
更新时间:2024-03-11 11:17:41 发布时间:24小时内 作者:文/会员上传 下载docx

英语模仿给同学写信范文 第一篇

Dear XXX, I am very happy to receive your letter. I will tell you my summer vacation plan after the final exam. First, I will learn driving.

I think driving is useful. Second, I will learn some English courses. Third, I will visit some tourist attractions.

It must be very exciting. Finally, I will read you during the holiday. I hope you can have a good holiday.



英语模仿给同学写信范文 第二篇

Dear Henry, I'm glad to hear from you. Thank God, I only know today is so beautiful, I finally finished the college entrance examination, which makes me surprised and relaxed. You know, when you sit in a boring classroom every day, I'm tired of studying, but now I'm very comfortable.

I'll have a good rest in the future. Playing basketball and cycling are my favorite sports. During this period of time, I can have a good time every day.

I will also read some world famous works and learn a lot from them. Of course, I will accompany my dear parents to my hometown or other places to participate in social activities, from which I can not only enrich my experience, but also better contact with the society. Finally, thank you for your help, Li Hua.




英语模仿给同学写信范文 第三篇

A few years ago, a new tuition policy was implemented, and college students were required to pay a certain amount of money. Now, all students, no matter what subject they are engaged in, must pay tuition fees. Students have many ways to finance their university education.

Most students require their parents to pay for tuition fees and their books, accommodation and other expenses. A student can also apply for scholarship Most universities offer scholarships to poor students who perform well in entrance examinations, reward those who do well in the college entrance examination and those who do well in the University. In addition to the above, students can apply for low interest loans.

As far as I am concerned, part-time job is also a common way for college students to earn money to pay part of their tuition fees. I prefer to get scholarships, which means that I must study hard and be a top student. This has always been my goal.

The task of a student is to study. In addition to solving my economic problems, getting a scholarship can also prove my ability, which is good for my future development direction For this part, suppose you are written by Zhang Ying, allowing you to write a letter for 30 minutes to Xiao Wang. One of your classmates wants to come to see you in a week's vacation.

You should write a letter to a classmate according to the following suggestions: Dear Xiao Wang, yours, Zhang Ying, dear Xiao Wang, I'm glad to know that you will come to see my parents in a week's holiday See you again, I believe you will enjoy every minute here. I know you like to swim in a river not far from my home. We can go swimming there.

I think it will be very pleasant and refreshing to swim in such a hot summer. Every big room in my house has an air conditioner and can watch TV. We can enjoy the beautiful mountain scenery two miles away from the top of the mountain.

We don't need to be here Before we took everything to the mountain, we can take you to enjoy the beautiful mountain scenery, I look forward to seeing you soon.



英语模仿给同学写信范文 第四篇

A letter to the Minister of education. Your composition must be based on the following description (the composition in Chinese should not be less than words. Remember to write a letter to the Minister of education.

Dear Minister of education, I am a college student. I would like to suggest that students have a few short breaks in a year instead of traditional long holidays. I agree with the following reasons: students must study very hard.

If they work too long without rest, they may become overworked and discouraged, and they may lose their enthusiasm for learning. Second, long holidays are not necessary. Students can replenish their energy in a few days instead of weeks.

Many students don't use long holidays wisely. They just waste time instead of doing it Some meaningful and lasting things, but not least, holidays give students time to explore other interests and perhaps apply what they have learned to the real world. If they are always focused on learning, they may lose their understanding of what is happening in society.

I believe that students today can benefit more from a few short holidays than from two long holidays. I hope you can consider my suggestion and make the final wise decision, your sincere Li Wen.




英语模仿给同学写信范文 第五篇

A letter to the manager, I am a senior student of Tsinghua University skating club. I am writing this letter to invite you to sponsor our club. I assure you that your sponsorship of our club will greatly benefit your company.

Our club is set up by skating enthusiasts in regular activities, such as tour performance. Undoubtedly, by sponsoring our club, you can establish your brand image and popularity among many college students. In addition, skating itself is a sport full of passion and enthusiasm.

This spirit fits perfectly with your brand image, which is why we want you to be our sponsor. In addition, you can also know that by participating in our club activities, you can learn more about college students and fashion trends. Based on the above reasons, you can inspire the inspiration to launch new products.

I firmly believe that our cooperation will achieve win-win results. Please consider my words, any reply from you will be very grateful for your trust.




英语模仿给同学写信范文 第六篇

Dear pen pal, I usually get up at the following time: I usually brush my teeth the next day, I have breakfast after breakfast, I play table tennis with my friends for two hours, I usually have lunch at the following time: in the second half of the night, I play basketball for four hours with my friends, I have dinner: after supper, I sleep time: my study condition is very good.



英语模仿给同学写信范文 第七篇

I'm glad to learn that you will come to see me during the week-long holiday. My parents are also very happy to see you again. I believe you will enjoy every minute here.

I know you like to swim in a river not far from my home. We can go there to swim. I think it will be very pleasant and refreshing to swim in such a hot summer.

There is an air conditioner in every big room of my house, and we can stay at home It's very comfortable to watch TV, play VCD or read books. A mountain about two miles away is beautiful and worth visiting. When we get to the top of the mountain, we can walk there.

We can enjoy the beautiful scenery of the whole village. Just call me before we leave. You don't need to bring anything.

Get everything ready. I'm looking forward to seeing you soon.











热门标签: 同学 英语 范文






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