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每天给老师写信范文英语 第一篇



您总是带给我们许多的欢笑,您也总能使我们天天体验”上课变下课”的滋味,就为了让大家知道”上课一点也不痛苦”,您也会用一种特别的方式上课,让大家不 仅能捧腹大笑,也能学习新知,在学业上快乐学习,出类拔萃,我想您在这方面花了许多功夫吧!我们都感受到老师的心意了,老师真的很为我们着想。

老师很厉害,每天不仅要帮我们收烂摊子,也要费尽心痒痒考如何让我们更有效的学习,还要改作业,甚至晚上还去进修,但是老师很乐观,会去勇敢面对问题,并 去超越它!而且老师也是个”时间魔术师”,只要是能利用的时间,您都不会放过,您总是说:”来学校就像战斗一样,一分一秒都不能放过,因为时间是不等人 的。”


祝 心想事成,天天开心!

学生 沂净 敬上

学生 沂净

每天给老师写信范文英语 第二篇







每天给老师写信范文英语 第三篇

Dear professor Yu,

I am writing this letter to present my sincere gratitude for all the credit and help you have given me during your teaching of the American literature.

Upon first entering your class, I had little knowledge on American literature. It was your profound knowledge that led me on the road of literature. Since then, I found myself attracted to it. In addition, I was pretty encouraged by your teaching style. Your description of various kinds of essays and novels was so vivid that I was always immersed in it, which was why I achieved much in your class. Besides, your sense of humor added plenty of fun to our class.

With all the great lectures you have given, I developed a deep love of American literature. Therefore, I would like to thank you again for your incomparable enlightenment on my academic career.

Best wishes!



每天给老师写信范文英语 第四篇

Dear teacher zhang:


How time flies, now, we are the pupils of grade 3, you also with us for three years. In this three years you to inculcate for us, we sincerely thank you for your interest in our pay.

Teacher zhang, you are our Chinese teacher is the school's vice principal, it is conceivable that you work very hard, and must be busy. You also worry about our group of naughty children, whenever the end of the term, you need to turn to home visits, exchange our mom and dad all children at school.

The teacher you like the gardener, hard all the time for our watering, fertilizing, when we need to cut branches and leaves, you again in our side, we pay for. You pay too much for us, we only have to study hard to return you expect of us.

In this beautiful holiday, I want to thank you, thank you for your careful teaching along the way, we can become more confident brave...

Best wishes for you

A happy holiday, healthy body!

每天给老师写信范文英语 第五篇

Dear Mr. Li: unknowingly, a year and a half has passed, and the time to separate from you has come. Her sonorous voice still reverberates in the classroom.

The students seem to be feeling his harsh love for us. On your arm, the small chalk of Mercedes Benz horse is your hands, when the bell is your service horn, for us, your sleepless night Late, for our work, you are most willing to show how many days and nights you have no sleep, how much you can return the ups and downs of the wind and rain, all the way to laugh, you spend with us, we will give you a forever sweet Thanksgiving, you are like a candle, burning yourself, others lit the saying: _to death to make silk, candle ash only dry tears, the teacher is the human soul _Engineer_ I like to see you happy for us, also like to see you excited for us, like to see you angry for us, no matter you always let me love you now, I will respect you, and regard you as my good friend, friendship multiply joy, share worries memories: just arrived here, we introduced the class, at that time, you and I remember all the passion, although only one and a half years, But we all know that, although it is only one and a half years, we are a long time. What I really can't stand is that you let me get a score.

You gave me the opportunity to become an English representative. It is you who let me be responsible, fair and strict. As a team leader, it should be the same.

I want to learn from you. In a word, a thousand words are not the way. Let him become a sentence: _teacher, I love you._ Your teacher, _you worked hard_ hope you can come back to see our future, our class activities should be for Oh, the excellent performance of students waiting for you to sincerely salute: XXX.



每天给老师写信范文英语 第六篇













每天给老师写信范文英语 第七篇











每天给老师写信范文英语 第八篇

The king of the respect teacher:

Hello! This semester we began to learn to write a composition, you adopt the way of playing, cultivate our interest in writing, to make our writing level is getting higher and higher; At the same time in the life also are very concerned about us, make our healthy growth!

Remember once, the bell rang, you came into the classroom, and a bag in his hand and two bowl, there is a pair of chopsticks, you said: _this lesson let's play the game of clamp beans._ We are glad to cheer. You said the rules of the game, the game began, we played happily. After the game, you told us to write a composition of beans, because we've just experienced, so we composition is well written, the students have said: _we are not afraid to write a composition anymore._

At another time, at the end of the class, you said: _today the weather was too hot, the next class is physical education, you want to take off a clothes, drink more water._ Finish one by one to check our clothes, if some bad clothes off, you will help him off.

Thank you teacher wang: thank you teach us knowledge, thank you for your care for us.

I wish you a healthy body, all the best!

Your students:

每天给老师写信范文英语 第九篇

Dear teachers:

Hello! Thank you for the past three years of my mother's teachings, really glad that life will meet you at the beginning of the such a good teacher, let me slowly to mature from an ignorant child.

Remember, just to go to school, I do all thing, is your education I, don't waste time, do things quickly, is also popular in LeiLi you move affects me, made me have great progress.

My grades on your last test is not high, the in the mind very sad. You not only didn't scold me, also encouraged me: _no matter, the problem to see next time, seriously, teachers believe that you will get good grades._ With the teacher's encouragement, I listening in class, do questions was careless temper change a lot, improvement quickly.

Thank you teacher for us to build a happy learning space, thanks to the teacher to our care and teaching.

Thank you for your concern, thank you for your help! In the future I will work harder!

You were laborious, thank you!

Your students:

每天给老师写信范文英语 第十篇

I am lihua one of your student in china, first thanks for teach our English this year .we learned a lot, I have a greater progrethan before. Not only I am not worried about English at all, but also I won a first English prize last month. With your teaching, your students like English and pound of that we can speak fluencely English by ourself .now , I think study English is happy. Thank for your teaching. At last, could you tell me nearly matter about you thanks.

每天给老师写信范文英语 第十一篇

Dear Mr. Cao

happy new year!

On the night of new year's Eve, my parents and I went to Lianhua Mountainto visit Deng Xiaoping after the reunion. The streets are deserted, and manypeople have returned to their hometown. I think of the 23rd day of the twelfthlunar month when my grandparents were busy cleaning the house and buying allkinds of new year's products. I am curious: why is the Spring Festival so busy?Why are so many people desperate to buy tickets back home for the new year? Whatare the customs and traditions of Chinese Spring Festival? Why do my parentstake me to pay a new year's visit to grandfather Deng?

With these questions, I immediately found a book about Chinese SpringFestival folklore when I went home. The book introduces many customs, includingpasting New Year pictures. It is said that the characters in the New Yearpictures can ward off evil spirits, eat reunion dinner, legend of new yearanimals, offering sacrifices to the kitchen and sweeping the Chen, meeting theGod of wealth, etc. One of the most impressive is the kitchen and sweeping theChen.

Among the people, the traditional Spring Festival begins on the 23rd of thetwelfth lunar month and ends with the Lantern Festival. As the saying goes, _23,sacrifice to the kitchen official._ The kitchen official is the monitoring Godof the world. At this time of year, the kitchen official will go to heaven toreport everything on earth, so the people will worship him on the 23rd of thetwelfth lunar month. No matter how small the household is, they should clean upthe stove, several cases, pots and pans, and prepare kitchen cakes and sugar forsacrifice. The kitchen cake is the dry food that the kitchen god wants to bring,and the kitchen sugar should be put on the kitchen god's mouth. The cookingsugar is made from malt. It tastes very sweet and sticky. It is put on thekitchen god's mouth to let him _say good things from heaven and keep peace inthe lower world_.

After the sacrifice, the kitchen was cleaned up. In the old days, it wascalled _sweeping Chen_, and _Chen_ was homophonic with _dust_, so sweeping Chenwas to sweep the dust in an all-round way. This is more detailed andcomprehensive than the usual cleaning. The places that are not easy to clean atordinary times, such as spider webs on the roof, dust, furniture corners, doorsand windows, etc., should be wiped clean with bamboo poles and rags. Bed sheetsand quilt covers will also be removed and cleaned. Some people even paint thewalls and paint doors and windows to make the interior look brand new.

There is no custom of offering sacrifices to the kitchen in our family. Wewill _sweep the Chen_ every year. This is the traditional virtue of the Chinesenation, which loves to be clean and clean. In the future, I will also help myfamily to clean up the house together.

There are also a lot of folk stories, I will tell you slowly after thebeginning of school.

Best wishes

Good health and good luck!

Your student: Li Chenhao

每天给老师写信范文英语 第十二篇











每天给老师写信范文英语 第十三篇

A possible version: Dear lady Li, I'm glad to have you as our English teacher. Because the world is becoming a global village, English is becoming more and more important. So ing English means that we can see the world from a new window.

My English is OK. The two main problems in my study are that I find it difficult to learn words with my heart, and I speak English I really hope you can give me some good advice on how to memorize new words. Another suggestion is to give us more practice opportunities.

I believe that with your help, our English will make great progress. Thank you.



每天给老师写信范文英语 第十四篇





















热门标签: 老师 英语 范文






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