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最敬佩的人高考英语范文 第一篇

Set a thief to catch a thief, a short account to make a long friend, something is better than nothing to learn well, forget quickly, words quickly rotten is silver, silence is gold, strike iron while hot belongs to the persevering person, go with the wind and waves, set an example to teach others, the best heart is always the bravest best man tripped up the cat, closed his eyes when stealing, er passed God has forgotten the darkest moment. The darkest place near dawn is the darkest place under the candlestick. The devil knows a lot of things because he is old.

Sometimes the devil will tell the truth. The early bird catches the worm. The proof is over.

The end makes all equal. The farthest place with eyes bigger than belly is the nearest road to home. The best diamond must be cut.

Fire is the test of gold. The strong man in adversity The first step is that the fox knows the only difficulty. He thus loses his tail.

The fox preys on the frog in the well at the farthest place from home. He knows nothing about the sea. The grass on the other side is greener.

The more impractical people climb up and fall more heavily, the leopard can't change its spots. The more modest and resourceful the fox is, the less courage the outsider can see Every problem has two sides. There is a skeleton in the cupboard.

There is no general rule. There is no medicine. There is no place like home.

There is no shortcut. The tongue is not steel. But the water it cuts carries the boat.

Swallow it. The wise man knows nothing Tao, the fool thought he knew that all wolves had a winning . When shepherds quarreled, the world was a ladder.

Some people went up and some people went down the world. After all, they thought twice.




最敬佩的人高考英语范文 第二篇

The person I admire most once was my lei Feng. I was moved by his readiness to help others, and the spirit of selfless dedication. And now, the person I admire most is Peng Liyuan.

At first I know her as a famous folk singer. She has a lot of works, mostly are widely known. Among them I like On The Hopeful Field the most. She is loved by people. She is the the general political department song and dance troupe head of Chinese people s Liberation Army, national level actors, civilian cadres of the people s Liberation Army, and part-time professor of Peking university.

Now she has another title, our president Xi Jinping s wife, first lady of our country. She is such an excellent person! She has earned a lot of glory for Chinese women, setting a great example for our female. How can I don t admire such a person?

最敬佩的人高考英语范文 第三篇

The person I admire is my mum. She is an English teacher. She is very popular among the students because she spends lots of time on her lessons and has a good sense of humor. Students all enjoy her class.

My mum is not only a good teacher, but also a great mother. She is patient with me and always smiling while talking. My mum teaches me how to think independently and helps me to build up my confidence. When I have some difficulties in my studies, it is my mum who encourages me to work until I solve the problem. When I’m feeling sad or bad, it is also my mum who looks after me with care.

I remember when I caught a fever at midnight last year, my mum took me to the hospital as fast as she could. When we got home after my injection, it was about 5 o’clock in the early morning. My mum only slept 2 hours because she had to wake up at 7 o’clock to prepare breakfast for me, and then she went to work. She must be very tired that day.

My mum is not very beautiful, but I admire and love her.

最敬佩的人高考英语范文 第四篇

My most admired person used to be my Lei Feng. He was willing to help others and his spirit of selfless dedication moved me. Now, the person I admire most is Peng Liyuan.

At the beginning, I knew that she was a famous folk singer. She had a lot of works, among which the most widely known was my favorite hope field. She was the head of the song and dance troupe of the General Political Department of the people's Liberation Army, a national first-class actor, China A civilian cadre of the people's Liberation Army, an adjunct professor of Peking University, and now she has another title.

How can I admire such a great lady, such a great lady like our president Xi Jinping?.



最敬佩的人高考英语范文 第五篇

Hello, my friends and I, everyone, I have a friend. Her name is Amy. We are in the same class.

She studies harder than meI'm M. she is cm. So she is taller than mesh.

She likes to take pictures. I'm many years old, but Amy is already. So she's older than me.

She's older than me. What about you and your friends.


我和我的朋友你好,每个人我都有一个朋友她叫amy我们在同一个班她比mei'm m学习更努力她是cm所以她比Mesh高她很喜欢拍照片我很多岁但是amy已经岁了所以她比我大她比我大你和你的朋友呢。













小学毕业简短 励志祝福语

一眨眼,六年的光阴过去了,马上,我们就将分离,但我相信,不论世界如何变迁,我们之间深厚的友谊是永远都不会改变的。愿你在新的生活中交到更多新的朋友,在知识的海洋中自由的翱翔,天天开心!以下是i乐德范文网为您整理的《小学毕业简短 励志祝福语》,供大家赏阅。  

日常祝福语 2023-04-20


毕业了,多么想留住那些温暖的日子,但又多么渴望着能早日投进生活的洪流。那以往的同窗生活,是一串甜美的糖葫芦;那迷人的甜与酸,将永远回味不完。i乐德范文网搜集的《恭喜研究生毕业祝福语》,供大家参考阅读,更多内容 ,请访问祝福语频道。  【篇一】  1、如果你

日常祝福语 2023-04-20


如果时间是一条曲线,我愿你看到更多的是美丽新鲜!如果生活是一个平面,我愿你得到更多的是健康一面!如果说生命是一方立体,我愿你的存在是快乐独特,幸福,无人代替!i乐德范文网搜集的大学毕业祝福贺词10字,供大家参考阅读,更多内容 ,请访问祝福语频道。  【篇一

礼仪范文 2023-04-20


新春的钟声已经响起,深深的思念已经传递,暖暖的问候藏在心底,真心的祝愿全部送给你。祝你春节快乐,万事如意,财运滚滚,一生平安!i乐德范文网搜集的《给父母的新春拜年短信》,供大家参考阅读,更多内容 ,请访问祝福语频道。  【篇一】  恭祝猪年吉祥:旺狗贺岁,

礼仪范文 2023-04-20


请带着一颗求知的心走吧。毕业只是学习阶段的一个小结,而不是学习生涯的结束,当代社会需要终身学习。生活之树长青,社会这所没有围墙的大学将更加精彩,好好去读生活这本大书吧。以下是i乐德范文网为您整理的《大学老师毕业寄语【三篇】》,供大家参考。   【篇一

礼仪范文 2023-04-20


百天两字真好写,幸福快乐很开心;家家户户来祝贺,世世代代情意深;朋友送上真挚语,愿你健康平安这一生;更愿宝贝百天快乐成长。欢迎来到i乐德范文网,本文是为您特别搜集的《女儿满一百天父母寄语》,欢迎鉴赏!  【篇一】  1.宝贝,从你的降临到今天已经天了,祝你

礼仪范文 2023-04-20