5) 新年纳余庆 忠厚传家久  6) 世泽绵为善 海岳君亲寿  7) 佳节号长春 诗书继世长  8) 家声振读书 莺花天地春  

礼仪范文 2023-04-13


文章一:  上联:风度竹流韵;下联:马驰春作声  上联:丰年飞瑞雪;下联:骏马跃长征  上联:春新门载福;下联:志远马扬蹄  上联:壮士喜骏马;下联:红花爱英雄  上联:云霞出海曙;下联:骏马跃关山  上联:迎春燕语巧;下联:踏雪马蹄香  上联:一堂开淑景

礼仪范文 2023-04-13


下面是i乐德范文网为您整理的春节新春对联,仅供大家查阅。  横批:万象更新  上联:喜居宝地千年旺  下联:福照家门万事兴  上联:五湖四海皆春色  下联:万水千山尽得辉  横批:喜迎新春  上联:喜滋滋迎新年  下联:笑盈盈辞旧岁  横批:喜迎新春  上

礼仪范文 2023-04-13


劳动创造幸福未来,双手铺就通达之路,辛勤耕耘百花绽放,汗水浇灌美丽生活,劳动者最最美丽,劳动节来到了,祝你胸前戴红花,当一个劳动榜样,前途无量。以下是i乐德范文网为您整理的《祝五一节快乐贺卡祝福语》,供大家参考。  祝五一节快乐贺卡祝福语(一)  1.劳动

日常祝福语 2023-04-13


本篇文章是i乐德范文网为您整理的马年简单的十字对联,仅供大家参考。  春色满园,四海花团锦簇  龙行天下,五湖唱响吉祥  横批:九州同乐  汗马绝尘安外振中标青史  锦羊开泰富民清政展新篇  横批:春满人间  马年十字对联大全带横批:  上联:爆竹迎春春丽

礼仪范文 2023-04-13