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通知报名足球篮球范文英文 第一篇



Boys and girls, may I have your attention, please? We will have a

sports meeting next Friday. The meeting will be held on the playground of our

school, from 8 o'clock in the morning till 5 o'clock in the afternoon. Anybody

who would like to take part in the competitions? Just come on and join in!

Also, we would like to remind you to make sure you can arrive on time. Thank


the Students' Union April 13th,20_




通知报名足球篮球范文英文 第二篇

The basketball match was scheduled to start at 8:00 . on Friday night. Before that, people began to arrive at the gymnasium at seven o'clock.

The seats were almost full of school bands. There they were wearing yellow and black uniforms. They started the at about a quarter past eight.

Everyone stood up. When the was about to start, two teams ran to the referee and whistled. At the beginning of the , the basketball was divided into two parts Half, each half is divided into two quarters, five minutes before the second half, there is a break between the two teams, since then the score draw, the is very wonderful, first a team to throw a basket, and then the others cheered, everyone is thinking which team will win, the ball hit the edge of the basket, seems to hang for a while, then the ball fell out of the basket, the whistle sounded, the ended No, the home team won.



通知报名足球篮球范文英文 第三篇



常用的称呼语有“Comrades and friends”、“Boys and girls”、“Teachers and fellow students”、“Ladies and gentlemen”,也有的不用开头语,直接开始。④口头通知的一些常用的开头语和结束语。

开头语 结束语Any questions? Does everyone understand? That's all. Thank you. 精选范文①Please be quiet, everyone. There's something you need to know. As our teacher is ill, we're to have reading class together with the students of Class Three today. Please take your benches with you to their classroom. The oral class will be put off until tomorrow. That's all. Thank you. ②Attention please, comrades. There is going to be a talk on American Family in the Lecture Hall this afternoon. It'll be given by an American professor _____ Mr. Smith. Those who want to attend please be there at 2∶30 Any question? If no, that's all. Thank you. ③Listen, please, I have something important to tell you. We're going to hold a get-together with some foreign students at 7∶00 p. m. on Friday in the Foreign Student's Dining Hall. Any one who wants to take part in it, please be there on time. Thank you. ④Ladies and gentlemen, Listen, please. This afternoon we're going to visit the Great Wall, the bus will stop at the foot of the Great Wall. Three hours later, we'll get together here and back to the hotel. When you go to visit the Great Wall, please take your valuable things with you. And remember to come back to the bus at five o'clock. Do be there on time. Does everyone understand? Since everyone understands very well. Thank you. 练习①假如你是班长,利用课余时间告诉你的同班同学,本星期六下午4∶00在本班教室召开班会,主题是:如何保持教室干净、整洁。请同学们准备好发言。

(字数:60~80左右)参考词语将……四处扔to throw…about 对……危害to do harm to 吐痰to spit 保持……干净go keep…clean 准备好to get ready for ②假如你是学生会主席,通知各班团支部书记今天下午4∶30在会议室开会,讨论本学期打算开展哪些活动等事宜。(字数:60左右)参考词语讨论……活动 to discusse … activities 团支书the secretaries of League Branch 出席to be present ③假如你是班上的体育委员,你班下星期一准备和(6)班进行一场篮球赛。

请非队员的同学到时到学校篮球场观看,为本班球队喝彩助威。(字数:60左右)参考词语参加比赛to take part in the match 应邀to be invited to 喝彩助威to cheer up 篮球场basketball court ④假如你是语文课代表,通知全班同学,因语 文老师生病,请假2天,这两天的语文课改上自习,完成练习册第52页上的练习,另外预习好第16课课文。

(字数:60~80左右)参考词语请两天假to ask for two days leave 自学to study by ourselves ⑤假如你是生活委员,通知学生今天下午第七节课进行大扫除。分工情况:男同学整理桌凳,打扫墙壁,女同学擦门窗、桌凳等。

同学们按照自己的分工情况带好工具。(字数:60~80左右)参考词语进行大扫除to have a general clean-up 分成to be divided into 扫把broom 抹布mop ⑥假如你是英语课代表,通知你班同学今天上午第三节课到学校语音室上英语口语课,请同学们带好口语课本,另外在语言实验室要遵守规则,不得损坏设备,否则是要被罚款的。

(字数:60左右)参考词语语言实验室language lab 遵守规则to keep the rules of… 损坏设备to damage the equipment 罚款to fine ⑦假如你是班长,请通知学生听一个访美报告,时间是12月20日下午3点,地点为205会议室,主讲人是刚访美归国的李明华教授。内容:美国中学教育。

每个同学各带一至二名外校学生参加,要求不要迟到,本年级同学会后留下来讨论。(字数:60~80左右)参考词语美国中学教育American high school education 允许to be allowed to do something 期望be expected to 进行讨 fire alarm 被……困住to be trapped by 乘电梯to take the lift 随身携带to take…with 及其危害 参考词语飓风及危害the hurricane and its damage从……学到……to learn…from… 叫《龙卷风》的电影a film called“Twister”出席讲座to attend the lecture 随身带to bring…with… 举办英语晚会 【内容提示】 假定你是天津一中的学生会主席。

为促进学校全体老师和学生的英语学习,你校将举办英语晚会。现请你以学生会的名义写一份约100词的英文书面通知,欢迎全校老师和同学们参加:内容:1.晚会时间:下周五晚 8∶00—10∶002.晚会地点:学校大会议室3.晚会节目:英语故事、歌曲、诗歌及短剧等 届时还请在本校工作的美籍教师及夫人、子女参加,他们将要表演精彩的节目。

【作文示范】 An English Evening to Be Held Notice It is our great desire to improve our English studies to a 。

通知报名足球篮球范文英文 第四篇

About FriendshipFriendship is a kind of human relations. It is a human instinct to make in trouble, weneed friends to offer us help, support and encouragement. With success achieved, we also need friends to share our is also one of the greatest pleasures that we can enjoy. It implies loyalty, cordiality, sympathy, affection,and readiness to help. No man can make the most of his life without carefully and conscientiously striving to win the right kind of friends as he goes how valuable friendship is, we should be very careful in making friends. Real friends are those who have good character, superior ability and kindness of heart. Real friends can share all our sorrows and double all our making friends, we should take care to select those who have such fine qualities. Then we should treat our friends with courtesy, be careful not to interfere unreasonably with them,and not to ridicule their proceedings. We should five their failures and do our best to help them. In short, when we have established friendship, we ought to cherish and treasure it by means of words and deeds. Only thus, can we develop real friendship and keep the sacred lamp of friendship burning all our life.关于友谊友谊是一种人际关系。














Football is the most popular ball in the and more people like watching football can't sleep or eat when their teams are shout for their think many Chinese football player have done better match after match since the Professional Football league of China was set we still have a long way to go to Asia and to the should learn from foreign players and coaches must be Wanda,Shanghai Shenhua and Guangd0ng Apollo are among the best.

通知报名足球篮球范文英文 第五篇

The school festival arrives, the sports is going to come! A fierce tug-of-war is going on in Grade Four!The players in the wide arena are rubbing their hands, as if itching to drag the opposite side in front of their own face immediately. Look at the students around, all with burning blood, as if they also want to participate of our teammates are like bean sprouts, but half of the opponents are heavy, laughing at us with “bad smile”, seeming to bring us down only by laughing! Some of them squat with horse stance, with their teeth clenched, tauten the rope; Some put the rope around their shoulders, sideways, with bow legs, seemingly there are a few large pots of braised pork ribs tied on the other side of the is another xxxheavyweightxxx, simply pulls the rope, sitting on the ground with a butt, with leisurely appearance, seemingly he could not be moved at all even by ten big trucks. The huge physical gap between the two sides is quite obvious. Two xxxherculesxxx of us can only pull one of their “fatty” reluctantly, not to mention the xxxpencil neckedxxx! And sure enough, the xxxheavyweightxxx sitting on the ground stands up, turns around, steps forward, an explosion, all of us wiped out!The second round: we've changed the strategy – defensing is the best policy. At the beginning, we only pull with less energy, to guarantee not to be pulled over the boundary line, to leave enough strength to withstand their xxxexplosionxxx. Sure enough, the outbreak comes, at the same time, we also break out! As we expected, the obese guys despise their enemy, coupled with poor stamina, stand off with us for a while,then discouraged, we fall swoop!The decisive third round finally arrives! xxxA fall into the pit, a gain in your witxxx, the obese people don't use brute force, but with balanced strength. Ha, opportunity comes again! Now that you don't do it, it's our turn! All of us players pull together, with full effort, one, two, three! The libra of victory completely pulls to us in the moment!We are winners! At the moment, the field is full of applause, merged into the ocean of joy!。

通知报名足球篮球范文英文 第六篇



Dear Jack:How are you going these days? I am Black. Are you busy these days? Have you watched any football matches recently? I have good new to tell you. There will be an exciting football match next Friday in my school. It will be the most striking hour for the school sports festival of this year. Do remember to e. It will begin at 14:00. I am looking forward to your ing. Black 补充:你的提示文字汉语思维有些浓厚,所以稍作修改。

通知报名足球篮球范文英文 第七篇

The basketball is scheduled to start at 8:00 . on Friday, and long before that, people began to arrive at the gymnasium before seven o'clock. The seats were almost full.

The school band was there. They were in yellow and black uniforms. They started the at about 8:15.

Everyone stood up. People sang that when the was about to start, the two teams ran to the referee and whistled. The basketball match started The is divided into two halves.

Each half is divided into two halves. Five minutes before the second half, there is a break between the two halves. Since then, the score draws.

The is very wonderful. First, one team throws a basket, and then the other team cheers. Everyone is thinking about which team will win.

The ball hits the basket and seems to hang for a while. Then the ball falls out of the basket and the whistle rings At the beginning of the , they were the best team in our school. I could only see the ball passing from one to the other.

It was really a wonderful match. At the end of the match, the whole class won the first prize, and the class warmly congratulated them for truly embodying xxxfriendshipxxx The sports spirit of xxxfirst, competition secondxxx.




通知报名足球篮球范文英文 第八篇

This week, we began to study the course about TEM-4, because we need to take this exam next year. It is very important for our English major. It is a good way to show others our English level. Although TEM-8 is better, there are not too many people will pass it according our teacher. So, TEM-4 is the chance for many students. It is very shamed to tell other people that I fell in TEM-4. Thus, our teacher divided several parts of the exam content. Several excellent teachers will pick up their adept part to teach us. I found that every part of it is not easy to learn. Put aside the other parts, just talk about the dictation part. It is a real headache. I feel difficulty both in listening in the sentence and writing it down. Usually, I can only catch a little. Although my teacher fort me that I need time to improve and I just start for a week, I still feel worried about it. Can I have the hope to pass TEM-4?这周我们开始学习关于专四的课程了,因为我们明年就要参加这一门考试了。















通知报名足球篮球范文英文 第九篇


Dear students,The students who attend English speech composition,attention please.

time:Saturday 9am to 11am

address:the first middle school in ***city

together at the school gate at 7am

at school on time,telling each other

(time for deliverying the notice):27th November

通知报名足球篮球范文英文 第十篇

Dear Miss JooZone,

An English speech contest is going to be hold in our school for our students in order to improve their oral English and create a better environment for speaking English. It will be hold at room X on the Xth floor in the XXXX (teaching) building at XX:00 am/pm, Dec. XXth. From .


The first three winners will be given prizes. We will have five English teachers and a student representative as judges. We are inviting you to come to our contest and we will be very honored if you could come.


通知报名足球篮球范文英文 第十一篇

Dear , Thank you for reading my letter!I am Candy,and my Chinese name is Li Xiaofang,a sophomore from Liberal Arts wish to remend myself to be the student chief inspector of English Festival 20_. Yesterday,I asked Mia whether you had decided who would be the student chief inspector because I wanted to ask Samuel to send me the proposal and other materials of EF 20_ in 'm afraid I can not get in touch with him after was told that teachers hadn't decided yet and I should wait for the result until the end on May because they had to make the decision with occurred to me that I should not be the person who just waits for the is wise for me to send you a letter to remend myself to this I spare no effort to apply for it,no matter what the result is,I will not be regretful. I think my willingness to accept responsibility qualifies me to arrange some English have been a staff in EL for nearly o years and the leader of publicity department for more than one 20_,I worked as a volunteer in Cross Country and this year,I also deal with the promotion work for Cross year,I would like to work for EF as a volunteer; however I lost the chance because I hadn't sent my application form quickly learnt from such experience,this time,I would like to try my best to pursue what I want. I am confident that the knowledge I have gained has prepared me for making contributions to order to have a good mand of English,I keep improving plan to spend this summer vocation to develop my capability,especially my I was given a chance to be the student chief inspector of EF,I will be more willing to be a "self-starter",since I know my responsibility of this position. I sincerely hope to put up for this I may provide you with any further information in your consideration of me,please feel free to contact me or you can ask Paul about is my English teacher and I believe he can remember forward to hearing from again for your time!








热门标签: 英文 通知







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