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求职面试英语对话范文初中 第一篇



01. 面试篇—开场白 开场白 BRIEF INTRODUCTION 简介开场白(prolusion)有可能决定整个面试的基调。所谓“前三分钟定终身”,即你给面试考官的第一印象,从言谈举止到穿着打扮将直接影响到你被录取的机会。


1) May I come in? 我可以进来吗?

2) How are you doing, Mrs. Smith? 你好,史密斯女士。

3) Excuse me. May I see Mrs. Smith? 对不起,我可以见史密斯女士吗?

4) Miss Wu? Will you come in please? Take a seat. 吴小姐,请进,坐下吧。

5) I have come here for an interview by appointment. Nice to meet you. 我是应约来面试的,非常高兴见到你。

6) I am coming for an interview as required. 我是应邀来面试的。

求职面试英语对话范文初中 第二篇


Q1: Can you sell yourself in two minutes? Go for it.


Q2:Why are you interested in working for our company?

A: Because I can learn new things in your company, at the same time I can offer my services to you.

Q3: Why did you leave your last job?


A: Well, I am hoping to get an offer of a better position. If opportunity knocks, I will take it. A: I feel I have reached the _glass ceiling_ in my current job. I feel there is no opportunity for advancement.

求职面试英语对话范文初中 第三篇

Q: Can you sell yourself in two minutes? Go for it.


A: With my qualifications and experience, I feel I am hardworking, responsible and diligent in any project I undertake. Your organization could benefit from my analytical and interpersonal skills.


Q: Give me a summary of your current job description.


A: I have been working as a computer programmer for five years. To be specific, I do system analysis, trouble shooting and provide software support.

求职面试英语对话范文初中 第四篇

A: How long does it take to get here from your home? 从你家到公司要花多少时间。

B: It takes about 40 minutes. 大约 40 分钟。

A: Do you have any particular conditions that you would like the company to take into consideration? 你有需要公司特别考虑的事情吗?

B: Yes, do you have allowance for transportation as well a housing packages, medical insurance, unemployment insurance and annuity. 是的,你们有交通补贴、公积金、 医疗保险、失业保险及养老金吗?

What are your performance incentives and the bonus structure? 你们 的奖励、奖金系统是怎样的?

A: How can we get in touch with you? 怎样有跟你联系?

B: You can reach me at 62547833. 你可以打电话给我, 号码是 62547833。 How can I contact you when

A: we reach our decision? 我们决定后如何跟你联系?

B: You can call me at this number between 4 and 6 in the afternoon. 你可以在下午 4 点到 6 点之间用这个号码打电话给我。

A: Do you have any questions you would like to ask me? 还有问题要问吗?

B: What are the company's working hours? 公司的上下班时间是怎样的?

Would I have to work overtime very often? 是否要经常加班?

Would there be any opportunities to work abroad in the future? 将来有机 会到国外工作吗?

求职面试英语对话范文初中 第五篇

Cultural differences between China and the United States, Americans do not spit in restaurants or on the indoor floor, even on the sidewalk. If you have to spit, don't push or push to the front when you have to spit. When you eat, you should wait orderly.

Chew food with your mouth closed. Don't take things out of your mouth and put them on your napkin. If you want to take food out of your mouth and put it in your napkin, don't litter Garbage may be fined RMB, including anything.

Even if it's the name of an American with candy wrapping , then Americans will introduce themselves by their first name. For example, when Tom edisonius calls, he doesn't ask others whether the salary is OK, and don't tell others that they are fat. It's impolite for others to point out.

Don't ask older people Women should not make negative remarks about minorities. All Americans are equal. No matter the color of the skin, all drinks are cold, including boiled water.

But you can drink directly from the tap. Don't interrupt. You can ask people or their parents what they do (what do they do) don't talk to Americans in the cinema They need more personal space than Chinese people.

When talking to Americans, it makes them feel uncomfortable. Keep your hands on yourself until you know them. When same- hands hold hands, Americans think it's strange.

In America, there are many homoual phobias in front of street lights and wait for the lights to change before crossing the road. It's very important for you to ask questions in class.










热门标签: 初中 英语 范文






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