
更新时间:2024-03-26 11:53:56 发布时间:24小时内 作者:文/会员上传 下载docx

居家现状范文英语 第一篇

There are many people in my family. My father, my mother and my father are a driver. He works very hard.

My mother works in the supermarket. She is a manager. My parents love me very much.

I hope I can become a scientist. I love my family. I must study hard.



居家现状范文英语 第二篇

With the rapid development of science and technology, people use computers every day. Computers have become a part of their lives. People can do many things, such as reading news, friends and so on.

Online learning is becoming more and more popular because it has many advantages. Online learning is a flexible way of learning. The traditional way of learning is to sit in the upper classroom.

But now, people can sit at home or in a coffee shop. They can acquire knowledge, which is convenient and efficient. People can learn.

If they want, there is no need to worry about the location.


标签: 新学期

居家现状范文英语 第三篇

What valuable things to do at home during the epidemic?

Work plus extra income

Many enterprises start to work online, cherish the opportunity that you still have to work. Apart from making a good contribution to the development of enterprises, they can also develop sidelines. After all, the work intensity of working at home is far less than that of working on weekdays. You have a large amount of time to do other things. Must say to write experience to make money and so on.

Learn whats right for you

In a busy society, its not easy to have time to sit at home. In fact, its a rare opportunity. Take this opportunity to learn something and improve your competitiveness in the workplace. Many people can learn a language, and others can learn drawing technology or programming technology, even learning calligraphy and painting is good.

Make a cup of tea and immerse yourself in the ocean of knowledge

Since work, there is little time to read books. Take this opportunity to read more books. Its also a good choice to read classic novels or soul chicken soup. Reading can make you relax and enrich your brain, which is a good choice at this time.

Clean up your home thoroughly

Im very happy to have enough time to sort out. I read the article xxxbreaking and leavingxxx not long ago, but I havent had time to give my home xxxbreaking and leavingxxx. A lot of things are not willing to throw away mainly because there are certain memories, especially the memories of youth that people can not forget. Take advantage of this spare time, you can sort them out, first aftertaste everything behind things, then take photos, send feelings, and finally say xxxgoodbyexxx to them. As soon as the epidemic is over, it is a brand new self.

Study cooking

This epidemic has turned many people into cooks. In fact, its also very interesting to study the recipes at home. Its also very warm to make food according to your own ideas with the ingredients you buy and to watch the happy smiling faces of the whole family.

Be quiet and be alone with yourself

The pressure of work makes a lot of people exhausted, just use these time to adjust their mood. Give yourself a quiet and independent space to think about your past, let yourself say goodbye to the unhappy, and listen to your heart to see what you really need.

Enjoy family happiness with your beloved family

Its not the plague. Many people cant spend such a long time with their families. We have been lost in the word xxxmaking moneyxxx for a long time. The child grows up in a flash, and the parents grow old soon. Company is the best blessing for the longest feeling.

居家现状范文英语 第四篇


In the morning, I woke up and opened the window, and a ray of sunshine came into my room. At a glance, the busy street suddenly became cold and clear.


April Yangchun, the spring breeze slowly, blowing green mountain, blowing wrinkled water, blowing thousands of trees, thousands of branches, brocade and green. You see, the twittering swallow flies back from the south, to the grass on the sunny slope, it has drilled out of the ground, showing the green heart like buds; the willow branches along the river have also turned dark red, and the buds have opened the green mouth.


How I want to go out to see such beautiful scenery! Because of the epidemic, I haven't been out for two months, and the medical staff have made every effort to fight on the same line. Li Wenliang, a medical staff member, was the first to find the epidemic. Without him, it would have spread more widely across the country. And grandpa Zhong Nanshan, who is eighty-four years old, has reached the age of retirement. But for the sake of national security, he stood up and fought in the front line.


How cruel the epidemic is. I hope that through this lesson, people will no longer kill raccoons, bats and other wild animals.


Animals are human's friends. We should love them. If you change your position and think about it, if you are a wild animal and you are killed by human, what would you think? What would you do? I think you will be as angry as the animals. Isn't this outbreak the counterattack after they can't bear it? Man! Wake up!


Let's cheer for the angels in white who are fighting on the front line. Let's live in harmony with animals!


After the epidemic, I believe that everyone will become kind, so that animals will no longer be afraid, close to nature, close to human beings, and enjoy our spring!

居家现状范文英语 第五篇

In order to protect us, the State stipulated that schools could not start school until the xxxnew crownxxx virus was eliminated, so we had to stay at home and take online classes.

For online classes, I always think its not good at school; its not good at tutorial classes. Because of some details, small mistakes and classmates small actions, the teacher can not see and correct them in time. While the students are late for the teachers online class, some dont observe the time, and some load cards, including some homework and class practice, dont know how to do it, or dont understand where they are wrong. This kind of reason makes me feel that the online class is not good in the classroom.

But sometimes the online class has its advantages, for example, the video of the teachers lecture can be played back and watched. To write the content memorized by notes, just press the pause button, and there is enough time for notes and recitation.

In the online class, an interesting thing happens occasionally. I dont remember the day of the week when the teacher called the students to answer the meaning of the idiom. I didnt expect that this student installed the card with first-class technology. There were almost no flaws, which confused the whole class. Everyone thought that his home network was not good. But the teacher has many years of education experience. His eyes are sharp, like the eyes of Monkey King. He is very good at dealing with our group of little ghosts and sees through him at a glance. This is very good. My classmate managed to load the card once, but was caught, which made people laugh and cry.

There are advantages and disadvantages in online classes. In order not to delay our study, we have to continue. May the epidemic pass as soon as possible, so that we can return to the classroom.

居家现状范文英语 第六篇



























居家现状范文英语 第七篇

The final exam is finally over, I am very happy, because the end of the exam means that the winter vacation is coming, and the Spring Festival is coming. During the Spring Festival, I can play mobile phones, watch TV, run relatives and get red envelopes. How can I not be happy with such a happy life?

Looking forward to the Spring Festival! But this Spring Festival is different from the previous Spring Festival: you are not allowed to go out, even if you have to go out, my mother also requires me to wear a mask. I found that people in the street were wearing masks, and there were very few people. The shops and shopping malls were closed. There was no spring festival atmosphere at all. Novel coronavirus was very strange and ran to ask my mother what was going on. My mother showed me a news that the outbreak of a new coronavirus infection in China was pneumonia, and the epidemic spread very fast. Thousands of people across the country have been infected and dozens have died, including doctors who rescue patients. Its terrible!

But I wonder how such a powerful virus came from? I went on to read the news and found that the virus was mainly from wild animals, most likely from bats. And the place of infection should be from Wuhan City, Hubei Province, where it is said that some people eat bats and get infected with the virus. Who else eats bats? Its amazing! So for the time being, we should keep away from people in Wuhan, Hubei Province, and try to stay at home in places with less traffic, such as cinemas, shopping malls, buses, subway stations, etc. if there is no way to go out, we should wear masks.

From this thing, I know: we cant eat wild animals because of curiosity or greed, or destroy the food chain of nature, or we will be punished by nature. I believe that there are so many medical staff in this epidemic, regardless of their own safety, who are escorting us, and will surely live through it safely. What we have to do is to follow the doctors advice - less going out, wearing masks and washing hands frequently.

This is really a memorable and painful Spring Festival!

居家现状范文英语 第八篇

In the growing field of happiness research, it's clear that those who are socially active are more likely to be happy and less likely to be depressed than those who are actually not socially active. A time magazine poll found that the four most important sources of happiness are the percentage of children, the percentage of friendships contributing to the lives of others and the percentage of spouses / partners xxxWe don't have time to enjoy the people we love, and we don't have time to contribute to the lives of others,xxx says John de Graff, chairman of public policy groups. Compared with years ago, families now work an extra hour a year, 'we've also spent more time fighting for it.' traffic to and from work is getting worse and worse, and we're not investing in public transport, and most of the data I've seen show that our average commuting time has doubled in the past generation, depending on where you live and where you work.

Those who are most affected: wealthy families choose to be more Large houses, rather than living closer to the workplace, and young families, who can't afford to buy a house of any size closer to the job center.



标签: 新学期

居家现状范文英语 第九篇

People without friends are poor people. You can't expect them to be happy. We should be able to distinguish between real friends and pure business friends.

If you don't choose your friends, you will become the victims of your friends. As the saying goes: mix with honest friends, you should learn to be honest with dishonest friends. A friend of mine once told me that in her eyes, friendship is more precious than marriage.

In a sense, friendship and marriage are very similar, because marriage should start from friendship, so it is the highest level of friendship, but not the end. I think that's a bit exaggerated. After all, friends are just friends and can never replace huand wife relationship.

There are some people who are snobbish and willing to make friends with us just because we are useful to them. Sometimes when friends cheat us, we will feel very sad, because true friends should not be like this: sometimes you can fool all people, you can always fool some people, but you can not always fool all the people to talk about friendship, we all have a lot to say, because our friends always bring us endless happiness and happiness, some people choose It doesn't really matter if you have friends who are different from yourself, while others want to have friends similar to them.





居家现状范文英语 第十篇

If you could change an important thing in your hometown, what would you change? Support your answer with reasons and specific examples. My hometown is a big city with dense population, because it is crowded with people and their vehicles. The environment is not as clean as I hope.

Too many cars and buses pollute the air. People also make a lot of garbage. If I can change one thing in my hometown, the garbage is always not properly treated I think such a change is very important, because a person's living environment will greatly affect his physical and mental health.

Poor air quality can lead to many health problems, such as asthma, and improper waste disposal can spread bacteria. In addition, the environment can greatly affect how a person feels in a clean and attractive environment. For these reasons, we always feel more optimistic.

I think people in my hometown should work together to make it a cleaner living environment. In order to achieve this goal, we must not only make laws to limit pollution, but also take personal responsibility for our own actions. Only when people are aware of the impact of the environment on their well-being will they take these suggestions seriously.

Therefore, we must first inform people about the harm of bad environment, and then I believe that we can all lead happier and healthier lives.




居家现状范文英语 第十一篇

What valuable things to do at home during the epidemic?

Work plus extra income

Many enterprises start to work online, cherish the opportunity that you still have to work. Apart from making a good contribution to the development of enterprises, they can also develop sidelines. After all, the work intensity of working at home is far less than that of working on weekdays. You have a large amount of time to do other things. Must say to write experience to make money and so on.

Learn whats right for you

In a busy society, its not easy to have time to sit at home. In fact, its a rare opportunity. Take this opportunity to learn something and improve your competitiveness in the workplace. Many people can learn a language, and others can learn drawing technology or programming technology, even learning calligraphy and painting is good.

Make a cup of tea and immerse yourself in the ocean of knowledge

Since work, there is little time to read books. Take this opportunity to read more books. Its also a good choice to read classic novels or soul chicken soup. Reading can make you relax and enrich your brain, which is a good choice at this time.

Clean up your home thoroughly

Im very happy to have enough time to sort out. I read the article xxxbreaking and leavingxxx not long ago, but I havent had time to give my home xxxbreaking and leavingxxx. A lot of things are not willing to throw away mainly because there are certain memories, especially the memories of youth that people can not forget. Take advantage of this spare time, you can sort them out, first aftertaste everything behind things, then take photos, send feelings, and finally say xxxgoodbyexxx to them. As soon as the epidemic is over, it is a brand new self.

Study cooking

This epidemic has turned many people into cooks. In fact, its also very interesting to study the recipes at home. Its also very warm to make food according to your own ideas with the ingredients you buy and to watch the happy smiling faces of the whole family.

Be quiet and be alone with yourself

The pressure of work makes a lot of people exhausted, just use these time to adjust their mood. Give yourself a quiet and independent space to think about your past, let yourself say goodbye to the unhappy, and listen to your heart to see what you really need.

Enjoy family happiness with your beloved family

Its not the plague. Many people cant spend such a long time with their families. We have been lost in the word xxxmaking moneyxxx for a long time. The child grows up in a flash, and the parents grow old soon. Company is the best blessing for the longest feeling.

疫情期间在家生活英语作文 (菁选3篇)(扩展8)

——疫情期间的感受作文 (菁选3篇)

居家现状范文英语 第十二篇

What can be done at home during an outbreak?

Improve kitchen skills! I dont know what you have escaped, even those who sell cold skin are afraid of unemployment. I think during this period, in addition to trying these five flowers and eight kinds of snacks, you can consider preparing a family dinner with your heart. If you usually cook at home, you can study some delicate desserts and dishes.

Exercise. Summer is coming soon. Its time to lose the weight of winter. But we should avoid excessive jumping and loud volume, and exercise ourselves without disturbing our neighbors. Girls do yoga is a good choice, do some arm extension, thin into butterfly arm. Generally, boys may have small sports equipment at home. Try to move as much as possible. Sports can also bring good mood and avoid bad mood in the home.

Read books to improve yourself. Turn over the books you have bought but havent opened them. Since you are interested in buying them, turning them over may bring you surprises.

Skills are easy to improve. Do it, design, video editing and other aspects of the students take advantage of now is the time to study, the usual pressure of study, work may not have time to charge. Learning more while others are lying on their cell phones is your advantage in the future.

Find your own interests. I dont know if youve ever bought a small musical instrument like yukrili before. You can take it out to learn.

Develop sidelines. During my stay at home, I have nothing to do to develop the sideline business. Now the express delivery has been restored, and the online purchase volume will certainly increase. During this period, the little partners who left office years ago must think about what they want, make development plans and find out the goals.

居家现状范文英语 第十三篇

Now many people dont know what to do during the epidemic. Let me talk about my experience. First of all, reading is the quietest way. Choose a book you like, and enjoy a cup of tea in a comfortable corner. In the world of books, you can enjoy the knowledge and enjoy the fun. Reading can not only cultivate your sentiment, but also let us understand many ways in the book Reason, into which, taste a kind of life, let oneself temporarily away from reality, find their own world, let their body and mind get sublimation, the book is magical and beautiful, enjoy the joy of reading is a wise choice.

Exercise is also a good choice. During this period, the environment may be limited, but we can take some indoor exercises, such as dumbbells, thrusters, fitness balls, treadmills, yoga, etc. Lets release ourselves in sports without considering the influence of the weather, change our mood in sports, keep our energy and take a hot bath after sweating, so as to achieve complete relaxation of our body.

Listening to music also plays a great role in relaxation, because music can relax the mood, relieve the pressure and bring us happiness.

A healthy and beautiful music can let us enjoy the beauty, feel the influence of the beauty brought by music in a relaxed and happy environment, and at the same time, music can play a role in guiding our psychology in this special period. Through the infection of music, we can adjust our emotions and behaviors, restore psychological balance, so as to purify our mind.

居家现状范文英语 第十四篇













(1) 落实*及上级单位有关防疫工作的重要指令;

(2) 负责组建防疫及指挥部及分配防疫工作;

(3) 审定对外发布和上报的事件信息;

(4) 全面指导项目的防疫工作;

(5) 对突发重大问题进行决策;

(6) 负责下达启动和解除疫情应急预警信息的指令;

(7) 提供疫情防控资金和应急项目的审批;

(8) 疫情应急响应结束后,安排相关人员进行事故调查、评估和总结。


(1) 负责落实疫情防控领导小组下达的各项指令;

(2) 组织施工人员及车辆进场的登记、检查工作,组织对生活区、生产区的检查。

(3) 负责协助外部医疗防疫人员对现场感染或疑似人群的救护及隔离;

(4) 负责应急队伍建设,组织实施应急队伍的培训与演练计划等,并对实施情况进行考核评价管理;

(5) 负责组织施工现场的隔离、封闭及解除隔离封闭;

(6) 负责组织实施*主管部门要求施工现场采取的其他防疫措施;


(1) 负责防疫专项应急预案的审核、发布和管理备案等工作;

(2) 负责疫情防控专项施工方案的'审核、发布和管理备案等工作;

(3) 负责审核防疫应急演练、培训计划;;

(4) 参与应急队伍建设、应急演练、应急物资实施情况的考核评价管理;

(5) 确定疫情事件的原因、主要责任人,提出预防措施和处理意见;


(1) 负责防疫专项应急预案的制定和管理工作;

(2) 负责疫情防控专项施工方案的制定和管理工作;

(3) 负责制定疫情防控各岗位责任制度并报审;

(4) 参与防疫及应急培训、演练;


(1) 负责实施疫情防控方案确定的各项管理措施;

(2) 负责配合外部医疗防疫人员对现场感染或疑似人群的救护及隔离;

(3) 对现场施工进出人员进行日常的防疫检查、登记工作;

(4) 对现场施工人员是否遵守防疫规定进行监督、整改;

(5) 负责组织施工人员参加培训及按照应急预案进行演练;













(1) 负责关注感染或疑似病人的后续医疗救治情况;

(2) 负责核实感染或疑似人员情况及其亲属的接待、安抚、住宿及日常生活工作;

(3) 负责洽谈感染或疑似人员的善后工作;

(4) 负责各项对外索赔事宜;


(1) 负责对工地进场材料及运输人员来源检查登记,降低运输方面的感染风险;

(2) 负责制订防疫及应急物资和装备配备计划;

(3) 负责防疫及应急物资的定期检查、统计、发放等;

(4) 负责防疫及应急物资储备库的建设与落实,并建立相应管理制度;


(1) 根据防疫指挥部指令对施工设备进行停用及恢复;

(2) 制定设备防疫期间使用制度,避免使用设备造成感染;

(3) 保障防疫期间的供水、供电及防疫设备设施的正常使用;

(4) 负责应急车辆使用及日常管理维护;

(5) 对进出车辆、设备进行消毒、登记;

疫情期间在家生活英语作文 (菁选3篇)(扩展6)

——疫情期间学习的作文 (菁选3篇)

居家现状范文英语 第十五篇



























居家现状范文英语 第十六篇







居家现状范文英语 第十七篇

From to, great changes have taken place in the farmers' families. The average income of the farmers in NABA county has increased from yuan to yuan, which is a considerable increase. The income and expenditure mode of ordinary farmers has also changed the farmers' expenditure on clothing, food, housing and transportation, especially the expenditure on daily necessities.

This is a huge change. Their material living standards are rapidly improving, but they are not No longer satisfied with the status quo, they want to live a more comfortable and better life. It can be clearly seen from the table that with the increase of income, people can live a more comfortable life and eat better, but they have very little money in entertainment.

The farmers in this county go to the city once or twice a year to see a play, which only accounts for more than 10% of the total income. This situation must change rapidly. Therefore, more cinemas, theatres and public entertainment should be built Local government can provide more opportunities for farmers to enjoy.

Farmer education is related to the future of a country.



居家现状范文英语 第十八篇

From the picture, we can see that the Internet connects human society, but unfortunately, many obstacles limit people to their own space It is undeniable that the Internet has changed people's lifestyle through various programs such as instant messaging, online community, microblog and so on. It can communicate almost anytime and anywhere. However, although it is convenient, we find that the distance between people is getting more and more distant.

Nowadays, children often play with tablet computers instead of playing with the children of their neighbors, rather than with their neighbors The children play together. In my opinion, we should make rational use of the Internet and remember that real life is more meaningful than virtual life. In order to get closer to others, we should talk to them and use our voice instead of some tips.

We should pass this idea to the younger generation.


居家现状范文英语 第十九篇









居家现状范文英语 第二十篇













热门标签: 英语 范文






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