
更新时间:2024-03-21 18:00:54 发布时间:24小时内 作者:文/会员上传 下载docx

月份的英文写作格式范文 第一篇

Two days before the Spring Festival, that is, December 12 of the lunar calendar, we will be busy pasting Spring Festival couplets and other things in the evening. The next day, December, the new year's Eve, our whole family will go shopping and buy new clothes. We have to clean the house, because if the house is dirty, it will be considered inappropriate.



标签: 新学期

月份的英文写作格式范文 第二篇

My favorite month is February. Because I like winter and winter, I can make snowmen with my friends, and I can watch TV at home with my family. So my favorite month is February.

My favorite month is July because I like summer. In summer, I can eat ice cream. Ice cream is my favorite food.

I can swim with my friends. Swimming is my favorite sport. I have a holiday in July.

I go hiking with my parents. I love July.



月份的英文写作格式范文 第三篇

One possible version: we need our parents, who may worry more about problems than the parents we meet, so we need their help. I was confused by the problem of friendship, because I found that all my so-called friends seemed to ignore me because I failed in an important exam about myself. My parents observed my abnormal behavior, I tearfully told them about my problems.

My father laughed and said that my lack of self-confidence made me uneasy that I thought it would hurt not only myself but also my lovely friends. Until my parents told me that from then on, I overcame my psychological barriers and became loyal to myself again. I got good grades in the exam and kept a good friendship.



月份的英文写作格式范文 第四篇

October is a month with many festivals, do you know? The United Nations Day was established on October, and since then, October has been United Nations Day every year. The United Nations was first invented by . President Roosevelt.

Its purpose is to maintain international peace and security, develop international friendship, and promote international cooperation in economy, society, culture and human wealth. The design of the United Nations emblem is in line with its objectives. The design of the emblem is two olive branches covering the whole earth, which means that everyone is striving to achieve world peace.

Do you know why ? Because olive branch stands for peace. It comes from an old fairy tale. As a worldwide comprehensive international governmental organization, after listening to my introduction, it now has some countries as its members.

Do you have a better understanding of UN Day.



月份的英文写作格式范文 第五篇

The e5adebaf Dubai gold sales curve shows Dubai's projected sales of gold in million dirhams over the past few months. There are two main seasons for gold sales. The main season of sales is from December to May.

The monthly gold sales have been higher than 1 million dirhams. However, in the next four months, the peak sales season rose sharply to the peak value of 1 million dirhams. In recent months, the sales decreased steadily.

From July to August, the sales volume reached the lowest million dirhams in the year. The sales volume suddenly increased and almost doubled, from 1 million dirhams in July It reached million dirhams in August, then decreased again in September, and returned to the figure in July. From September to October, the sales volume recovered.

From October to November, the sales remained stable, and in December, the sales increased slightly to wandram. Conclusion: in addition to the sudden increase in August, the main sales period is at the beginning of the year and declines in summer.




月份的英文写作格式范文 第六篇

I started to sell fast moving consumer goods in July. I started from taxis of grassroots members and more commodity stores. Later, through my own efforts, I became a sales director in charge of regional market.

During this period, I was responsible for a number of different types of sales channels. Different regions and NKA customers were fully responsible for the company's sales work in northern Guangdong on March XX to achieve the sales target. The responsible area was from March to March The year-on-year growth of sales started in February.

XX company began to sell FMCG in Shani from July, while FMCG started late from taxis of grassroots members and more commodity stores. Through his own efforts, he became the sales director in charge of regional market. During this period, he was responsible for many different types of sales channels.

Different regions and NKA customers were fully responsible for the company in northern Guangdong on March XX From March to March, the year-on-year growth rate of sales in the responsible area is about the growth rate of XX company in Shantou since February. The two regional markets, dealers and personnel management in Shanwei can achieve the company's marketing objectives in the region. Through the effective integration of the company's resource utilization, the awareness of local consumers to the brand has been greatly improved In January to January, I was responsible for the regional sales volume of 10000 units, which increased my favorite sales work.

I am full of enthusiasm and strong sense of responsibility. Well known foreign companies have many years of regional sales management experience, have unique views on FMCG sales management, familiar with regional market, especially Ka channel, familiar with dealer and personnel management, and have good communication ability.










热门标签: 格式 范文






有关中学生感恩演讲稿三分钟如何写一2. 你是位聪明又可爱的小男孩,特别是你的作文更是出类拔萃,是全班同学和老师心目中的好学生。你上课专心听讲,勤奋好学,平时关心集体,团结同学,在这次校艺术节英语节中,你还为班级争了光,老师为有你这样的学生高兴!你的字迹潇洒

感恩演讲稿 2023-11-16



实用范文 2023-12-20



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主题建筑工程开工报告一第一条 房地标示:本契约房屋坐落在_____ 市______区_______地号土地内定名;____________;,经暂编号a区___栋____楼的房屋一户。第二条 房屋面积 :本契约房屋面积包括室内、阳台及走道、楼梯间、屋顶突物

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