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江西中考英语范文加翻译 第一篇

Today, as the development of the media, people are affected by the advertisements greatly. When we are walking on the street, we can see the ads everywhere, they are spread by the newspaper, the radio and so on. The most obvious are the ads attached in the buildings. When we see the advertisements, we will be attracted by them and have the strong desire to buy the products. But the negative sides of advertisements will mislead the customers. Some products exaggerate the function, when people use them, they will realize that they are cheated and waste the money. The worst situation is that people use the fake products and get sick seriously, their health is under threat. So we must check out the advertisements before we buy the products. We should ask the doctor or see the customers’ real reaction.


江西中考英语范文加翻译 第二篇

My best friend is Mary. She lives in a tall building. She lives on the fifth floor. Everyday she takes the lift up and down. She is twelve years old. She is tall and thin. She has short black hair, two big eyes and a small mouth. She is very cute. I like playing with her. We are in the same class. I like to read books but she likes playing games. She likes to eat popcorn and ice creams. I like them, too. Her favourite food is fish, so she is clever. She loves her cat. She often plays with her. The cat likes Mary, too. They are cute.


Do you have a best friend? Can you tell me something about your friend?


江西中考英语范文加翻译 第三篇

spring 'sgetting warmer and is dry, trees, fields and even the air. Just then, it rains. lt's as soft as silk. It washes the dirty of the earth and waters the plants and the fields. lt also waters people's hears. Farmers stand in the spring rain and rain is as dear as oil. They seem to see the harvest time in autumn. Spring rain brings water to the air. It also brings hope to people.


江西中考英语范文加翻译 第四篇

I am the only child in my family, nowadays, people have the bad impression on the only child, they think the only child is spoiled by the parents, so they get bad temper and count on the parents so much. While I am not one of them, my parents are very strict to me, they never spoil me, when I make the mistake, they will tell me what the result will be which is caused by my mistake, so that I know I do the wrong thing and won’t do that again. My parents pay special attention to my independence, they will ask me to do the thing alone, sometimes they only teach me how to finish, but never give me a hand. To my parents’ education, at first, I feel they are unfair to me, but as I grow up, I am so thankful to them, they help me become a strong person.


江西中考英语范文加翻译 第五篇

Hello,boys and girls!My name is 'm birthday is on October 'm a movie like action movie and science movie. My favorite actor is Jackie is a great action actor. He has many movies . For Around the World is 80 Days,Rob-B-hood and Rush movies are very exciting. I really like Rob-B-hood very much, because they are like action movie movies very much.


江西中考英语范文加翻译 第六篇

After dinner, my first job was to get the dirty dishes to the kitchen. Then I began to wash them. I turned on the tap and water covered all the dishes in the sink. Then I added some detergent to the water. Maybe I put too much, so it was full of bubbles in the sink. It was just like a bubble bath for dishes and bowls. I caught a bowl to wash. It was slippery. xxxPang!xxx The bowl slipped from my fingers. It dropped into the sink and broke another bowl and a dish. It was terrible! There was only one dish the end, my mother cleared the pieces and helped me clean the dishes. I think I'll do a better job next time.


江西中考英语范文加翻译 第七篇

My new teacher is science teacher. He’s very strong. He has a big mouth, two big ears, two big eyes and a not too big and not too small nose. He often wears a black new shirt and brown pants, with two big shoes。


My science teacher is very kind. And he is very smart, isn’t he? Today, we have science class. We are very happy. Because he is so funny. Who is he? He’s a Mr. Zhou .


江西中考英语范文加翻译 第八篇

As the development of high technology, nowadays, people have access to all kinds of new products, these high technology products bring convenience to people’s life. Cell phone is one of the biggest inventions, people can keep in touch with each other anytime and anywhere. It is natural that every adult has a cell phone, but for some students who are belong college, they are not admitted to use cell phone, the reason is that they need to focus on study, cell phone will make them distract. In my opinion, all the students can have cell phone, it is just a communication tool, there is no need to forbid students using it. At first, students may be addicted to playing cell phone, because they are curious about new things. But if they keep it for a long time, they get used to it and will use it in a right way.









热门标签: 中考 英语






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