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收货注意事项范文英语 第一篇

The latest invention uses a small scanner that plugs into the audio input jack of a mobile device. When it swipes a card, it reads the information on the credit card. Instead of being stored on the device, the information is encrypted and sent to the bank through a secure channel.

It basically makes any mobile phone a cash register to accept the card payment. As a payer, you can Receive a receipt via e-mail, which is immediately and securely accessed online. You can also use text messages to authorize real-time payments.

Retailers can create a payer account for their customers, thus speeding up the payment process. For example, cardholders can assign photos to their cards so that their photos appear on a visual identity confirmation phone with a touch screen. Mobile devices also allow you to sign in for goods.



收货注意事项范文英语 第二篇

Dear Smith: Thank you. For the authentic Cherokee headdress you ordered in August, we will send it immediately because our headdress is fragile and we will deliver it to our customers in Oklahoma. The delivery date of Tulsa is Friday, that is to say, your headdress will arrive this Friday.

If you are not satisfied with this, please call us so that we can arrange other delivery dates. Thank you for your business. I am sure you will be very satisfied with our headdress.

We are looking forward to cooperating with you in the future. Sincerely your signature) Tamara Dear Mr. White, thank you for your quotation no.

of round steel bars. We regret to inform you that on June 1, we received 6 bundles of round steel bars of different grades in 8 batches. Because the packing was not strong enough, the hoops were broken during transportation.

Therefore, it is difficult to classify them and cause inconvenience and loss even though we have informed you in time However, this case shows that our opinion has been ignored because there has been no improvement on the packing before. We must get your promise to take effective measures to improve the packing before we place an order with you. We sincerely await your early reply.


亲爱的史密斯:谢谢对于您xx月份订购的正宗切罗基头饰,我们将立即寄出,因为我们的头饰易碎,我们将在俄克拉荷马州内亲手交付给我们的客户。塔尔萨的交货日是星期五,也就是说,您的头饰将于本周五到达,xx月如果您对此不满意,请致电我们,以便我们安排其他交货日期谢谢您的业务我相信您会对我们的头饰非常满意,我们期待着在未来与您合作真诚的您的签名)tamara White亲爱的先生,感谢你方第号圆钢棒报价单,很遗憾地通知你方,xx月xx日,我方收到的8批圆钢棒中,有6捆不同等级的圆钢,由于包装不够坚固,铁箍在运输过程中被折断,所以散乱混杂很难对它们进行分类,造成的不便和损失尽管我们已经及时通知了你方之前发生的这种不幸的事情,但本案表明我们的意见被忽视了,因为之前没有对包装进行任何改进,我们必须得到你方的承诺,在我们向你方订购这批新订单之前,要采取有效措施改进包装。我们真诚地等待你方早日答复。

收货注意事项范文英语 第三篇

How long does it usually take for you to deliver the goods? We will deliver the goods within three months after receiving the L / C. What about special orders? Special orders take longer, but in no case will it take more than six months. If we want the goods to be delivered in June, when do you have to open the L / C one month before your request for delivery? Can you ship more quickly? We hope you can deliver the goods quickly after receiving the L / C.

We can ship the goods within two to three weeks after receiving the L / C. I'd like to know if you can ship the goods in September. I'm afraid it's too late for us to ship the goods by the middle of October.

September is the season for this kind of goods in our market. The shipment should be completed before October, otherwise we will not be able to catch up with this season. When can you deliver the goods? Our earliest delivery time is early March.

You may know that the delivery time is very heavy for us I'm sorry that we can't make delivery ahead of time. I hope you can give us special consideration to our requirements. We will contact the manufacturer and see what they say.

We will try our best to advance the shipment to September. If we ship from Hong Kong, we can get the goods earlier. We hope the goods will be put on the market as soon as possible.

If we make Huangpu the port of shipment, can you deliver the goods by the end of March, not later than the first ten days of April.





收货注意事项范文英语 第四篇

Once, someone said that niteninga one equals zero, and he said why I didn't understand it until recently. Well, let me tell you what happened to me: This is a real example. It happened on Saturday morning, November 11.

On this sunny and breezy day, my roommates and three people went shopping together. Many people like to buy cheap land Fang, before I went there, I called it a big alley. Many friends told me to pay attention to your money.

So before I went, I thought that there was not much place to walk on the busy road. In order not to let my money fly away, I often touched my pocket. In order not to let my money fly away, I spent a lot of time and energy buying shoes for me.

Finally, in the process of bargaining, we used a lot of words to bargain with the merchants. I finally touched my pocket less than before. We dealt with half of the merchant's mark.

I'm glad to forget it again. It turns out that there's nothing in it. My brain suddenly goes blank.

My voice chokes. My face. In this case, I just want to say, never relax your vigilance, because ninety nine plus one equals zero and intermittent.



收货注意事项范文英语 第五篇

The latest invention uses a small scanner that plugs into the audio input jack of a mobile device. When it swipes a card, it reads the information on the credit card. Instead of being stored on the device, the information is encrypted and sent to the bank through a secure channel.

It basically makes any mobile phone a cash register to accept the card payment. As a payer, you can Receive a receipt via e-mail, which is immediately and securely accessed online. You can also use text messages to authorize real-time payments.

Retailers can create a payer account for their customers, thus speeding up the payment process. For example, cardholders can assign photos to their cards so that their photos appear on a visual identity confirmation phone with a touch screen. Mobile devices also allow you to sign in for goods.











热门标签: 注意事项 英语






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