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如何保持房子整洁英语范文 第一篇

Keep our city clean today, with the development of our science and technology and modern society, the health problem of our city has become an important issue in our life. How should we keep our city clean? I think it is our social responsibility to protect and beautify our city. When we walk on the street, we should look around the situation around us We should know that cleaning is our responsibility, because we live in society.

Only by enhancing our sense of responsibility, our city will be better.



如何保持房子整洁英语范文 第二篇

As we all know, a good environment makes us happy and helps us to learn better. Therefore, we must strive to keep our classroom clean and tidy, do not litter, timely cleaning, so that students realize the importance of using desks and chairs, put their eyes in order, if everyone does something appropriate to contribute, we can easily make it a clean and tidy classroom.



如何保持房子整洁英语范文 第三篇


As it's known to all, good enironment makes us happy and helps us study better. Therefore, we must try to keep our classroom clean and tidy.



1,do not litter around,2 do the cleaning in time 3 make clas *** ates aware of the importance 4 use the desks and chairs properly 5 put eyerything in order


In my point,if everyone does something proper to make a contribution, we can easily make it to obtain a clean tidy classroom.


如何保持房子整洁英语范文 第四篇

How to keep the classroom clean? We study and live in the classroom. In order to have a good environment to enjoy our study, we should keep our classroom clean, how to keep it clean and clean. We should perform our duties on time every day.

We clean the classroom, clean the windows, clean the blackboard and clean the floor.



如何保持房子整洁英语范文 第五篇

(how to keep the classroom clean) students must stay in the classroom all day in school. The condition of the classroom plays an important role in students' learning and health. Therefore, how to keep the classroom clean? First of all, the students on duty should insist on cleaning every day after school.

After school, no spitting or littering is allowed. Teach students to remember that drawing on the wall without permission is one of them In addition, it is necessary to strengthen the awareness of environmental protection and establish a specific system. I think everyone likes to study in a bright and beautiful classroom, not a dirty one, so let's try to keep the classroom clean.



如何保持房子整洁英语范文 第六篇

开头:说明教室整洁对学习的重要性 As it's known to all, good enironment makes us happy and helps us study better. Therefore, we must try to keep our classroom clean and tidy. 中间:(具体怎么做)分点列出汉语,然后逐一翻译。

(这是中考高考作文的写法要求之一)一般-5点即可1,do not litter around,2 do the cleaning in time 3 make clas *** ates aware of the importance 4 use the desks and chairs properly 5 put eyerything in order结尾:总结 In my point,if everyone does something proper to make a contribution, we can easily make it to obtain a clean tidy classroom. 给你写了一个提示,你自己练练吧,有困难再给我留言,最近两天比较忙。

如何保持房子整洁英语范文 第七篇

(my ideal bedroom) look, this is my ideal bedroom. There is a laptop on the desk and a TV in front of the bed, so I can easily watch TV. The wall is light blue.

There is a big bookcase on the dresser. I like to watch them in my spare time. There is a small air conditioner on the wall.

I keep my bedroom clean and tidy. I ventilate the room every day. It is small, but it is very small Warm.

I like it very much. I regard it as my best friend.



如何保持房子整洁英语范文 第八篇

Each of us should stay healthy, which is the foundation of our activities. Here are some ways to stay healthy.

First, we should spend one to o hours a day in regular exercise; try to walk instead of ride. Second, we should eat some healthy foods such as vegetables, fruits and so on. They are able to help us maintain a healthy body. When we are in trouble, try to relax our mood, listen to the soft music. It also enables us to maintain a good health. Finally there is a good sleep can also assure us a healthy body. We should sleep seven to eight hours a day to maintain adequate sleep. If we can do follow these advice, I believe we can have a healthy body, a better life.

如何保持房子整洁英语范文 第九篇

As a student, we study in the classroom almost every week. The classroom is very important to us students. A clean classroom can give us a good place to study, it is good for our health, so we should keep it clear every day.

However, to keep the classroom clean and tidy every day, not every student should first try to keep it clean. The students in the class should clean the classroom. After the students in the class clean up the room, other students can't litter.

They have the responsibility to keep the classroom clean and tidy. Every student should help to keep the classroom clean and tidy.




如何保持房子整洁英语范文 第十篇

Do a once over and clean your room before you start. Go through and clean a little bit at a time until you have your room relatively clean. Don't worry about anizing too much doing the first cleaning. Start with one *** all area of a room at a time if the whole room is too overwhelming.

Devote a certain amount of time each day to cleaning your room. In general, you should clean up after yourself without letting too much time pass after you use it. If you clean up after yourself, you will not have to spend much time doing scheduled cleaning, but you will have to do some routine maintenance such as vacuuming.

Setup a mand area where you do things such as pay bills or keep important papers. Try to keep this area anized. You will need to spend at least a few minutes a day addressing items and putting things away. Also, don't let your work spread out beyond the mand center. You can use any area you want as a mand center, but usually having a desk or flat area is helpful.

如何保持房子整洁英语范文 第十一篇

Every one of us should keep healthy. This is the basis of our activities. Here are some ways to keep healthy.

First, we should spend one or two hours a day doing regular exercise, walking as much as possible instead of riding. Second, we should eat some healthy food, such as vegetables, fruits and so on. They can help us keep healthy in difficult times and try to relax me Our emotions, listening to soft music, it can also keep us healthy.

Finally, having a good sleep can also ensure that we have a healthy body. We should sleep seven to eight hours a day to keep enough sleep. If we can really follow these suggestions, I believe we can have a healthy body and a better life.



如何保持房子整洁英语范文 第十二篇

My bedroom my bedroom is big and beautiful. There is a big bed. The table is beside the bed.

There is a light on it. There is a closet against the wall. There is a shelf.

There are many books on it. I like my bedroom very much, so I often keep it clean and tidy.



标签: 新学期

如何保持房子整洁英语范文 第十三篇

As the saying goes that life is a journey,a journey of the plain the adversity of living,while others praise the wonder of far as I am concerned,life is beautiful,not only for its enjoyment,but especially for the ists and turns.

Life is beautiful because it enables us to grow a student,from primary school to university,I learned a lot and became life is designed for us to receive knowledge,while in fact,it can do far more than here is important for us to bee civilized and to develop humanistic from learning knowledge,we entertain ourselves,making friends,playing games,and brodening our horizons.

Life is beautiful because it is uncertain what is to future may be grant,but at the same time,it may be determines here is to what extend we work and how hard we prepare as we may be,we have an expectation for the the process of fighting for the realization of our dreams,we are savoring the beauty of life.

Life is beautiful,let us do something wonderful for future memories.








热门标签: 房子 英语






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