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关于航空宇宙的范文英语 第一篇

The reusability of this next wave of spacecraft will help develop commercial markets, which is believed to be space tourism.


The competition itself is actually modeled on the Orteig International Prize of 1927, which promoted Charles Lindbergh's famous non-stop flight from New York to Paris 71 years ago on the Spirit of St. Louis.


The $25,000 cash prize stimulated nine attempts to cross the Atlantic and the investment of $400,000 in aeronautic design.


The prize was one of over 100 aviation prizes offered between 1905 and 1935, which created today's $250 billion aeronautics industry.


In an effort to repeat history, after the X Prize is awarded to individuals who have make the greatest contributions to commercial human space flight.


Once the cost of putting something into space goes down, the number of things you can afford to do goes up greatly.


It's a new ear of spacecraft design, in which spaceships can be treated more like aircraft and the passengers won't be professional astronauts, but adventure seekers or space enthusiasts.


关于航空宇宙的范文英语 第二篇

























































关于航空宇宙的范文英语 第三篇

After the shenzhou-9 spacecraft landed safely in the main landing area of northern China's Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, the manned space docking mission between China's shenzhou-9 spacecraft and Tiangong-1 module was successfully completed today. The three astronauts who completed China's first manned space docking safely returned to earth. In the capsule, they were in good health.

The astronauts reported to the command center, _we are back Yes, it feels good. _ The successful rendezvous and docking of the target orbiter _Tiangong-1_ and _shenzhou-9_ indicates that China's space docking technology has made a major breakthrough, which also marks a decisive progress in the realization of China's second strategic goal of manned spaceflight. The success of this process shows that China has fully ed the space rendezvous and docking technology and is fully capable of transporting people and goods to space orbiters, which is crucial for China's development and plans to build a space station around it.



关于航空宇宙的范文英语 第四篇

您好During the summer holidays, I visit to Shanghai with my parents. We took a plane there. It was my first time to take a plane. I was excited but nerves. I was excited because I never took a plane before and I was looking forward to it. Flying in the high sky is really cool. I was nerves because some people said that it would be dizzy when the plane takes off and lands. However, the whole journey on the plane was so great. It was a happy experience.希望对您的学习有帮助【满意请采纳】O(∩_∩)O谢谢欢迎追问O(∩_∩)O~祝学习进步~...

关于航空宇宙的范文英语 第五篇

Is outer space worth exploring? Is outer space worth exploring? Almost every day we read about the latest and exciting developments in space exploration in newss or on television. We are extremely proud of our science and technology and realize its importance to human well-being, but not everyone. The same feeling has been criticized since the beginning of space research It's a huge waste of money and other resources that could be used to help alleviate the suffering of millions of hungry people on earth.

It is also believed that, despite these shortcomings and potentials, the space program may lead to the er of the total destruction of the earth, with greater benefits. We have succesully used satellites for communications, weather forecasting and oil exploration. With the deepening of space research, we now face more problems that can be solved, such as the success of the space shuttle and living on other planets Feasibility, we may be able to solve the population problem on earth, and the space program will also enable us to find some chemical elements to cure diseases that are currently incurable.

Space exploration not only helps to improve the quality of human life, but also helps us to understand the interdependence of all people and to recognize the actions that need to be taken to better care of each other.



关于航空宇宙的范文英语 第六篇


When we see photographs of starving children, it's hard to say that we should spend billions of dollars on space exploration. But that's just what we should do. Children don't need to be starving, but we do need to explore space. Right now, we have enough money to feed every person on Earth. Children are starving because of mismanagement of resources and simple human greed. Those are problems we can solve right here on earth. That shouldn't stop our need to find out what's beyond our own solar system.

We may never make contact with whatever other species there may be out there in space. Even so, there are still two very practical and positive consequences of space exploration. One is a certainty and the other is a possibility. The certainty is medical research. Yes, we can conduct research here on earth. But much of the research done in space, for example, on the effects of gravity on bone marrow, is making a difference in medicine here on Earth. When we do research in space, we also learn more about space exploration. Also, many of the inventions that were developed for space travel have been adapted to good use on Earth.

The possible consequence of space exploration is finding another planet human beings can colonize. Overpopulation is a huge problem on our planet. People are living longer, more healthful lives, and that's a good thing. But it means there are fewer people dying and more people being born. Eventually we'll have less space, fewer resources, and major distribution problems. If we can find another planet to live on, we can relieve the problems of overpopulation on our planet.

It's a tragedy that there are human beings suffering on Earth. However, if we wait until everyone has a perfect life, we will never explore space—and that , too, would be a kind of tragedy.

关于航空宇宙的范文英语 第七篇

The history of China's space industry began in February. Qian Xuesen, a famous scientist, put forward _opinions on Establishing China's national defense and aviation industry_ to the central government. In April, the aviation industry commission of the people's Republic of China was established to lead China's aviation and rocket industry.



关于航空宇宙的范文英语 第八篇

Dear Sir or Madam, I'm Li Hua, a middle school student from China. I saw your announcement of summer camp on the Internet. I'm very interested in it.

I know you welcome students from different countries and I want to take part in this activity. I have learned English for many years and speak English fluently. I can introduce China to students from other countries and understand their countries.

I hope I can be accepted as a member of your summer camp. I look forward to your reply, Li Hua.


关于航空宇宙的范文英语 第九篇

Shenzhou manned spaceflight Shenzhou China Aerospace Science and technology, a great feat astronaut, has set an example and laid a solid foundation: one possible saying is: when I heard the news of China's first manned spaceship, I was very happy. Shenzhou was launched in October. On that day, I will never forget that the Chinese people successfully launched the first unmanned shenzhou-1 On that day when the spaceship and Shenzhou-5 spacecraft were proud, the launch of Shenzhou-5 was a great feat, and the dream of thousands of astronauts was realized.

I am now a middle school student. Yang Liwei has set a good example for us. I want to study hard and lay a solid foundation for my future when I grow up.

I want to be an astronaut like Yang Liwei.



关于航空宇宙的范文英语 第十篇

机务小伙的可爱之处(转)MM们经过仔细观察与研究,发现机务的小伙子有许多可爱之处,具体说来大致有十条: 1、机务人踏实诚信,一诺千金。























关于航空宇宙的范文英语 第十一篇

_Museum guide_ provides information on China's space situation, which broadens our horizons and increases our knowledge. Mingwan, China, is the first person in human history who wants to go to heaven by man-made rocket. Although he did not succeed, his wisdom and courage, with the development of modern human space industry in the right direction, in memory of him, man named a meteorite crater on the back of the moon as“ Therefore, China, the initiator of the human space industry, is alone in carrying out space activities, which are mainly composed of three parts of technology and equipment carried out by space activities: first, rocket; second, satellite launching; third, remote communication technology.

Since China successfully developed and launched the _Dongfanghong_ man-made satellite, the state has continued to launch communication satellites, meteorological satellites, and The remarkable achievements of resource satellite, space exploration satellite, Shenzhou manned spaceship and Chang'e lunar exploration satellite, all of which reflect the high attention and support of the party and the state to the space industry, and set a new record in history. The dice and innovation spirit of ancient astronauts have been achieved.



关于航空宇宙的范文英语 第十二篇

On June 17, the _38 Shenzhou 10_ takes off, shouldering the important task of China's first manned space docking, and represents China's step-by-step realization of its own space dream. The mission will be the _Shenzhou 9_ manned rendezvous and docking technology. The _12th eight_ spacecraft will fly into space to carry three astronauts Nie Haisheng, Zhang Xiaoguang and Wang Yaping will launch the youth aerospace science education activities for the first time One of the highlights introduced by the experts of the sub mission, one of the most important features of science education is that the platform of space utilization reveals to primary and secondary school students the special phenomena and laws under the condition of space microgravity, which can stimulate agers' enthusiasm for scientific exploration in the future.

In fact, it can also make full use of the resources of the space station to accumulate experience in science popularization activities, which is also one of the world's space activities In addition, the seemingly simple support of space teaching and communication links challenges the coordination between astronauts.



关于航空宇宙的范文英语 第十三篇

Afe4be5 is worthy of exploring outer space, which is worth exploring. Almost every day we can read about the latest and exciting developments in space exploration in newss or on television. We are extremely proud of our science and technology and realize its importance to human welfare, but not everyone has been criticized as a huge waste of money and other resources since the beginning of space research, and people still believe that despite this, there are still some people who think that it is a huge waste of money and other resources There are some disadvantages and potential ers, but the space program may lead to the total destruction of the earth.

The benefits are far greater than we have succesully used satellites for communication, weather forecast and oil exploration, as well as further space research. We can solve more problems now, such as the success of the space shuttle and the feasibility of living on other planets To solve the population problem on earth, the space program will also enable us to find some chemical elements to cure diseases that are currently incurable. Space exploration not only helps to improve the quality of human life, but also helps us to understand the interdependence of all people and to recognize the need for better measures to take care of each other.



标签: 新学期

关于航空宇宙的范文英语 第十四篇








关于航空宇宙的范文英语 第十五篇

Space Voyage for the Average Joe and Mary


Forty-one years after the original space race began with the launch of the Russian Sputnik, the world's first satellite, a new race has emerged.


Its goal is to make space flight accessible to the average Joe or Mary—by offering a $10 million cash prize to the first person to design a spaceship that can take three passengers into space and back.


It will do for space flight what PCs did for computers—take it out of the control of governments and very big companies and put it in the hands of average people.


_The biggest obstacle to opening up space flight is money,_ says the CEO of the X Prize Foundation, a non-profit organization that's putting up the X Prize money.


Since the beginning of the space age, the cost of space flight hasn't changed much, and that's because there hasn't been enough flights to force the cost down.


So, in an effort to stimulate less expensive spaceship designs, the Foundation has organized a competition: Ten million dollars will go to the first person or team that designs a spaceship capable of launching three passengers to an altitude of 100 km.


At that altitude, passengers would get to experience about four minutes of weightlessness and get a view of the Earth.


The emphasis of the competition is on the spaceship's reusability, an ideal that was not quite reached by the current NASA space shuttle, whose fuel tanks are tossed in midflight as are its rocket boosters which are partly reusable.


关于航空宇宙的范文英语 第十六篇

China's space industry was founded in. After China's space industry created a miracle, China successfully launched its first man-made earth satellite, becoming the fifth country in the world to independently develop artificial earth satellites. China began to implement the manned space program.

China's manned space project successfully launched the Shenzhou-5 manned spacecraft, China the third country to launch a manned spacecraft, The launch of Chang'e-1 has become the first man-made moon satellite in Shenzhou, the fifth manned spacecraft successfully launched, laying the foundation for the development of China's space station.



关于航空宇宙的范文英语 第十七篇

After the shenzhou-9 spacecraft landed safely in the main landing area of northern China's Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, the manned space docking mission between China's shenzhou-9 spacecraft and Tiangong-1 module was successfully completed today. The three astronauts who completed China's first manned space docking safely returned to earth. In the capsule, they were in good health.

The astronauts reported to the command center, _we are back Yes, it feels good. _ The successful rendezvous and docking of the target orbiter _Tiangong-1_ and _shenzhou-9_ spacecraft marks a major breakthrough in China's space docking technology, and also marks the progress of the realization of China's second strategic goal of manned spaceflight. The success of this process shows that China has fully ed the space rendezvous and docking technology and is fully capable of transporting people and goods to On space orbiters, this is crucial to the country's plans to build a space station in the surrounding areas.



关于航空宇宙的范文英语 第十八篇

In this century, when human and earth scientists discovered an unknown planetary biological system, our scientist named it alien wizard. After that, the United Nations decided that a European sun and I would wait for scientists to start building a super large space exploration spacecraft. After percell discovered the extraterrestrial spirit, the _Purcell road_ has taken off with great mission for five years If you close your eyes, the transmitter will stand where you want to go, but human beings don't have to bear the pressure of the transmitter, so we use robots instead of human beings to operate through the network The robot then looks at the invention room.

Now there are three artificial hatched wake apparatus manufacturing, elf evolution module. The original wizard can choose one from one wizard. When his partner travels the entire galaxy, he gets the latest information from him, collects data, provides evidence for invention, and cultivates it into the most advanced one in the universe The captain is a robot.

The main control room is a cabin made up of various navigation instruments. On the screen is the 's voyage plan of the galaxy. It takes a team of vanguard _percell_ to ensure the normal operation of all kinds of navigation instruments.

Therefore, this super space exploration spacecraft _Pu Pu Pu_ The _sell the road_ failure rate is almost zero, right.


关于航空宇宙的范文英语 第十九篇

General information geography is located in Midway Island on the east coast of the United States, south of Maryland, north of Virginia, and miles south of New York City Arundel, Calvert, Charles, Frederick, Howard, Montgomery and Prince George's Virginia county (Arlington, Faix, Lawden, Prince William and Stafford) and the city of Virginia (Arlington, Alexandria, Faix, Falls Church, Manassas and Manassas Park, covering an area of square miles, divided into four quadrants: Northwest, southwest, northeast and southeast of the . Capitol are the centers of quadrant intersections. Numbered streets run north-south, and alphabetic streets extend East and West (no J, x, y, or Z streets become disyllabic names.

When you go further from the center, streets named after the states in the United States are arranged diagonally and often intersect, so three syllable names appear in traffic Circle and square the highest is ft. the lowest is the sea level population in Washington, . the city and Wan Wei are more information about the entire metro area, the first industry after going to the .

Census Bureau industry is tourism, and other important industries include the domestic trade association, because Washington, ., is more legal, higher education, medical / medical research politics than any other American city Washington . is also the world headquarters of American Airlines, Marriott hotels, American railroads, Gannett news agency, mobil oil, MCI Telecom, etc. the climate of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has experienced four seasons of glory in Washington, usually from April to late October, it is warm weather, and the winter here is very warm Short, monthly rainfall more than snow, the average temperature also increased.


一般信息地理位于东海岸的中途岛,马里兰州以南,弗吉尼亚州以北,纽约市以南英里,特区大都会区是指哥伦比亚特区和马里兰州各县(Anne Arundel,Calvert,Charles,Frederick,Howard,_和乔治王子的维吉尼亚郡(阿灵顿、费尔法克斯、劳登、威廉王子和斯塔福德)和维吉尼亚市(阿灵顿、、费尔法克斯市、福尔斯教堂、马纳萨斯和马纳萨斯公园哥伦比亚特区面积平方英里,分为四个象限:西北、西南,国会大厦的东北部和东南部是象限交汇处的中心,编号街道南北走向,字母街道向东和向西延伸(没有J、X、Y或Z街道变为双音节名称,当您从中心走得更远时,以各州命名的街道呈对角线形排列,通常会相交,因此会出现三音节的名称在交通圈和上海拔最高的是英尺最低的是海平面人口大约在特区本市和万为整个地铁地区的更多信息,去人口普查局工业特区后的第一产业是旅游业其他重要产业包括在内贸易协会,因为特区比任何其他城市法律高等教育医学/医学研究相关研究和出版的协会都要多特区也是航空公司、万豪酒店、铁路公司、甘尼特新闻社、美孚石油公司、MCI电信公司等公司的世界总部国际货币基金组织(imf)的气候经历了四季的荣耀,通常从xx月到xx月下旬都是温暖的天气,这里的冬天很短,每月降雨量多于雪,平均气温也随之升高。








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