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用英语推销电脑范文翻译 第一篇

He said: in our life, we live in a world of advertising. We see and hear advertisements. No one can avoid the influence of advertisements.

Radio, television and computer make advertising attract millions of people. Therefore, it has become an important part of our daily life. On the one hand, advertising, on the other hand, while trying to introduce products and activities to people, also provides us with a lot of up-to-date information.

In order to make an advertisement, many people have to work together, so with the advertisement The development of advertising, in a word, creates a lot of job opportunities and is an important business.



用英语推销电脑范文翻译 第二篇

a: Good morning, sir. Welcome to our booth. b: Thank you very much.

Your booth is very well arranged. a: Thank you for your compliment. Would you like to have a seat? B: Thank you.

I'm the manager of the import department of XYZ Ltd. Here's my business card a: nice to meet you. I'm glad to have the opportunity to recommend our latest laser and electronic products this year.

Our product represents the development trend of the next decade. B: what about function a? A: this kind of product is very popular in the foreign market because of its excellent quality, competitive price and honest transaction. B: I'd like to have a look at the sample first.

A: OK, this is the latest export product of this year. B: Thank you for your catalog. I'd like to buy some copies for careful study a: Here you are, I believe I am Our products will arouse your interest.

B: great. Thank you for your introduction. We can find them in our market.

A: I'm glad to hear that you take the time to look around and welcome you to our factory. B: of course, I plan to visit some factories after the fair. Which province are you from? A: Zhejiang Province B: really, there are famous light industries there.

A: of course. B: I hope we can Doing business together a: I hope so.




用英语推销电脑范文翻译 第三篇

The GPS function of the goods I sell can only be realized in China. If your son doesn't use it in China, I don't suggest you buy it. But if your son works in China, I'd like to provide services.

Can you confirm that your son really needs this thing.



用英语推销电脑范文翻译 第四篇

According to a recent survey, about a quarter of households have computers. In addition, many rural residents are more and more interested in computers. Some even buy computers for their children's study.

Some people buy them for work or even for entertainment. We are really surprised how middle school students use computers, but some of them use computers to find useful information about playing s and watching VCDs or listening to music on computers. In my opinion, we should make better use of our best computer invention -- computer.



用英语推销电脑范文翻译 第五篇

My winter vacation my winter vacation was great. Although I had a lot of homework to do during the holiday, I didn't feel unhappy about it after all. This is the beginning of the year.

I didn't want to start this year's study with anger. So I finished all my homework quickly and found myself a time to relax and sleep for at least several hours every day, even if I didn't sleep on normal school days Foot, I also watched some TV programs and played some computer s, but due to the cold weather, I seldom go out for exercise. Another reason is that this holiday is great, because I get a lot of red pocket money from my parents and friends, and I plan to use it wisely: I can deposit it in the bank, or I can deposit it in my bank, I can buy myself some electronic products, such as a new mobile phone or a new computer.

Anyway, I had a great winter vacation.




用英语推销电脑范文翻译 第六篇

If you pay attention, you will see a lot of dating advertisements around you, such as newss, TV, computers and so on. Do you think these advertisements are reliable? I don't think that the information in these advertisements may be forged, because everyone sometimes publishes their own information and requirements for the date. In order to attract more people, they will make exaggerated changes to their information.

As a result, generally speaking, the people in the advertisement are different from the people in reality, which is always disappointing. I think dating is wide It's not reliable.



用英语推销电脑范文翻译 第七篇

It plays an important role everywhere. I think the most important invention is light. It's simple, but it works for everyone.

It can shine and let people see at night, so I think it's a symbol of hope. Why is it so wonderful in our lives. Finally, I want light to shine everywhere and at any time.




用英语推销电脑范文翻译 第八篇

Explanation: in this section, you can write an advertisement on your campus website to promote the computers you used in University. Your advertisement may include its brand, specifications / features, condition and price, as well as your contact information. With the development of college life, you should at least write a few words, but not more than words.

With the increasingly busy computer, the computer plays an important role in college students' learning and communication. However, as college students who don't have much money, it may be difficult for us to afford a brand-new computer. Therefore, my computer may be an alternative for you.

Please consider the features of my computer as follows. First of all, this is a Dell notebook computer, which was purchased three years ago at the price of RMB, and it weighs less than one kilogram. Therefore, compared with similar products in other digital markets, it can finally be easily taken anywhere.

Due to the dual use of dual mode, it can be easily transported to any place It's very high performance and processor can be considered great. So you can play popular online s very easily, from ancient defense to legendary League.



用英语推销电脑范文翻译 第九篇

Our sales staff are well-trained and have rich experience in sales promotion. We hope that after understanding our sales ability, you can consider our exclusive sales right. We have many years of experience in agency.

We believe that we can achieve satisfactory results in sales promotion. As for the sales of your products, we can assure you that we have rich experience in this field Our city has rich experience in selling your products and has the ability to increase the turnover to US dollars.



用英语推销电脑范文翻译 第十篇

This morning, many students in our class prepared kite models. They prepared a lot of such activities. The results were worthwhile.

Our efforts exceeded ¥. Finally, we gave money to project hope to help poor children buy Stationery. I am proud of what we have done.

If everyone contributes to charity, the world will become better¥.




用英语推销电脑范文翻译 第十一篇

Attention: ABC computer company: Sales Manager, ask for a refund. Dear sir, I bought an M-brand computer from your store at 6:00 . on September 9.

It's a TL laptop with dual core processor, 2GB memory and GB hard disk. As the window is added to the computer, I seldom use it for more than an hour. It always closes automatically without any sign.

I called your company's hotline for help, but they couldn't give me any solutions. I'm a student. I need a computer to complete a school project quickly.

The condition of the computer is totally unacceptable. I'm writing this letter to you to apply for a refund, which will enable me to ask another computer to complete the school project. Please accept my request, otherwise I will ask the Consumer Association Please check the attached copy of sales receipt and provide the fault report record for reference.

Please reply as soon as possible. Thank you.



用英语推销电脑范文翻译 第十二篇

Mountains of old books are common in our daily life, so we'd better deal with them. Different people have different ways to deal with them. Some people will throw them away.

They think these old books are not worth money. They occupy too much space. Others want to sell their old books because they think they can buy new ones with the money from old books.

In my opinion, we can give these old books to children in remote mountain villages. They are too poor to afford new books. They need them most.










热门标签: 英语 范文






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