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军事英语下达任务范文 第一篇

President: Good morning. In times of war, the priority of the United States should be to make sure that our troops on the front line get the money they need, so since February, I have submitted to Congress detailed funding applications to fund operations in the war on terror. Unfortunately, Congress has a few months to pass the money.

It's only a few days before members leave the Christmas holiday. They still haven't got the money. This week, Congress deliberated a defense authorization bill.

The authorization bill promises to spend money under such a bill. Congress will promise to provide combat funds for our army, but the promise of Congress is that It's time for Congress to actually fund our troops. Our soldiers and women are at great risk on the front line, and our forces are fighting terrorists and extremists in Iraq and Afghanistan, and these funds are critical to their continued success.

The money I'm asking for includes funds for operations against the enemy, including training Iraqi and Afghan security forces to take more responsibility for defending their country, including Civilian agencies deployed in the field provide funding for the military to help build local government and create jobs, including funds for intelce operations to protect our troops on the battlefield. Congress has enough time to consider the emergency funding that our military needs, and time is running out, Pentagon officials said. If we continue to delay funding our troops, there will soon be a military assembly responsibility.

The devastating impact on our military operations is obvious: they must provide important funding for our troops, and they must finish before Christmas It's a mission. Our men and women on the front line will spend this holiday far away from their families and loved ones, and this Christmas, they should get more than words. Congress should take action.

Thank you for listening.




军事英语下达任务范文 第二篇

The arrival of September means the beginning of the new semester. Many freshmen come to the campus. The first thing they do is to go to military training.

Some people question military training. They think it is unnecessary. In my opinion, students don't have to be soldiers.

Military training needs military training. Military training can cultivate strong willed students. Most students live with their parents before they go to school Under the protection, they don't have much life experience.

Military training is hard. In the process of training, students can endure hard time to adapt to the coming life. Military training can teach students to abide by the rules.

As we all know, the duty of soldiers is to obey orders. So students will have the awareness of abiding by the rules when they come to study. They know what they should do and what they should refuse.

There is no doubt that military training is very important, though difficult, which is good for students.



军事英语下达任务范文 第三篇

Gaius Julius Caesar, usually referred to as Julius Caesar for short, is a Roman military and political leader and one of the most influential figures in the history of the world. He played a key role in the transition from the Roman Republic to the Roman Empire. His conquest of Gaul extended the Roman world all the way to the Atlantic Ocean.

He was also responsible for the first Roman invasion of Britain. He led his army through Rubicon. In BC, Caesar caused civil war.

After taking over the government, he became the undisputed of the Roman world. He began a wide-ranging reform of Roman society and government, he was declared a dictator for life, and he severely concentrated the bureaucracy of the Republic, which forced a friend of Caesar, Marcus Junius Brutus, to conspire with others to murder the dictators and restore the Republic. The dramatic assassination took place on March 3 ., leading to another Roman civil war.

Two years after his assassination, the Roman Senate officially honored him as one of the Roman gods. Caesar's military actions are detailed in his own written comments (the commentary and many details of his life are recorded by later historians, such as apian, Suetonius, Plutarch, Cassius Dior and Strabo. Other information can be collected from other contemporary sources, such as letters and speeches by Caesar's political opponent Cicero, catu Luce's poetry and the works of the historian Sallust.


盖尤斯·朱利叶斯·凯撒(Gaius Julius Caesar),通常简称为朱利叶斯·凯撒,是罗马军事和领袖,也是世界历史上最有影响力的人物之一。他在罗马共和国向罗马帝国的转变过程中发挥了关键作用。他对高卢的征服将罗马世界一直延伸到大西洋,他还对公元前罗马第一次入侵不列颠负有责任,率领他的军团穿越卢比肯,公元前,凯撒引发内战,在接管后,他成为罗马世界无可争议的主人。

他开始对罗马社会和进行广泛的改革,他被宣布为终身者,他严重集中了共和国的官僚机构,这迫使凯撒的一位朋友马库斯·朱尼乌斯·布鲁图斯(Marcus Junius Brutus)与其他人合谋者并恢复共和国。这一戏剧性的暗发生在公元前xx月xx日,并导致公元前另一场罗马内战,在他遇刺两年后,罗马元老院正式将他尊为罗马神之一。凯撒的军事行动在他自己的书面评论中有详细的记载(评注和他生活的许多细节都被后来的历史学家记录,如阿皮安、苏伊托尼乌斯、普鲁塔克,卡西乌斯·迪奥和斯特拉博的其他信息可以从其他当代资料中收集到,例如凯撒的对手西塞罗的信件和演讲、卡图卢斯的诗歌和历史学家萨卢斯特的著作。


军事英语下达任务范文 第四篇

Col. Oliver North told his team that none of the peace talks held in Paris during the Vietnam War had yielded results. The .

military command hoped that a North Vietnamese soldier would be captured to prove the accusation that Hanoi sent troops to the DMZ one night in violation of the cease-fire agreement. _We want to capture_ was discovered by the north without hesitation when no quarry was found in the DMZ A dozing enemy crossed the border. He silently motioned one of his men to follow him across the border.

He wounded and subdued the North Vietnamese sentry, and carried him back to headquarters like a bag of potatoes.



军事英语下达任务范文 第五篇

Military training in our country, when we go to middle school, we must take part in the military training that most students are afraid of, because the training often takes place in the hot summer, the summer weather is too hot to stand, and the students have to stay outside all day, training is very difficult, students must learn to become a solder, they must abide by many in their daily life do not And the trainers are very strict with the students. They really care about us as patiently as our teachers. However, military training is a good way to cultivate students' strong willpower.

It is useful and necessary for students' life.










热门标签: 英语 范文






瑞雪兆丰年,万事吉祥绕。爆竹声声啸,送来好运到。烟花四处跑,老少都欢笑。灯笼门前照,生活步步高。祝虎年快乐幸福!以下是i乐德范文网为您整理的《喜迎新春贺词祝福词》,供大家参考。  1.喜迎新春贺词祝福词  1、鸿运当头虎年报,吉祥如意万

礼仪范文 2023-03-31


小年到来新年临,屋内屋外打扫净。窗户明亮旧如新,事事如意人顺心。恭送灶王迎福音,快快乐乐新年迎。祝小年快乐!i乐德范文网搜集的《小学生小年英语祝福短信》,仅供大家借鉴!【篇一】 1. Warmest thoughts and best wishes fr

祝福短信 2023-03-31


1、有些事并不因时光流逝而褪去,有些人不因不常见面而忘记,记忆里你是我永远朋友。在这迎新之际,恭祝万事如意!  2、小年一到,祝福相告,没有烦恼,开心重要,没有疾病,健康重要,没有压抑,顺心重要,没有孤单,朋友重要,小年快乐。  3、辞旧迎新送灶王,招财纳

礼仪范文 2023-03-31


一副对联写喜庆,一纸窗花剪吉祥,一排灯笼照前程,一声爆竹迎春风,一盘饺子包希望,一碗汤圆庆团圆,一杯美酒盛祝福,一句祝福传关怀.新年快乐!以下是i乐德范文网为您整理的《好友微信朋友圈新春祝福短信》,希望大家能够喜欢。  【篇一】  1、人生的确很累,看你如

祝福短信 2023-03-31


辞旧迎新小年忙,送走灶王迎吉祥。陈年旧梦如云烟,新年到来一扫光。新春新景新气象,开开心心如愿偿。祝愿大家小年安康,笑容绽放!以下是i乐德范文网为您整理的《小年夜qq好友经典祝福寄语》,供大家参考。  小年夜qq好友经典祝福寄语篇一  1、腊月二十三,小年来

礼仪范文 2023-03-31



祝福短信 2023-03-31