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献给外婆的赞歌范文英语 第一篇


My grandmother has more than 60 years of age. She is not tall or short. She has black hair and a little hunchback. She has neither ears nor eyes, nor deep wrinkles on her face. It looks like its only fifty.


Grandma has been hardworking and thrifty all her life. She wore faded clothes all the year round and was reluctant to buy a good one. She never spent a cent. Grandma always rushes to do housework.


Grandma not only saves herself, but also doesnt let others waste. Once, I went to grandmas house for dinner. After eating, grandma put the leftovers in the refrigerator. When I saw it, I said to my grandmother, xxxyoure too frugal. Ill leave this order in the fridge. Why dont you throw it out?xxx my grandmother heard me and said to me with a heart and soul: xxxnow there are many people in poor areas who are short of food and clothing, hungry for a meal and full for a meal. They dont have food and clothing every day like us. Life is very difficult. Besides, its not easy for farmers to grow food. We should cherish the food even more! xxx


Grandma has never done anything earth shaking in her life, but her quality is worth learning. Im so happy and proud to have such a grandmother

献给外婆的赞歌范文英语 第二篇


My grandmother is an old man who has been in flower armour. But I still keep exercising every day, so Im always in good health.


Grandma has always lived in her hometown, because our family lives in the city. So I can only see grandma when I go back to my hometown. When I go back to my hometown, grandma is always the first one to meet my sister and me. Every time I see my sister and I, grandma is very happy. Her eyes are narrowed into a line. Grandma is usually very thrifty, even a new dress is not willing to buy, but every time we go to grandmas house. Grandma would bring out a lot of food.


Grandma likes sports best. She always said: xxxpeople should exercise more when they are alive, especially old people like me. This will not only make life interesting, but also increase life expectancy. xxx Because of grandmas words, our family like sports. So up to now, we are all very healthy.


Grandma also likes going out to play. For grandma, going out to play is to let us not leave regrets in our lives. So, with Grandmas blessing, every year when I go back home, my father always takes us everywhere.


I love my grandmother because she is an interesting old man!

献给外婆的赞歌范文英语 第三篇

Dear teacher, I am writing to you and thank you for your help in English learning and oral English. I've learned a lot from you these days, which helps me a lot. First of all, you let me know what is the Western way of thinking.

I think it is very important to understand the western thinking, which can help me to carry out examinations and communicate with foreigners. Secondly, I have enough confidence in your class's spoken English. It took me a long time to gain this confidence.

I always try to express my ideas in English as much as possible. Finally, I found that learning English is not as boring as before. I am very interested in learning English.

It is only a necessary task to pass the exam. Reading, listening and speaking have become interesting. I really do I'd like to thank you again for your time.

Eae8a2d xxx.





献给外婆的赞歌范文英语 第四篇

Dear Mr. / MS, I hope you have a pleasant flight. Thank you very much for your coming.

We hope you have a good time in China. Your arrival brings us some profound ideas, so that our company can better change our face. We are looking forward to more opportunities to meet you and learn from you faithfully.



献给外婆的赞歌范文英语 第五篇

Today, I went back to my mother's house. It's a long way. It took me two hours to come out to meet me.

I'm very happy to spend a lot of flowers in my mother's yard, including roses, peonies, orchids, etc. I went into the room, sat on the soft sofa, watched TV, chatted with my grandmothergrandma was a little old, with a few wrinkles on the corner of her eyes ‰ but in my heart, grandma was the most beautifulat night, I went to sleepI dreamt that grandma was waving to me, I had a sweet restI love my grandmother.



献给外婆的赞歌范文英语 第六篇

My grandma likes gardening very much. she is over sixty,but she is still busy with her grows all sorts of flowers and plants in her small interesting that all the flowers and plants in her garden grow well.


No matter when you come to visit her garden you can always find beautiful flowers grandmother doesnt just work hard in the garden. she sometimes sits in the middle and listens to music.


She says music helps the plants grow well. maybe that’s true.


My grandma is really a clever lady.









热门标签: 英语






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